
Jun 30, 2007
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What kind of glasses do you have? How dependent on them are you?


I have these, except in bronze. I'd be legally blind without mine.
Something that's bothered me about glasses with the thick arms - doesn't it screw up your peripheral vision?
Yeah, a little bit, but I've noticed each arm reflects what I would see normally if the other arm wasn't there (granted, it's kinda at a skewed angle, but it works).
I've had the same one since 1997 i think. They look like Harry Potter's and I only use them at night after I take out my contacts.

More or less. I'm getting sick of glasses the more I wear them - I'm thinking of getting contacts soon.

Got them two weeks ago, I like them a lot. Before that I had a very old couple that I hated, so I didn't wear them as much as I should've. Now I'm having glasses full-time.

I'm quite dependent on them - I find myself missing them just to walk around my room, even though they annoy me.

I'd like to get contact lenses but according to opticians my eyes are quite sensitive and would not enjoy the experience. Well, we'll see.
I love my contacts, when I tell people I wear them they have no clue. Also I want to get that laser eye correction but just don't have the extra money
I don't know yet I've found out not long ago that I need a pair of glasses now and will probably get a pair soon
I got a pair of glasses that look something like this


I can still see relatively well without them, just a bit blurry at a distance.
Might I ask why you would want to wear contacts while you sleep?
Might I ask why you would want to wear contacts while you sleep?

It means I can see when I wake up in the morning. It also doesn't restrain me when I go to music festivals or when I go out for the night. They're just generally a bit more comfortable than daily ones.
I love my contacts, when I tell people I wear them they have no clue. Also I want to get that laser eye correction but just don't have the extra money

I've heard that lasics sometimes wear out after a few years. I don't know if that's the case 100% of the time, though.
Meh, I'm not even sure exactly what mine are called.
I only use them during school or when playing vidja games(or else I can't read the damn text).
They look KIND of like this.
I want your f*ck glasses, Samon. That is the most awesome brand name I've ever seen.
I wear these.


Usually when I need to see things I'll put them on my face. Because I too am legally blind without them.

Haven't worn glasses in about 6 years, begged my parents to get me contacts because I couldn't keep my glasses clean, scratch free, and straightened.

The only trouble with contacts is getting used to accidentally poking your eye when putting them in. :p

My model looks similar to the "Chimes"... gaybar name, but whatever...
Got my new lenses for my glasses today! the ones that become a pair of ****ing sunglasses when you walk outside. cool stuff.

-dodo :smoking:

I couldn't find an exact match, but my Dolce & Gabbana glasses look like this which a much thinner frame rim, which is colored silver.
Not trendy, more time efficient. I dont even fold my clothes thats how efficient I am.

Seriously, I dont know anyone who irons.
No I mean even in the pictures of the clothes, I don't iron for shit.

Click the hotlink I put on the word expensive (I'M SO EDGY)
These are my glasses.

Joseph Abboud. Not sure what model though...


My dad got them for me like... ages ago. Only my second pair of glasses ever.

I need to get a new pair. These ones have broken twice, and had to get them repaired because without them, I can't see shit. I can't even use the computer well.