Girl Talk.. For guys..

not really i think movies are the key cos both the girl and the boy like it lol its gd
Originally posted by Joeyslucky22
i havn't had a g/f in 3 years... I have no idea what to do with girls.. i need advice.. a movie is nice.. tahts only if you know her good enough though..

Well how old are you Joey? 3 years that's a long dry spell, here are a few simple pointers to get you started.

-physical appearence is important, dress snappy like a fashion victim if you're after the hottest women. Hair style, nails, shoes, whatever, just be sure to look nice. Get some exercise too, no woman likes a man who looks sloppy and hunch-backed all the time lol :)
-if you have trouble meeting women, try bars and nightclubs, if you can't go there yet try going where all the "cool" kids go: sitting around drinking that pina colada until some girl flashes on you, that's the sign you're waiting for. Dance like grandmaster flash on crack, that gets their attention too.
-drinking (or whatever floats your boat) lowers your sexual inhibition, let loose. Not too much or else you will drive her away.
-go out with friends, one or two is enough: if there too many of you, chances are you'll spend more time talking with them than hunting, you want competition but not too much.
-never say what you really think, if she asks you if you like this and that say yes, nod, grin, do not say things that define you at first: don't go near subjects like depression or how life sucks and all that bull. You want to talk about cheerier subjects like your future, what you want to study/learn, what you plan ahead. And always start by letting her talk, don't interrupt, never. Ask her what she wants to do later on in life, what are her interests, crap like that.

You can always try these cheese ball sites like men's magazines websites for tips, they're cliche but true.

Guys help him out, I'm out of ideas here :)
lol im not at the legal drinking age yet... just 1 more year... im 17 in 2 days so...

EDIT: I really appreciate that advice too :)
the only thing i'm going to add to that, is be your self, really, dnt give this impression of this high grandiuor (SP?) person, if really, ur not, dnt line your self up for the fall....

and really at the start avoid depression, really try to avoid it...
Originally posted by )[eVo]( Para
Well how old are you Joey? 3 years that's a long dry spell, here are a few simple pointers to get you started.

-physical appearence is important, dress snappy like a fashion victim if you're after the hottest women. Hair style, nails, shoes, whatever, just be sure to look nice. Get some exercise too, no woman likes a man who looks sloppy and hunch-backed all the time lol :)
-if you have trouble meeting women, try bars and nightclubs, if you can't go there yet try going where all the "cool" kids go: sitting around drinking that pina colada until some girl flashes on you, that's the sign you're waiting for. Dance like grandmaster flash on crack, that gets their attention too.
-drinking (or whatever floats your boat) lowers your sexual inhibition, let loose. Not too much or else you will drive her away.
-go out with friends, one or two is enough: if there too many of you, chances are you'll spend more time talking with them than hunting, you want competition but not too much.
-never say what you really think, if she asks you if you like this and that say yes, nod, grin, do not say things that define you at first: don't go near subjects like depression or how life sucks and all that bull. You want to talk about cheerier subjects like your future, what you want to study/learn, what you plan ahead. And always start by letting her talk, don't interrupt, never. Ask her what she wants to do later on in life, what are her interests, crap like that.

You can always try these cheese ball sites like men's magazines websites for tips, they're cliche but true.

Guys help him out, I'm out of ideas here :)

Err i dunno some of that stuff i wouldnt agree with, drinking =gd if ure nervous, dont go over the top thats stupid just be ureself and act friendly and caring, i dunno much cos ive had no experience lol but trust me there
Hooray! Fat Tony manages to contradict himself only once! Hooray... recovered from last nite yet mate?


P.S. Dress sharp... seriously, that rocks, makes you feel good, and when you are feeling good, then often women like that :)
One thing i don't understand about girls is if they don't care so much about video games or computers, then what are they doing in their spare time? Sit around being bored?

Well, anyways, never EVER talk to them about computers. Adn when you are in an AIM conversation with them, NEVER use 1337 speak or they'll just laugh you off. I don't understand girls that much, i don't know what they are looking for. I've had three pretty decent relationships with nice girls and I'm 16, but i still don't understand them.

I think that what they want is popularity. When they go out with the biggest and strongest guy, they will increase thier popularity among other girls.
Originally posted by GreaseMonkey

Well, anyways, never EVER talk to them about computers.

and why not? They are people too you know... many of my female friends have asked me to fix summat or other... some are interested in my mod :p
Lol if they dont go out with the most popular guys ure saying that most of us dont have a chance then :p j/k
Originally posted by GreaseMonkey

I think that what they want is popularity. When they go out with the biggest and strongest guy, they will increase thier popularity among other girls.

You know, thats a blunt way of putting it but to a certain extent its true.

Men like to measure themselves by what they own and what they do.

Women measure themselves by who they know and how they feel.

Having more friends is generally what makes women feel important, having more stuff and a bigger titles makes men feel impotant...uh...important. Even the way i said it is quite basic but it still holds true.
Originally posted by GreaseMonkey

I think that what they want is popularity. When they go out with the biggest and strongest guy, they will increase thier popularity among other girls.

now that is someone who doesn't understand women at all, or is after the women who want sexual intercourse and to be popular, yes you know those one that are total and utter cows...them ones

you need to meet some proper women, the ones that are proper people and not just a 2d image
One of my friends is practically 2D

Hes agot a personality but he is really thin. I mean like super thin. He turns to the side and you cant see him.
lol mr stick man he can hide anywhere :p go anywhere undetected beware.....
Ok Joey here are some more tips:

-women r ho's u gotta deck'em like bioaacthes!
-you'z gotta be hooked on ebonics 2 get sum'

LoL just kidding :)
Originally posted by Stone
now that is someone who doesn't understand women at all, or is after the women who want sexual intercourse and to be popular, yes you know those one that are total and utter cows...them ones

Bingo! Seriously dude, women like REAL PEOPLE :eek:... I'm sorry to say ( yet this still doesn't explain why some of the women mentioned above went for me :p )

LOL ok, I came up to her today and I knew exactly what to say and then she smiled at me and my head just went blank. Fortunatelly I came back to it 5 seconds later or so and we started a conversation or something. Then being the dumbass that I am, I mentioned something about retinal scanners. I guess she didn't notice though, or she probably didn't have a clue what I was talking about.

And I think she also appreciated the fact that I not only shaved but also got a haircut.