global warming is bleeding the ice capes,literally


The Freeman
Jan 21, 2004
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From a crack in the Taylor Glacier in Antarctica flows an iron-rich water the color of blood. Scientists believe it comes from a lake frozen beneath the glacier 2 million years ago. And it's packed with microbes.

First discovered in 1911, the so-called Blood Falls also contain extremophile microbes from the trapped lake, which have evolved for millions of years without light or any outside food source. They have survived by learning to eat sulfur and iron.

extremophiles seem to like some kind of death metal
Looks like hershey's chocolate syrup.
I, for one, welcome our new microbe overlords.
extremophiles seem to like some kind of death metal
The microbes will mutate the plankton which will be eaten by whales, transforming them into DEATH METAL WHALES.
The microbes will mutate the plankton which will be eaten by whales, transforming them into DEATH METAL WHALES.

And Japanese people who eat whales will be transformed into DEATH METAL JAPANESE PEOPLE.

"Don't eat the red snow!" comes to mind
Can you imagine floating by an ice cap as it suddenly cracks open and has a blood-like liquid start pouring out? Brutal.
It's just that time of the mo... uh, millennia, for our planet.

The earthquakes are related symptoms.