gif images won't play


Apr 20, 2005
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hey i got this problem about images in gif not working. like the smillies on here will show but not move or anything. how do i get it to work?
Hmm sounds pretty strange, how about these ones:

:bounce: :cheers: :LOL:
what browser are you using? and have you tried saving the gifs to your desktop and view then throught the windows pics and fax viewer?
update your browser, i use fireferrit and it works just fine.
about 1 month after i had this computer (might of installed somthin that stopped it workin) images havnt been working on internet explorer and firefox, when i save a gif on to the computer the image wont move or anythin. i have updated firefox and stuff, still dont work
Click on Start > Go to Control Panel > Switch to Classic View > Double Click on Internet Options > Click on the Advanced tab and scroll down until you find Multimedia > Ensure that "Play animations in web pages" is ticked.

Does that help?
hmm this is pretty strange, there must be some sort of explanation why they don't play
duffers20 said:
hmm this is pretty strange, there must be some sort of explanation why they don't play

I don't know why, but that is probably the most useless post in existance.

Try reformatting.
i jus found out, it was my firewall blocking cookies
Cookies can stop .gif's from playing? 0.o