Girlspace (as posted in hell thread)

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This thread will close if you dont remove that link sinkomans!
Anyone want to copy-paste a thread from Politics into Girlspace Period Talk?
Anyone want to copy-paste a thread from Politics into Girlspace Period Talk?

If anyone can find that AOL translator, go ahead.

Out of ideas? Just make fun of them to their faces, but use sophisticated language so they don't know what you're saying.
Haha, yeah I noticed.

I also posted this gem in that masturbation thread..

Nogegg said:
Masturbation stops aids.

The next chick/man/phedophile then goes.. "does it???"

I roffled :D
LOL at this poll...

Your Prince Charming would be driving a...
VW Bug (cute)
BMW (stylin')
Sport Utility Vehicle (adventurous)
Geo Metro (practical)
Convertible (free-spirited)
Mustang (rebellious)

Let me fix that right up, in the way the minds of those women work.

Your Prince Charming would be driving a...
VW Bug (mediocre wealth)
BMW (rich)
Sport Utility Vehicle (mediocre wealth)
Geo Metro (poor)
Convertible (rich)
Mustang (rich)
Your Prince Charming would be driving a...
VW Bug (mediocre wealth)
BMW (rich)
Sport Utility Vehicle (mediocre wealth)
Geo Metro (poor)
Convertible (rich)
Mustang (rich)

I'm fixing again for realisticness.

Your Prince Charming would be driving a...
VW Bug (gay)
BMW (stuck-up bitch)
Sport Utility Vehicle (dumbass)
Geo Metro (failure)
Convertible (who the **** buys a convertible?)
Mustang (awesome)
A lot of people seem to join this forum to ask one question, then never return, so it is hard to separate the trolls from the legit people. There are a lot of trolls as well, when I was on last night my group had an argument about dieties with another group of trolls. It was pretty hilarious. But just look at their join date and how serious their question/response is. That should tell you whether they are legit or not.

:laugh: Nice one Qonfused...
Let no enemy of bar our way, for we shall win through, no matter the cost!
Steve...I mean Steph has joined the fun.

I truly hope the FBI isn't watching.
I signed my girlfriend up to this site, she trolled it and got bant.

There is hope.

alright, so someone on here was talking about animals get periods, but i don't see how that's possible, cuz animals don't have the same body parts that we do. Can someone explain it to me?

OMG PEOPLE!!! DONT BE SILLY!!! I HAVE HEAPS OF PETS...AND MY SISTER IS A VET>>AND NO ANIMALS DONT HAVE PERIODS and if they dont want them to get pregnat you have them desexed!! OMG HOW DUMB R U GUYS!!!

I seriously hope this is some of you guys trolling. Coz how the hell can people be so stupid? Do they even know what periods is?
OMG PEOPLE!!! DONT BE SILLY!!! I HAVE HEAPS OF PETS...AND MY SISTER IS A VET>>AND NO ANIMALS DONT HAVE PERIODS and if they dont want them to get pregnat you have them desexed!! OMG HOW DUMB R U GUYS!!!

lol, desexed!
To stop attacks like these maybe...?

I don't know.

I mean after all, you'd think pointless topics and awkward grammar would be a better reason to use police powers. They don't really monitor anyone but members from here apparently.

In other news, I want to join the fun and someone should save these pages through screen shots or something. I miss half of them >.<
itryed dIs OnSe an i goT an inFexion LOL an my m0m seTn mE to tHe HOSPITAL an my DaD sed i wAs STUPID
shuld i kIlL mySlef sO My DAD wil lliK eme?!?!??!?!!
watch it, ppl, iluvkittiesLOL is a spammer. you can tell, beccause of the way he/she/it writes, and what he/she/it says, and the fact that he/she/it just joined today.
hows that for irony.
Knowing how these people responded to my trolling last night... a few of them will probably believe you.
Michigan_gurl180: So I was walkin down the street sing di wa diddy diddy dum diddy do and people started staring and I asked why they were staring at me. I started to cry. Really loud. It was very embarressing! I mean I'm not weird am I???? PLEASE REPLY

lilith's mistake: Singing out loud to yourself in public is often the early signs of youth alzheimer's. If you experience any other symptoms, like forgetting to tie your shoes, you should seek professional help.

Michigan_gurl180: Excuse me? How could you say that? I do not have alstimers!!!!!!!!! Wow what are you a doctor or something??? You fooooooo!!!! I was only singing in public!!!!! I was bored. I wanted to be discovered!!!! I mean I do wanna become a singer. And if you are gonna crush my dreams...then don't talk to me!!!

lilith's mistake: It's alzheimer's and no, I'm not trying to crush your dreams. I'm sure you sing as well as any American Idol contestant, or at least the ones who stand in line for days and then don't get to go on the show. If I really wanted to crush your dreams I'd send a tape of your singing to a record producer.

I'm a mean bastard.
ummm..seriously, why?

both...i mean..the site...oookkk..there's young girls seeking for help there...their business, not mine. but even worse, why in hell do you guys have to debate over 13 pages about it? how old are you? D:

there's hl2, so get back to playing.
Nice job, Icarusintel ;)

Is "confusedgirl23" one of our boys or part of the enemy?
sig from there said:
♥«…:¤¨¨¤:… ♥Elle♥ …:¤¨¨¤:…»♥

~♥~I LoVe JeSus ChRisT! He is my oNe aNd OnLy SaVour!!!! ~♥~

♥♥Chad Micheal Murray is a hottie!!!♥♥


Bre-Rox14 said:
You're ten years old.. you really shouldn't be on this site.

K? Go play with your barbies or something.

Ahahahahahah. Oh, the irony.
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