Giving Away 2 copies of Gun Monkeys! First two replies. Also discussion thread.

First two posts to articulate why Gun Monkeys would be a great game win.
Gun Monkeys a COOL GAME!I Like that game!She dinamichnay and very very cool!I tried a friend in this game I wondered how you can make such a cool game! it's cool and the design and gameplay!this game was able to combine genres such as indie and side view shooter!I like playing 1 vs 1!I LIKE THIS GAME!!!
It would be a great game to have because for one, I don't currently own any "Indie" style games. I watched the trailer for it on Steam, and it looks interesting. The procedurally generated levels is very interesting, and I believe that adds to the replay-ability. The always online aspect of the game also looks fun. Challenging friends to a 1-on-1 deathmatch is always entertaining. Also, TRADING CARDS.
So it began with the first 2 replies, then the first two replies to say why they want the game, and now it's a judged contest.

SeaAtSky's post is hilarious though so I don't really blame you.
Well this thread evolved quickly.

I don't know much about Gun Monkeys but judging from the title it's about monkeys with guns, yes? Sounds like fun. Where's my free game?
I WAS drunk when I made this, but I'm going to follow through. Add bhc to friends (it's linked to my forum) the copies will be given to Guppy and Seaatsky. Please message me saying who you are.
I've never heard of this game. It sounds dumb.
I WAS drunk when I made this, but I'm going to follow through. Add bhc to friends (it's linked to my forum) the copies will be given to Guppy and Seaatsky. Please message me saying who you are.

WOOP WOOP! I will be out of town until Sunday but I will try to look out for you on le Steamz
How about I tell you why I don't want it.
-It's ****ing dumb
-You don't know me
-Go to hell
Devs gave me another copy (this is true, I am sober).

This time do a Haiku poem pertaining the the plot of Gun Monkeys. The funniest entry by the time I'm bored of people not submitting wins.

(Yes, this means look up the actual plot of Gun Monkeys).

If you don't give a shit, go ahead and join ríomhaire and Sheepo in the giant pile of orgiastic-naysaying-awkwardhandjobclub of hating free games.
A deep, introspective analysis of the power company CEO's psyche:

Cataclysm did not
Obliterate the monkeys
I'm a monkey too?
Edelash wins, honorable mention to Stiggy. **** the rest of you nerds.
Great, thanks! Won't be online before sunday though, going to see Muse in Helsinki.