Give me tips on how not to suck bawlz at Infantry combat.


Jun 22, 2006
Reaction score
My K:D ratio is horrendously embarrassing, I just suck at shooting it seems, whehter I'm Special Ops, Assault, or whatever. I try to remain to more teamwork-y stuff (ninja grabbing enemy flags, etc), but still, reading my profile just hurts :(
Get a PKM, find a base, get on a hill over looking it, hide, shoot.
Going prone reeeeally helps. Take a lot of cover. Try to stay with a squad. ALWAYS use a headset- the game is way better that way. I play infantry almost exclusively, so I know what I'm talking about. Also, fire in short, controlled bursts.
I do have a headset, although I seem to be cursed with them, because for three years of headset-useage, I've gone through over ten :\.

Thanks for the tips though. I'm sure it's also sort of like Counter-Strike, I suck at pubs, but when I'm with a good organized team, or if I'm scrimming, I rock.
Pick single shot for medium and long distance. The AK-101 (medic rifle when you're playing MEC) is the best assault rifle imo. The G3 (assault unlock) also kicks ass.
Pay Unfocused for private tutor lessons :D

I am his agent so will get 75% of all his earning :cheese:
As soon as you approach and enemy, no matter what distance, and you have a clear shot, go prone - then start shooting. Being prone is a must and allows you to be more accurate with each subsequent shot. Also, never ever hold down the trigger, it's just a waste. The only time is when you're right up on a guy and you know that he's going down.

Like Shaker said the AK-101 is teh pwnage. The G3 is also good, you just have to watch out for that 20 bullet clip. You'll find yourself running out of ammo at the worst moments.

Go ahead and post your stats from BF2S, unless you're too embarassed. :P
Also, the G36C and E effing rock.
Exactly, just crouch/prone and right click to get the iron sights up and fire at the chest lots and you'll kill them. At long range just tap to shoot a few bullets and re-aim for best results.
Pistol is great, because it's ultra accurate when prone. (Although you do have to hit quite a few times). Basically: go prone, iron sight the pistol and shoot very fast. I usually shoot off at least half the magazine to kill with it.
Go with lots of people.

Keep moving.

Keep shooting.

Get cover.

Well, anyway, thats what the field manual says.
Go with lots of people.

Keep moving.

Keep shooting.

Get cover.

Well, anyway, thats what the field manual says.

Nono, that's how you SUCK bawls at infantry. You need to be assault or sniper and do your best to kill whoever you can whenever, and forget flag caps.

On second thought...stick with Numbers on this one.
Pay Unfocused for private tutor lessons :D

I am his agent so will get 75% of all his earning :cheese:

Good work, you can have a sniff of the money, agent :cheers:

Back on topic, in my opinion the medic is the best class for infantry combat. You can heal your teammates and yourself + you get the best anti-infantry weapons. The AK's are really good (especially the AK-101 as Shaker said). So is the G36E which I usually use when I dont have an AK available. The stock M16 is not as good, but it can hold its own, I sometimes use it (talking about pub playing of course) - the bursts are slower, but I think they deal more damage than the G36E.
Just drive jeeps into their base with c4....much easier and fun
I got this game the other week and I find that my best class is Sniper.

Most of the time you just plonk your arse on a hill, towards an area where the enemy is generally coming through and shoot.

Racked up some good KD ratios from doing that ;)
Some good combat tips have already been said here that involve the actual skill portion of the fight.

Although, there will be lots of occasions where the fight might not come down to skill, but tactics and tricks you might use to take the enemy down or survive (most involving cover or means of hiding on maps like Karkand).

Play little head games with your enemy and assume he's doing the same to you.

When capping a flag, try to stay in a covered location (to avoid artillery) but don't be predictable with your camping location or any enemy can easily just lob a grenade to this spot and you're done. Find places where you can still capture the flag but not be in the open. If you're a medic, place a medpack on the ground under you while you lay there so if you get hit by something you'll almost immediately heal back up to get an edge on your enemy. If you hear enemy artillery start to fire. Assume it's coming for you (especially if the flag just turned neutral) and move out of the way.

Always mind your surroundings. Knowing map details is VERY helpful. At any given place you should know where to run to for cover when you're taking fire from any direction. You don't want to be scrambling around in the open trying to find cover while your enemy is shooting you. Hell, don't even be in the open if you don't have to.

Instead of facing your foes head on...just flank them. This is especially easy in Karkand. If you don't mind a bit of running, just leave the line, go around the side and come at them from behind. You can catch entire squads off-guard with this. They'll probably notice you before you kill a shitload of them but you'll easily get 3-4 kills this way each time. This is how I got my expert knife badge on Karkand. Flanking squads and sniper hunting. 18 kills in a round seems impossible but it's not so bad when you flank all the time.

Whenever I played on a pub server that had shitty teamwork (happened too many times) on Karkand I'd always either try to ninja-cap Gatehouse (as USMC) or stay back and defend it the entire round if need be (as MEC). With a commander or not most teams don't think about the overall round. Example: Average MEC players just go out to the spawn point nearest to the most enemies around and fight. Meanwhile smart US players will sneak around (or just break through) these mindless soldiers and ninja-cap Trainyard and Gatehouse (the backbone of the MEC defense in Karkand - commander assets and a tank). MEC lets the US completely wipe them out from behind. With no spawn to fall back to and really defend...the US just presses in from all sides on the MEC unless the MEC manage to recap Gathouse.

Now if MEC players were smart, the MOMENT they saw somebody get through the front line heading to ninja ANY points they'd break off the line and track the sneaky bastards down....Or at the very least squash the US as it caps Gatehouse. This way if the US push the MEC back the MEC have the best defensive point in the entire map to fall back on - Gatehouse. You can blow the bridge, mine the shit out of the water ramp and camp out. It becomes a stalemate 90% of the time and it'll come down to tickets (where MEC should be able to win due to the superb defensive position).

Now that was horribly long...but it's this kind of thinking that REALLY helps win or lose a battle or round.
Funny, I got my expert knife badge by patching to 1.3 :laugh:
Like a lot of people. Getting rid of that IAR req allowed so many people to get it. That's why many profiles you'll see show them getting it on May 23, 2006 - the day the patch came out.
It's funny, 'cause I'm insanely good at knifing. If I'd sat down and gone for it, I probably could've unlocked it in under 3 rounds. I'm just lazy :P
I got it the old fashioned way (with IAR) and now I feel used like a used hooker ;(

Back on topic, infantry combat boils down to one routine... prone / headshot / medic heal. Medic is by far the best class for infantry combat, not only do they have some of the best guns in the game but they can also heal mid-battle.
Another tip: While in close quarters battle don't use the iron sights, it takes too long to pull up and you will most likely be dead before you can get a shot off. Just use controled shooting with the crosshairs, you'll be fine.
My K:D ratio is horrendously embarrassing, I just suck at shooting it seems, whehter I'm Special Ops, Assault, or whatever. I try to remain to more teamwork-y stuff (ninja grabbing enemy flags, etc), but still, reading my profile just hurts :(


Well, it seems to work great for at least one twatstick on EVERY SINGLE MELLONFARMING SERVER I PLAY ON
I got Expert Knife the MORNING before they released 1.3. So my stats say I got it the day of 1.3's release. I was about ready to cut my own penis off.
Just like in Counter Strike...***n around with the shotgun and just run into their faces and pull the trigger...then keep a medic nearby...
I got Expert Knife the MORNING before they released 1.3. So my stats say I got it the day of 1.3's release. I was about ready to cut my own penis off.

Heh, I got the expert like a week before. Then I heard about the patchs details, and was glad I got it already :P