Girl Skins for HL2


Aug 25, 2003
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YES I did a search and couldn't find any threads, My wife who really likes FPS asked me if there was going to be any girl skins for the MP and I didn't have an answer. My wife played No One Lives Forever & Devastation and was very good at both & got lots of smartass remarks from shooting a guy 4 times in a row, I was laughing so hard as I was reading what he was typing, I couldn't resist telling him how does it feel to be owned by a girl then he disconnected from our server. My wife cant wait to get HL2 & I have her pc all updated and ready to go. I hope games start putting more girl skins for MP so it will attrack more girl players WHICH there are some damn good girl players. BTW there is now a Mrs QUAKECON competition. If there already is a link or info on this I would really like to see it.

It seems like this thread was more to tell a story of your wife than anything. Regardless assuming Hl2 does support DM it will likely have female skins, Hl1 did.
Girl skins? it really needs to be a womans MODEL.. (or girl)..
Girl skin on Male model = you know.

But yea.. i agree.. they should make a girl Model for CS.
Yeah, HL1 had female skins. One or two that came with the game, and then hundreds that were made by the community.

Heck, if you or your wife is good at modeling, you could just make yourselves and play with that in DM.
Thanks I wasnt sure.
Ragnarokk I glad you noticed I think its awsome my wife plays FPS.
You could use the holo-womans model in HL-MP, right from the release I thnk.. If there is a HL2 MP-mode then surely you would be able to use at least the Alyx model.

Now that you mention female models... haven't seen any women exept Alyx in the game... hmm... are the males and females kept apart in city 17 perhaps?
If there are no women in the city.. sad :(
She said:
Girl skins? it really needs to be a womans MODEL.. (or girl)..
Girl skin on Male model = you know.

But yea.. i agree.. they should make a girl Model for CS.

When was the last time you saw a girl with the SEAL/SAS - Other special taskforce?
There just games!! I don't think its a issue that women are not in SEAL/SAS due to not having the ability but more of a moral issue that the men in the group dont want to ever see a women shot up or tortured. I think women have the ability to shoot well and can do the job, I just dont want to see them shot up on the 6:00 news.
Bastion said:
YES I did a search and couldn't find any threads, My wife who really likes FPS asked me if there was going to be any girl skins for the MP and I didn't have an answer. My wife played No One Lives Forever & Devastation and was very good at both & got lots of smartass remarks from shooting a guy 4 times in a row, I was laughing so hard as I was reading what he was typing, I couldn't resist telling him how does it feel to be owned by a girl then he disconnected from our server. My wife cant wait to get HL2 & I have her pc all updated and ready to go. I hope games start putting more girl skins for MP so it will attrack more girl players WHICH there are some damn good girl players. BTW there is now a Mrs QUAKECON competition. If there already is a link or info on this I would really like to see it.

I imagine this time round (if there is MP) there will be more female skins to choose from.
Some of the best HLDM/Op4 DM players are girls, so I have a feeling they'll cater to them :D
Fender357 said:
Yeah, HL1 had female skins. One or two that came with the game, and then hundreds that were made by the community.


HL1 also had its own MP :angel:
Since its unknown yet if HL 2 will have its own MP, we don't know yet if it will have girl skins.

But I think playing with an Alyx skin in MP will be likely if there IS HL 2 themed mp. So thats at least one girl skin.
Dead-Inside said:
When was the last time you saw a girl with the SEAL/SAS - Other special taskforce?

I know where your coming from, but that really only has bearing with realistic games.

CS doesn't really count.
ComradeBadger said:
Some of the best HLDM/Op4 DM players are girls, so I have a feeling they'll cater to them :D

Yes cuz only the REALLY GEEKY (Don't take offence, I love you) girls actually do play. That makes them good, that said it isn't like there aren't guys in the same class or anything.

I love seeing girls owning guys on any server though, it's just... so fun.

Cooper said:
I know where your coming from, but that really only has bearing with realistic games.

CS doesn't really count.

Yes it does.
I'd like to know which team would use the women then? It's out of the question for the CTs. Possibly you could fit a "Taliban Woman" in for the Ts... Anything else would be utterly gay. Besides, people might not want to shoot girls in such a "realistic game" (Not me talking).
I like when they include female models in games...
guys: imagine all the games that come out have a girl as the main character, in fact, every character... (the only guys in games are male versions of the tomb-raider). Imagine CS having only female models.. i'm not complaining, i, personally dont mind that much, but just try to see it from a girl's point of view :)
Bastion said:
My wife who really likes FPS asked me if there was going to be any girl skins for the MP and I didn't have an answer.

It's almost 100% certain that there will be. Half-Life had one female player model ("gina"), Quake 2 had a dozen and Unreal Tournament has a million. It's very probable that HL2 will have Alyx as one multiplayer model.
I'm positive there'll be some female skins, not just Alyx.
Perhaps there'll be a C17 citizen randomizer for the multiplayer games where you can choose a female citizen. :)
It would be ok to have female skins, but I for one am not bothered, I'll just use whatever the default skin is, as im in first person view so whys it even matter.
She said:
Girl skins? it really needs to be a womans MODEL.. (or girl)..
Girl skin on Male model = you know.

Hmmmmm.... Sounds interesting.
The Mistress said:
It would be ok to have female skins, but I for one am not bothered, I'll just use whatever the default skin is, as im in first person view so whys it even matter.

so u can look unique and secksy when the player u've killed looks up at u as u run past to t-bag another player? :naughty: :P
Dead-Inside said:
Besides, people might not want to shoot girls in such a "realistic game" (Not me talking).

Gender does not see through the objective that must be completed...unless she's naked.