Gifts all sent! What did you get?

Hectic Glenn

Site Director
Staff member
Aug 8, 2004
Reaction score
I'm in the process of sending out all the gifts right now. Dear anonymous Steam sale assassins, do try to hide behind your veil of generosity on the forums. I can't stop you by other means...that will be up to you.

Be patient...I'm working my way down the list of all 33 of you. You wouldn't want me to click a gift by accident now, would you?

update edit: Now all sent!
Thanks Glenn, appreciate the effort. :)

Quick question - is there any way to know in advance which games the links will unlock? Presumably there's some kind of confirmation before you use the code? Mostly asking for people who may have duplicates and prefer to pass the code along to someone else, but I wouldn't mind knowing mine in advance either.
Thanks Glenn, appreciate the effort. :)

Quick question - is there any way to know in advance which games the links will unlock? Presumably there's some kind of confirmation before you use the code? Mostly asking for people who may have duplicates and prefer to pass the code along to someone else, but I wouldn't mind knowing mine in advance either.

If you have duplicates, you'll just have a gift on Steam to give. It adds that extra game to your account and then you can send it to whomever you'd like.
well thanks for the gift,wasnt what I expected
Some people did send which games the links were but I removed these from the PMs purely to make things a little more unexpected. I didn't think it would let you register the game with your account, saying you already own it but if Derek is saying it does then I'd go with what he said. On the main Steam window, Games > Manage game gifts & gift passes....something like that lets you choose to send it on.

Anyway, all have been sent. Check your inbox.
Wow, Batman AA, Braid Deus Ex and fear 1 and 2! Mellish you generous bastard! Thanks alot. Hope you got some sweet gifts in return!
I got the Defense Grid DLCs, Super Meat Boy, Evil Genius and Puzzle Quest 2. Very generous and an excellent choice! Thanks again Bob Marley :)
If you have duplicates, you'll just have a gift on Steam to give. It adds that extra game to your account and then you can send it to whomever you'd like.

Are you sure? I thought this only worked for certain games like HL2, whereas others would just consume the game without giving an extra copy. Or does it work differently for gift codes?
Sorry Glenn, I don't think the anonymous thing worked :p
Got Football Manager 2011!

No problem :D Glad you're going to enjoy it so much!

I got Mass Effect 2, which is one of the games I was looking for! Thanks Shaker! :D <3
Think we got the messages carried over last year, not the names. It's the actual real names, not aliases though if I understand correctly? I don't know a way around that, Valve may change aspects of gifting to make it more secure, I wouldn't want to suggest the removal of your personal details from Steam accounts or people sending me all their money to buy the gifts. That would make things insanely more complex, I don't know it seems still fun enough to take part in!
Thanks for organising Secret Santa again this year Glenn!

I got Battlefield Bad Company 2 from Ace. Thanks very much!
Haha yeah, it lists your gifter when you activate it. Mine was their Steam account name, and it automatically added them to my friends list too. Handy!

(Oh, just a heads-up to my giftee: I kind of assumed I'd be the only one seeing that gift message since I was sending them to myself. Hope you got a chuckle out of it. :p)

Edit: Oh right, I got Chaos Theory and that Lara Croft Diablo thing. The latter was a duplicate because I'm an idiot and didn't remove it from my wishlist quickly enough, but this way I can pass it on to someone and play coop, so hey! Thanks Santa dog. :3
<3 Dekstar, Alpha Protocol, Titan Quest and Lego Batman :D

Awesome dude, awesome :)
Penumbra pack! Thanks so much eejit! And Glenn, of course.
Super Meat Boy, Amnesia, Stalker COP, and Battlefield BC2 from Animal Mother! Thank you!! :D
I received Shank.

Thanks Pauly!

That game's just too badass NOT to have, Shammy! Hope you enjoy it :)

Got me the Railroad Tycoon pack, some Magic: The Gathering expandsions and Poker Night! Wooo
Stig, you beautiful son of a bitch! I've been wanting Theatre of War for ages now and I was going to be all grumbly if I didn't get it for SS. PLUS Brothers in Arms: Earned in Blood? I made the biggest :D face ever. Finally I can make sense of that series, having played only the first, and third game but never the second. Many greater-than-3 symbols for you! <3<3<3

Also, @ Badhat whenever you read this: I have no idea what I wrote in the message. I think it was something related to you, but something I didn't expect you to be able to see. If I called you an asshole or something, well, now you know how I really feel.

Thank you to my Secret Assasin, appreciate the Assasin Creed 2 and Torchlight. If only the Steam Server wouldn't spaz out so I could actually install them Grrr

Thank You Dinnesch
Garry's Mod, just as I asked. Love you Digi.

Also, Monkey thanks again for Super Meat Boy. When I got it on Sunday I thought it was my secret Santa gift. Jij bent ook een toffe gast. :)
Man, I love you Vegeta! I got Super Meat Boy and Evil Genius (and technically BC2: Vietnam from Milly, but that was because he got a dupe or something)
I got Mass Effect 2! I was definitely going to buy it if I didn't get it for the SS! Thanks Kupocake!
Thanks Glenn for doing all this!

I got Psychonauts + Blueberry Garden + vvvvv + Deus Ex collection

Holy crap, thank you Sulkdodds!! Seriously, bestest Santa ever :imu: :bounce: :imu:

[edit] Hope I didn't write anything embarrassing in my message. Pretty sure I wrote it to myself and used the "You Owe Me" salutation, so don't take it personally :p.

[edit2] Dang, found the messages I'd unwittingly sent with my gifts and it turns out I did address them to my own (real) name like a crazy talking to myself. wtf.
/me does the frickin awkward turtle
Man, I love you Vegeta! I got Super Meat Boy and Evil Genius (and technically BC2: Vietnam from Milly, but that was because he got a dupe or something)

If I had waited for the sale on Evil Genius, I could have maybe got more for you, but I'm stupid. I hope you can forgive me!

Anyway, I got Worms and Trials 2, thank you Wanted Bob!
Medieval 2: Total War(which completes my Total War collection on steam!) and SMB. I'ms uper happy. Thanks, Deathmaster.
Also, @ Badhat whenever you read this: I have no idea what I wrote in the message. I think it was something related to you, but something I didn't expect you to be able to see. If I called you an asshole or something, well, now you know how I really feel.


Actually it just said something like "BadHat HadBat" but YEAH I GUESS I DO KNOW NOW.
I think you're all assholes

except deathmaster and the wonderful moderating team of
Thanks for the gifts RJMC!

Just Cause 2 and an Indie Pack :D Woop!
Got Super Meat Boy and Amnesia! Thanks higlac yo
don't you nerds get anything besides games? I got a bunch of money pair of slippers, a new hoodie, and a coffee maker.
I got a coffee maker.
