Girl help

Here's what I do; tell her you have a pay as you go phone plan and that texting costs you minutes. I actually do use this excuse a lot because it is true for me, lol.

I ate too many onions today.

This is why I love Warped, he inserts unrelated subjects into his ongoing sentences.
I am sitting here in the computer lab trying so hard to laugh, my jacket is brown.
Haha just ignore the texts.

I met a girl whilst working at a bar in Belfast a year and a few months ago. I think I kissed her and gave her my phone number. She's been texting me ever since, I've probably only texted her back 5 times, she must have sent me hundreds.

It's kind of like the game (which I just lost) you forget about it for a while and then out of no-where beep beep and it's crazy girl again.
How about the classic:

"Go be fat somewhere else."
You don't want to shatter her self-esteem and have that weigh on your conscience.

Yeah, really, sometimes a person isn't aware of the scale-tipping effect of their own words. People don't always roll with the punches.

Call me indoctrinated by our society, I detest big women. No problem to have them as friends, but beyond that: no way, Jose.
You're in the Buffalo area right? Give me her number. More cushion for the pushin. :naughty:
A friend of a friend got my cell phone number last night and she won't stop texting me (its called text raping and it needs to stop, she'll text one line then another followed by a third instead of just texting one giant sentence). Shes heavy set which is a problem because I really dislike heavy girls with a passion and shes being more aggressive than even most guys I know. I never hung out with her and she won't stop bothering me. Right now she just sent a text message about watching the latest episode of Dexter but I'm still feeling ill and I ate too many onions today.

how do i get her off my back but i don't sound like a jerk. she always want to carve pumpkins and i don't do that shit. 5 year olds do

right now i'm just trying to ignore her but she has my facebook too

ya you're going to have to be a jerk to get rid of her since she's too stupid to take a hint. just straight out tell her; "you're not my type" ..worked twice for me
I like thick chicks a lot but there's a line. Once that line is crossed it's a terrible thing. Oddly enough my current girl is like 100 pounds... but those thick chicks... fantastic.

I think the best way to get rid of a chick you don't want is to just say "leave me alone." It's kind of a dick way to say it but it works pretty effectively.
I like thick chicks a lot but there's a line. Once that line is crossed it's a terrible thing. Oddly enough my current girl is like 100 pounds... but those thick chicks... fantastic.

spike her diet coke with bacon
There's always good ol':

seriously though, the best thing for her would be to suggest her behavior is unacceptable and that it's frustrating you in a nice yet stern tone.
A friend of a friend got my cell phone number last night and she won't stop texting me (its called text raping and it needs to stop
How anybody got past this sentence to your actual problem is beyond me.
well today was rather nice, a girl at work i fancy gave me the largest smile and hello today while we were passing each other. i'd love to stuff her like a thanksgiving turkey but she has a kid all ready. shes thinking about getting into modeling and i don't blame here, shes a knockout and very photogenic. also you'd never think she had a kid with her body. i also don't mind the other girl texting me as much because she slowed down greatly and isn't that much of a nuisance.
Okay so the thread's over that's great let's all go home.

i'd love to stuff her like a thanksgiving turkey but she has a kid all ready.
A kid all ready for stuffing?
Haha Warped, that turkey quote reminded me that some member here once said "she let me pee in her butt she so horny". God I laughed so much at that, but I cant remember for the life of me who said it.
Haha Warped, that turkey quote reminded me that some member here once said "she let me pee in her butt she so horny". God I laughed so much at that, but I cant remember for the life of me who said it.

That's an old one... I first heard it a good 4 years ago at least. Good stuff though.

Chicks with kids are desperate. Once a chick has a kid her standards lower instantly. Each additional kid decreases them exponentially. It's fascinating. You could get a supermodel if she had like 10 kids.
Chicks with kids are desperate. Once a chick has a kid her standards lower instantly. Each additional kid decreases them exponentially. It's fascinating. You could get a supermodel if she had like 10 kids.
ITT: Warped's sex life (or lack thereof) and a veritable smorgasbord of stupidly broad statements.
i also don't mind the other girl texting me as much because she slowed down greatly and isn't that much of a nuisance.
Nice to hear you probably ignored all of the advice in the thread!!