Glenn Beck on Net Neutrality. Know what he calls it? neutrality is where you legally force service providers to provide equal access to all websites and users...whereas government subsidisation of the pipes is where the government subsidises the pipes. I'm not sure where your confusion comes from.

So one is government telling the company what to do with their pipes, and the other is government doing it for them.

It's tricky. Besides that, I do favor net neutrality over the alternative, but I still don't see any companies that have actually tried to limit content like so.
The differences are deeper. In the first case the government is telling the company what, or rather what not, to do - but once the legislative process is done there's no direct cost (save maybe enforcement). In the latter case the government directly spends a load of money all the time on helping smaller companies to compete, but does not dictate policy to the companies. Of course, you could have both.
You guessed it! Communist!

I like these newsletters I get. They're refreshingly bold and intelligent.

Also, stop assholes like beck and Comcast from ****ing up the internet. Rest of the email:

Oh glenn beck i turn on to fox whenever he's on if i want to have a laugh or if i'm feeling down 'cause he always makes me laugh!:D also i think glenn beck should win an award for biggest l*ng*r ever!
