Gi Are A-holes


May 20, 2004
Reaction score
Ok, I knew the Game informer score for HL2 for some time but i've got the issue today and i read the review, WHAT BULLSHIT

The only thing they said was wrong with the game is that the Vehicles controls are awkward, and they gave it a 9,5?!?!!??

WTF, I could at least come up with 5 things wrong with halo 2 of the top of my head and they gave that, and GTA:SA, which in about a month you will realise is overrated, a ****ing 10!

What the hell?!?!?!, console biased bastards
Who cares about reviews anyway? We all know HL2 is better than H2 ;)
Vehicle complaints.. Now that is a new one...
BRODIEMAN2k4 said:
Ok, I knew the Game informer score for HL2 for some time but i've got the issue today and i read the review, WHAT BULLSHIT

The only thing they said was wrong with the game is that the Vehicles controls are awkward, and they gave it a 9,5?!?!!??

WTF, I could at least come up with 5 things wrong with halo 2 of the top of my head and they gave that, and GTA:SA, which in about a month you will realise is overrated, a ****ing 10!

What the hell?!?!?!, console biased bastards

Well I agree about Halo 2 being overrated, but GTA:SA is not overrated. Any gaming company should give them a 10 for what they managed to accomplish on the PS2 hardware platform. Its utterly amazing.
Halo was a pretty big dissappointment. I rented it the day it came out (I didn't stand in line or anything, after all...I'm not a retard) And really the only fun to be had is on the first few levels. After that it looses steam and just becomes repititious.

All this hype for nothing, such bullshit. What's wrong with reviewers?

I beat the game in two days (Not playing constantly, mind you) and now feel like I'll never play it's just, bleh. I'll go back and play Zelda games, GTA games, and even megaman games..but halo 2 is bleh.
Yeah, just take it easy!!

If you want a fair and just review, take a look at PC Gamer's opinion. (96%!! Same as original half life!!)

In fact the reviewer tried desperatly hard to find a flaw with the game. :p

Remember that every game ever made will have at least one thing out of place, whether it's the minutest, tiniest and microscopic thing that you probably won't even notice (HL2), to the more noticable (Devastation, C&C Renegade ETC).

I think the reviewer noted that the flashlight battery linked in with your sprinting power was a bit odd (i'm not sure exactly), but that was it!!
Crowbar 15 said:
Yeah, just take it easy!!

If you want a fair and just review, take a look at PC Gamer's opinion. (96%!! Same as original half life!!)

Or of the most respected and harsh magazines in the industry when it comes to reviews, and they gave it a 10/10. :)
What the hell... How do you make driving a buggy CONFUSING?
bam23 said:
What the hell... How do you make driving a buggy CONFUSING?
no idea
they probably just made that up to say that hl2 is worse then halo2 or something..
I have to agree, driving the buggy IS pretty confusing.

I mean, whoever came up with the idea of making the Left key go left, and the Right key go right?

It's utter madness I tell you.

But seriously, they are probably just mad because they are used to Halo's vehicle controls, which is the WORST IDEA EVER.

You LOOK in the direction you want to go? How idiotic is that!?

In HL2 you can drive in any direction, and look in any direction AT THE SAME TIME. I mean WTF, it's the best and most logical control that EVERY OTHER GAME besides Halo and Halo 2 has.

These people are nuts...
The reviewer was probably adicted to Halo 1's crappy controls. He probably lives in his mom's basment & doesn't have his driver's license.
vegeta897 said:
But seriously, they are probably just mad because they are used to Halo's vehicle controls, which is the WORST IDEA EVER.

You LOOK in the direction you want to go? How idiotic is that!?

In HL2 you can drive in any direction, and look in any direction AT THE SAME TIME. I mean WTF, it's the best and most logical control that EVERY OTHER GAME besides Halo and Halo 2 has.

I don't hate Halo 2 like some of you, but I agree this is an issue. It works for the Xbox, but on Halo PC it was awful.
I think that the halo pc controls were fantastically.

I hate using arrow keys to drive vehicles. The mouse and WASD setup worked fantastic, especially with the banshee. (which has a stationary machine gun and launcher)
Guys I hope you aren't taking Game Informer seriously. They were busted when they gave Paper Mario 2 a 6.5, much lower than the average score of 9.

Basically what Game Informer does when they score a game is think "Will the mainstream like this game?" No kidding. They even said so. If you look at the 10's they've been giving, it even matches up. Their review philosophy is garbage, and so is the magazine.