Glasgow Wars

el Chi

Jul 11, 2003
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No idea if this has been posted bfore or not but frankly I don't care. It's bloody funny, especially - or only - if you have experience with Glaswegians or Scots in general. Star Wars set in Glasgow :)
Obi Wan
"I felt a great disturbance in the Force"
(F*** me, whit wiz aw that?)

Luke to the Emperor
"Your overconfidence is your weakness"
(Oh ye bloody think so!!)

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: I can't stop laughing! :laugh:
heh, scottish people rule... they always say "Thats you" when they finished serving me... we didnt get it when we visited and kept saying "why, yes, yes it is me..." back :-/
Haha, that's hilarious.. I can really picture the dialouge spoofs being said. :laugh:
The best way to destroy the Death Star would not necessarily be an all out attack, Two easy ways would be – 1) Alter its orbit so it passed through Bridgeton, and tell the locals that it was full of Roman Catholics. 2) Leave in unattended in Easterhouse.
