GLaDOS computer images.


Nov 21, 2007
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Hi. First of all, excuse my english, it's not my language.

I would like to talk a little about the computer images that you see in the GLaDOS room, in the end of the game. I'm sure that i'm not the first one who sees this, and maybe for lots of you guys it seems old. I've noticed that among a dozen of pictures with CAKE, there are some pictures with animals, objects, people. Ok, Valve wanted the player to catch the essence, to certify the point that GLaDOS is literally obssesed with cake. That's why there are so many cake images.

But still, some of the pictures are very weird, and I thought to capture them and show them to you. Maybe is just my paranoia, but I like to think that there's something hidden in them, maybe an explanation, maybe something makes sense and reveals some more aspects of GLaDOS that we don't know about.

For the ones that might want to see the images in-game, when you reach the big room with GLaDOS, type in your console host_timescale 0.2 , it will slow time and permit you to see those pictures very clear. To turn back the time normaly, the default value for host_timescale is 1.

Now here's some of them, that i've found intriguing. Most of all, that cake with OCTOBER 29 1982 gives me ideas... :)
What do you think?


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And some more, very twisted. (Sorry for double post).


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Is the final one ment to be 'Thunderbird 2' from that old puppet programme thunderbirds...?
Well, it's obvious GLaDOS does't function properly, we notice that in the first 30 seconds of the game, when she starts to speak spanish. :)

A knife on a violin doesn't fit proper in a computer malfunction, i guess. It's rather a result of a mad human mind.

I have a theory. What if GLaDOS is the puppet of a twisted man, the same madman wich the writings on the walls belongs? What if there's a bigger plan in all of this, and the madman gets Chell to the surface with a purpose, using GLaDOS? He's passing the guilt on GLaDOS, making her trying to kill Chell wich figures in her database as an android (a machine who doesn't feel pain - though in game, if you drop heavy objects in your head , you can hear Chell's groan).
But the lyrics and the pictures on the walls are not quite sane either. So, maybe GLaDOS intentionally recieved a mulfunctioning morality module - that explains bad lies too - otherwise she is naive and rather a good AI. All she knows is that she must test the subject and give her cake if she succeeds (the cake is not a lie, as we can see at the end).

Well, it might be something like this in a sequel to Portal? Some character that aparently helped you to reach the surface and get rid of GLaDOS is proven to be a vile mad mastermind? :)
its been my interpretation all along that Chell has probably had to do these same tests over and over, and SHE is the one who broke things and wrote things on the wall perhaps making it a little farther every time, only to be caught by the computer mind again and appear in the chamber. of course that leaves some open questions, but it also make a lot of sense. she does say 'welcome... again'. anyway those are cool images. i was way too busy to look at those in the game. most appear to be of cake. GLaDOS was obsessed with cake.
Television show using a form of puppetry.

I'm quite aware of what Thunderbirds is.

I was pointing out his bad use of language. "That old puppet programme" is a severe understatement, and verging on heretic. While capital punishment is not legalised in the UK, people can make exceptions.
its been my interpretation all along that Chell has probably had to do these same tests over and over, and SHE is the one who broke things and wrote things on the wall perhaps making it a little farther every time, only to be caught by the computer mind again and appear in the chamber. of course that leaves some open questions, but it also make a lot of sense. she does say 'welcome... again'.

Remember, in the final room GLaDOS says

You're not a scientist, you're not a doctor, you're not even a full time employee!

I think that means that either Chell worked at the Labs (part-Time) or somwhere else, nedded cash, so she volentered for the test. The "Welcome, Again" part could be:

First welcome: Chell entering the building.
Second: Leaving the relaxent chamber pod.
You missed the cow.

I remember the cow and the Blackmesa logo.
Woah. Amazing stuff, though little seems relevant to the storyline as a whole.
I must say, do you think there could have been moar radical experiments in the Past with Aperture Science?

Do all those pics have something to do with the Paerture Website??
No. They're likely lightly tied as being cakes and/or random, pictures, but have no relevance.
I think it's meant to convey 'her' state of mind, i.e., she's nuts.
Thanks v1p3r thats a really useful image.

I'm quite aware of what Thunderbirds is.

I was pointing out his bad use of language. "That old puppet programme" is a severe understatement, and verging on heretic. While capital punishment is not legalised in the UK, people can make exceptions.
What the hell are you talking about? It is an old puppet TV show.
What the hell are you talking about? It is an old puppet TV show.

You depressingly dismissed it as if no-one else knew what you were talking about. And far from old. The word is classic.
something is just wrong with 'her'. its obvious she is damamged in some way... and then morality module falling off, followed by the other modules you had to destroy. maybe she was damaged by whatever is happening outside.
something is just wrong with 'her'. its obvious she is damamged in some way... and then morality module falling off, followed by the other modules you had to destroy. maybe she was damaged by whatever is happening outside.

I think "she" actually ejected the morality module herself. Maybe she was using reverse psychology after all! She nagged you till you destroyed it. Than she finally got a chance to kill you "in person" without worrying that morality module is going to stop her!

It's funny actually, when you think about it!
Just think of all the ways she tried to "indirectly" kill you: high energy pallets, toxic, conveniently placed turrets, trying to break your heart with companion cube destruction, fire, crushing machinery after you escape, misleading you and insulting you! Everything failed, you were still alive!
I think "she" actually ejected the morality module herself. Maybe she was using reverse psychology after all! She nagged you till you destroyed it. Than she finally got a chance to kill you "in person" without worrying that morality module is going to stop her!

It's funny actually, when you think about it!
Just think of all the ways she tried to "indirectly" kill you: high energy pallets, toxic, conveniently placed turrets, trying to break your heart with companion cube destruction, fire, crushing machinery after you escape, misleading you and insulting you! Everything failed, you were still alive!

I think it was a triumph. She even made a note that said HUGE SUCCESS.
Thunderbird 2 is also a cake.


Searched google for Thunderbird 2 Cake
Dude, he's right. It would explain the knife.
And "just realised", dude I think your the first to realise.

No. They're all cake related. It's not hard to see it's a cake.
I'm sure the reason the cow is there is to represent milk, which goes in cake... But all the others look like random nonsense.