Girl kills herself over fake harry potter spoilers.

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i would think thats fake. ive never heard of this site and if there is no other source about someone dying over harry potter then it has to be fake. also this girl must have been messed up in the brain(if she was real)to kill herself over a book.

LOL 31,500 views
G-Man kills Dr. Dumblodore in Episode Two! Now who is going to hang himself?

Xen, put some of those links up.

Sorry. I just find people like her laughable. (if true)
I honestly hurt myself laughing.

Nobody gives a **** about Harry potter and his puberty issues.

Every time I see the litte shit I want to place his cock wand up on a high shelf where he can't reach it. Then reach for it myself, break it in two, and gouge the ****ers eyes out with the pieces. HOW'S THAT FOR A ****ING SPOILER?
You should make a fanfic Smoke..
Or a hatefic.
I walked into the room, a small window was nearby, with light streaming through it. on the ground before me was the mangled corpse of a boy named Harry Potter. I started to stuff the body in a bag when I heard a knock at the door. "Harry? Are you there?" It was that little bast**d Ron. He will be next. I crept up to the wall and slowly opened the door from the side. He walked in. Before he could realize what was happening, I hit him over the head with my crowbar. he uddered a light scream, which no one heard, as there was no responce. I shut the door. And proceeded in shoving both bodies into the bag, and throwing them out the window.

haha! Hatefic!
Hmm, you really lack character development...
Me: Yo, Harry, you know Hermione dies on page 394?


Me: Heh, how's that for a spoiler?
i walked into a borders bookstore last night, curious as to why it was open so late. (i was on my way to get some food at one of those 24/7 breakfast places) Also i was in need of some more warhammer 40k books to read.

What i found was a massive Splash Mountain-esque line snaking all throughout the store just for the new harry potter book.

I was so tempted to shout a few of the spoilers that i still remembered for lulz, but since i lacked a van with which to make a get-away like the snape kills dumbledore guy, I'm pretty sure i would have been mobbed. Also one of the emplyees was nice enough to help me skip the line since i was the only person in the store not buying HP.
I was so tempted to shout a few of the spoilers that i still remembered for lulz, but since i lacked a van with which to make a get-away like the snape kills dumbledore guy, I'm pretty sure i would have been mobbed.

that would so friggin'd probably see mass suicides afterwards
that would so friggin'd probably see mass suicides afterwards

People have done it. Well, not the mass suicide part, but the yelling of spoilers outside bookstores. Look on youtube.
Sounds like the upgraded, even more retarded version of the Common Internet Troll.
Well, it's good to see that people still value literature... I guess.
Probably for the better. people like that probably end up walking off of high places on accident anyway.
I wish everyone would kill themselves, especially Harry Cocknose.
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