Ghosting takes a whole new meaning


Aug 15, 2003
Reaction score
I see dead people :O

Yeah shadow bugs. VALVe will fix it.

Sorry, CB | Para, but this is old news.
I knew that place was haunted. It's all those people killed before their time. Sometimes several times.
i didnt have the shadow bug but i did have this weird thing where someone was invisible and was walking around with their knife out and fast switching between their knife and pistol. it was pretty annoying when trying to snipe in italy. he/she would float their knife in the way of my sniping and start fast switching. it was kinda funny watching it happen to other people.
its only when you go out of the skybox... or the building, that's when it shows the shadow,s it never happens ingame so why care?
oldfaq said:
its only when you go out of the skybox... or the building, that's when it shows the shadow,s it never happens ingame so why care?

Nope, happens all the time no matter what.

Second pic is a fake though. :LOL:
It says page is forbidden for the captain obvious pic :(.

Anyway, what about if you set your shadows to off, let it write to config, then put them back on again. That might fix it.
dekstar said:
It says page is forbidden for the captain obvious pic :(.

Anyway, what about if you set your shadows to off, let it write to config, then put them back on again. That might fix it.

Link works fine for me hehe.

Anyway, from what I read on these very boards: Valve isn't going to fix the shadow issue anytime soon, apparently they would have to rewrite a lot of code which is not something they're willing to do at this stage. And I posted the pic purely for comedic value, not to bitch about the shadows :)
them "ghosts" jus look like paras personal sprays tbh, like hes sprayed them on the wall and floor.. :/
KoreBolteR said:
them "ghosts" jus look like paras personal sprays tbh, like hes sprayed them on the wall and floor.. :/

How could I have three different sprays?... :rolleyes:
Ok cool, Para. Oh hey, I was playing a server (powning it, as per usual :)), and it was cbble. Right, you know when you're Ct and you go throughthe right door as soon as the round starts, and then jump on the hedge, up and on the other side of the box next to the door the T's all run out of. Well I was walking through that part at the start as a T, and I could CLEARLY see the shadow of a CT on the other side of the box (It was on the ground, not a bug). So I jumped round the corner, fired off three shots of my Desert Eagle, and killed him.

Shadows, when working, add A LOT to the gameplay of the CS maps, and I will soon be seeing loads of people looking at the ground round corners now :)
Yeah shadows (not the "bug" variety) have helped me get a few kills recently:D

There's a good spot on Italy for the Ts, the tunnel at the left of the T spawn. Halfway down between the tree and where it narrows- camp there and watch as they creep up- shadow first> headshot second :)

Just means you have to start taking note of your own shadow tho.....

I have only noticed the freaky phantom shadows when spectating after being killed, never seen 'em while actually running around shooting. So I cant says its a problem (unless you get maps in future that create exploit points- where peoples shadows are visible where they shouldn't be. But even this should be avoidable if the maps are well thought out )
Dekstar said:
I was playing a server (powning it, as per usual ), and it was cbble. Right, you know when you're Ct and you go throughthe right door as soon as the round starts, and then jump on the hedge, up and on the other side of the box next to the door the T's all run out of. Well I was walking through that part at the start as a T, and I could CLEARLY see the shadow of a CT on the other side of the box (It was on the ground, not a bug). So I jumped round the corner, fired off three shots of my Desert Eagle, and killed him.

Pretty cool that you can spot players with their shadows hehe, before it used to be the M4 silencer that would stick out now it's the shadows. :)