Girls Having Fun Media



We were sent word of a modification of the Source engine that has an interesting backstory.
Mankind has been destroyed, stopped in it evolutionary tracks by the most destructive force ever seen on the planet earth..... Beautiful but deadly warrior Girls!!!!

They have released a bit of media today, so take a look and give your input on our forums![br]

[br]To be sent away into the land of the ladies, just click here.
I don't see any beautiful girls, what a ripoff! Maps look nice but a little too HL2
The gamer in me finds this interesting.
But the sexist in me kicks the other me...down there.

Just kidding, looks pretty sick.
Does anyone smell cliche girls having fun in tight leather/pvc/swim suits or is it just me here?
oldagerocker said:
Does anyone smell cliche girls having fun in tight leather/pvc/swim suits or is it just me here?

I'm ALL for that.
oldagerocker said:
Does anyone smell cliche girls having fun in tight leather/pvc/swim suits or is it just me here?

the more the merrier!!

sorry ladies(you know who you are!),but we all have our little faults!!
I don't know how people like playing videogames because VIDEO GAME CHARACTERS aren't wearing clothes *cough* Dead or Alive Xtreme Beach Volleyball*/cough*
WritingARequiem said:
I don't know how people like playing videogames because VIDEO GAME CHARACTERS aren't wearing clothes *cough* Dead or Alive Xtreme Beach Volleyball*/cough*

Yes you do.
first god created dinosaurs, then dinosaurs died, then god created man, man created dinosaurs, dinosaurs destroy man

...and women rule the world

something to that degree anyway (Jurassic park)

anyway so is this a mod full of lesbians? how does the world's population populate?
Smigit said:
first god created dinosaurs, then dinosaurs died, then god created man, man created dinosaurs, dinosaurs destroy man

...and women rule the world

something to that degree anyway (Jurassic park)

anyway so is this a mod full of lesbians? how does the world's population populate?
God creates dinosaurs, God destroys dinosaurs, God creates Man, Man destroys God, Man creates dinosaurs...

...Dinosaurs eat man... women inherite the earth!
SIN55 said:
God creates dinosaurs, God destroys dinosaurs, God creates Man, Man destroys God, Man creates dinosaurs...

...Dinosaurs eat man... women inherite the earth!
and then they become lesbians....hopefully hot lesbians...
Sounds like a pretty bad mod... why didn't they name it "Chicks with guns"?
do you get to punch them in the ovaries? shots look rather nice by the way, a bit unrevealing. bring on the boobies!
SIN55 said:
God creates dinosaurs, God destroys dinosaurs, God creates Man, Man destroys God, Man creates dinosaurs...

...Dinosaurs eat man... women inherite the earth!
hehe thats it, thanks lmao
all im seeing is HL2 stuff. am i missing something here? What have they actually done?
They have some nice consept art, but apart from that... Meh.

xLostx said:
and then they become lesbians....hopefully hot lesbians...
As long as they put the movies they make on the internet :farmer:

Oh wait, we won't be here to see them :eek:

Maybe some girls in the mod will be Lesbian :imu: but in todays society whos to stop them!
But the girls still have a large amount of male slaves working for them, and in our coop part of the mod the girls must fight against rebels, undead men and the monsters from HL2.

At the moment we are just at the beginning, we are hard working on models and maps but we are still searching for talented coders / modelers / mappers.

and specially any female voice actor!!!!!!!
let me guess, the ultimate boss is a giant johnson that you kill with your VDgun
Will we be able to put the models in Gmod :naughty:
Smigit said:
first god created dinosaurs, then dinosaurs died, then god created man, man created dinosaurs, dinosaurs destroy man

...and women rule the world

something to that degree anyway (Jurassic park)

anyway so is this a mod full of lesbians? how does the world's population populate?

I like the Airplane movie version:

"First the Earth cooled, then the dinosaurs came, then they died and they created oil, then the arabs came and they bought Mercedes Benz's"
no offense but that's gotta be one of the most inappropriate titles ever ...I mean if you're going to do a tongue-in-cheek game where women in revealing clothing fight evil at least take it all the way ...if it's supposed to be campy why do the maps look realistic? ...shouldnt they be campy as well?

seems to me like a male version of what a female gamer should be ...dont think you'd attract all that many women with your mod ...although I'm not all the sure that's your goal to begin with
FictiousWill said:
That's a bloody professional weapon concept, though. Hot damn.
Shame to see it go to waste on such a shit mod idea. I tried to go to the forums for more info, but most of it is in German.
CptStern said:
it's supposed to be campy why do the maps look realistic? ...shouldnt they be campy as well?

It looks like they took one of the C17 maps and changed the lighting around to dark.
Hi guys

Hey all im Placemat from the GHF team, Ive been reading all you comments about the mod with interest. I feel that the original Idea comes across in a bad way (semi clad/naked women wanting to be warriors fighting the forces of evil) and it may appear that im a sexually frustrated pervert trying to vent my ideas into a half life 2 mod.

All is not what it seems (specially the latter,) We have some extremly good quality Ideas that could bring some really fresh multiplayer to the mod scene. I am currently rewritting the old original story/idea and detailing exactly what we intend to put in the mod. What will the models look like I hear you ask to which I would reply attractive, cyber punk female combatants. Not women running around in bikinis and giggling about death (I hate manga/anime,) the mod is not here to fuel sexism or the fantasy's of little school boys.

I will post the new stuff ive written sometime latter today, thanks for your comments!

On another note the map is a little HL2ish, Its a work in progress and Headake (mapper) has shown me other ideas that are far more original I questioned why he posted this map media.

On the note about God created etc etc heres what i think

Big Bang, evolution :D
Glad to see the bikini clad women giggling about death are not what will be in the mod. Nice to have it cleared up that its not going to be a perverts mod. Very nice weapon design, very professional.

As we all knows, females are the dominant sex ;)
Ok, the name was...misleading. It sounded like something straight from Playboy TV.