Girl gets owned by car

u should say 'remote controlled car', lmao. but yea, that's pretty damn hillarious :p
EDIT: ok I see it now

OMG that should hurt!
:cheers: HAHAHAHHAHHAHAHAHH THAT's THE FUNNIEST THING EVAR!!!!!!3q23w3q4345 omgoxzozotrzf OWNSEfdsf LEET HACkiCIng SKILSLZORO dkfkjdkf OWNED POWNE IN CS like nufsdkfh NUBCAKES!

maxblack said:
she was sooo asking for that.

Why? Because she was enjoying the facility's intended use? Come on. was pretty damn funny, though...heh heh...
Poor girl.

If I were her I'd smash the **** outta that rc car.

Didnt find it funny at all.
f|uke said:
Poor girl.

If I were her I'd smash the **** outta that rc car.

Didnt find it funny at all.

She could see that a number of other people were using the facilities for their remote control cars, so she intended to ruin their fun by trying to smash the cars up with her head. Unfortunately for one little boy, the girl succeeded in at least getting one of the remote control cars :(.
He_Who_Is_Steve said:
Why? Because she was enjoying the facility's intended use? Come on. was pretty damn funny, though...heh heh...

Oh come on yourself, did you see the way she rode towards that RC car as if she was going to run it over, and why does she have more right to the track than the kids with their RC cars?

Karma sorted that one out.

f|uke said:
Poor girl.

If I were her I'd smash the **** outta that rc car.

Didnt find it funny at all.

You lie, I bet you giggled a little bit, even if you did then feel sorry for her.
hah! that hit her pretty good. :D
But I feel sorry for the girl.. oh the malicious delight. she should have weared a helmet tho.
I personally didnt find that video funny in the slightest.
I can't see any humor in acting like a prick and smashing a rather hefty RC car into a girls head.
I thought it was just going to be something to do with parking a car...

That video wasn't funny at all.
MadHatter said:
That's because you're Jesus.

Believe me, I do enjoy a good chuckle. But unfortunately I have seen this kind of thing a thousand times on You've Been Framed :(
Ah jesus is a spammer! i always knew the new testament was a load tinned meat. now i have proof ! ;)
oldagerocker said:
Ah jesus is a spammer! i always knew the new testament was a load tinned meat. now i have proof ! ;)

That's Jesus, upper-case J, if you don't mind :p

Only joking. :)
It would've been funny if it was some punk kid trying to mess with the car rather than some girl just riding her bike.
Phisionary said:
Question: do you slay the Amish, or are you Amish and you slay?

Slay the Amish. It's a little inside joke with my friends back home. It's never taken as a login and such so I keep using it.