Glad I didn't purchase gold..(after seeing pics) Cheezy1

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Quit whining. For some people, the Gold package is simply a great value. The strategy guide is normally $20+ and the soundtrack (if ever released in retail stores) at least $15+. And I seriously doubt the cap will be sold in retail stores, but if it were, it would go for say another $15. So right there you make up the additional $30. And don't forget that CS:CZ still sells for around $30. Yes you can get it with the Silver package as well, but it's just something extra. Honestly, Valve shouldn't have included it. Just stick with DMC, TFC, Ricochet, DoD, HL, OF, CS and Codename Gordon. Heck, for those buying any Steam package, you get at least 2 games, both of which could be sold. You practically get CS:S for free. You're just spoiled little children. Valve is practically giving away years of hard work.
I am still waiting for my gold package. I had the HL2 voucher from my video card (Recalls he got his current computer last year for college and to prepare tof HL2....), so I figured why the hell not to pay for the gold package. Hope It didn't get lost in the mail....
f|uke said:
Summary of this thread: bitch, whine, moan

I'm happy with my purchase. It wasn't the greatest value but its still worth my money.

Absolutely. After I bought Gold (a month ago), I wavered a bit and wasn't really sure I'd made the right choice. After having the Gold package for over 24 hours, I'm still thrilled with the goodies. The soundtrack just couldn't be more badass, the Prima guide is great and filled with sweet concept art and info, and the hat is high quality and durable (will be used frequently as paintball armor).

For anyone still considering the upgrade to Gold, I'd highly recommend it. Basically any HL1 fan is going to buy Silver at least, which is $60, so you only need to justify the extra 30. For me it was easy, as the soundtrack and guide are going to be at least 15 each, and essentially getting the hat and three posters (and box and other goodies) for free is just a perk.

Like fluke said, honestly, the value could be better, but to me it's still worth every cent.

...And I resent that 17-year old comment early in the thread :P I'm almost 22 and spend my cash damned carefully, but Valve deserves all the money they can rake in from this gem.

I was 'going for Gold' but for some reason decided to hold back. After seeing the contents posted up here the day before yesterday, I opted for Silver. I've pre-ordered Raising The Bar, and a strategy guide will be available on-line by the time I get stuck in HL2.

I think the point made about it purely appealing to the younger generation is valid. Most of us over 30s have little use for posters and stickers, although the OST CD would have certainly been added to my music collection.
tennistoad2k3 said:
That gold package is lame...glad I didn't spring for that one..come on a paper cover for the soundtrack??? like how much is a slimcase with cool graphics,,like 10cents?? Stickers???

Really this gold package only appeals to 17 year-olds or less.. Valve what you should've put in the package is ...

1) Raising the bar!!
2) dvd copy of game
3) Signed Poster
4) dvd "the making of hl2"

I swear I believe that the halo 2 se for 5$ more has better content for fans than the cheezy crap in the gold package....

Didn't seem all that interesting to me, either.
tennistoad2k3 said:
Really this gold package only appeals to 17 year-olds or less.. QUOTE]
And what are you, 18-20? I'm 17 and didn't find the Gold package appealing. You should have said "17-30 year old nerds who wear HL2 hats in public and actually care about a small cardboard box that has "Collector's Edition" written on it."
czrsink said:
I think the point made about it purely appealing to the younger generation is valid.
hex said:
You should have said "17-30 year old nerds who wear HL2 hats in public and actually care about a small cardboard box that has "Collector's Edition" written on it."
I'm almost 29. I love HL2 more then I love $50. And I am far from a "nerd." I'll wear the hat, read the guide (after playing through once), and I love the soundtrack.

You guys are way too f'cking judgemental.
I was referring more to the posters and stickers with the age thing, F|uke. You're not going to stick them up in your home, are you?
czrsink said:
You're not going to stick them up in your home, are you?
The sticker is going on my fender strat, I think. Yeah, I'm not sure what I'll do with the posters.
I never buy collector's editions of anything. I figure I can make myself a T-Shirt and a hat for far less than what I pay extra for the CE.
I wont buy CE retail because it will get to Europe in December, can you believe that ? im not buying the game on dvd and then buy CE, if it was cool stuff then i would not hesitate but the steam gold is much better i wont get it.
i totally agree. the gold edition is a load of crap. im really starting to hate valves release plans... lets hope the game makes up for it.
Im under 17 and the Gold Package holds not interest for me its a HUGE waste of money
The strategy guide was the only appealing thing to me really. I'm a huge Half-life fan, but most of the rest of the stuff in the package I really wouldnt have used.

A cool t-shirt, or behind the scenes/making-of dvd probably would have made me go gold if it was offered. So I just stuck with silver.
hah, i bought the steam gold... and i dont think i well ever open the box up.
i also preorder the retail Ce dvd which am not going 2 open... i well just stash them on my entertainment center :)
I have to agree with the thread started, while the package is nice it could have done in a better way, feels very cheap honestly
Who cares? It's a nice little package, even if it isn't exquisitely designed. You get a lot with it for the money.