Global warming is caused by daylight savings


May 28, 2003
Reaction score

frickin congress is messing with the weather again.
I thought it was furries. Or longcat. Or both.


MAJESTIC-12 CONSPIRACY COVERUP MAKES CITIZENS LOOK STUPID, Noone takes the seriously, it's the government I tell you.
I doubt thats real. Newspapers never really put stuff like 'you would think any reasonable person', because its basically a reverse way of saying youre an idiot if you disagree.

If it IS real, then i hope whoever wrote it dies. Stop making up excuses for global warming so that people think its not our fault for god sake! Its alot to do with us, and yes the planet is dying anyway, but we're speeding up the process. Accept it and ***king move on you arogant twats.
Wasnt this a joke (well, the premsie for a whole episode, but rather than daylight savings it was the amount of time cut out of the water gate film or something) from a programme with Rick Mayall in?

Edit: Believe Nothing, that was it.

In Just a Minute, Adonis Cnut has just finished making the pilot for his new TV series called A Long History of Time, "not to be confused with Stephen Hawking's superficial treatment of the same subject". Unfortunately, the people at the BBC do not think the man in the street will appreciate his programme, so it will be aired at 3 a.m. on "BBC Digital Choice Gold Two". Adonis tells Albumen, who is apparently not feeling too well, to tape the programme. However, when Adonis watches the tape the next day, the last minute before the end has been cut off and instead there is a "film about Watergate" that was already on the tape. He confronts Albumen with the missing minute of his programme and accuses him of deliberately setting the VCR so that it would stop a minute before the end. Albumen replies that, funnily enough, "all VCR's do that". Hannah arrives and she tells Adonis to phone a doctor, because Albumen is literally green in the face and obviously ill. Doctor Clarence Newell-Post (a former lover of Vincent Awkward, Hannah's father) arranges a bed for Albumen at the hospital. Meanwhile, the secret council are struggling with the economic problems surrounding the phenomenon of global warming. Albumen is released from hospital and is diagnosed with radiation sickness. Adonis lets him watch his tape to make him feel better, and it turns out that the Watergate film on the tape is actual footage from the White House. Albumen explains that his father worked there as a janitor during Watergate, and that he stole the VCR and the tape in it from the White House. On the tape, there is evidence that Richard Nixon and Henry Kissinger came up with a plan to manipulate all new digital watches from China to make every hour 30 seconds longer. Like this, they could get rid of the "incriminating 18 minutes" of the Watergate scandal. Adonis figures out that this is the key to global warming: "because it is 30 years since Watergate, the calendar is three months adrift, so the fact that it feels like April in January, is because it actually is April in January". This means there is no global warming and that everyone can just "carry on polluting". Kissinger, who is now in the secret council, warns Adonis about the VCR: it was a gift from the Chinese, who had stuffed it with plutonium in order to try and kill the president. Adonis runs over to his apartment, where Albumen and Hannah are now both green and ill, and throws the VCR out of the window, after which it explodes and Believe Nothing ends with Adonis's words "Oh, bugger".
Yes it is in my eyes. Now I got my head straight on (the absence of) global warming.

I'm not the nut job you guys once thought!
I doubt thats real. Newspapers never really put stuff like 'you would think any reasonable person', because its basically a reverse way of saying youre an idiot if you disagree.
This appears to be printed in the letters page though, so it won't be a reporter that wrote it, just any member of the public.
Yes it is in my eyes. Now I got my head straight on (the absence of) global warming.
It gets your attention, but there is some good real criticism on it, and it seems the documentary twist the truth a lot. Even one of the people featured on it has threatened a lawsuit because he feels misrepresented.

Carl Wunsch controversy
"In the part of The Great Climate Change Swindle where I am describing the fact that the ocean tends to expel carbon dioxide where it is warm, and to absorb it where it is cold, my intent was to explain that warming the ocean could be dangerous - because it is such a gigantic reservoir of carbon. By its placement in the film, it appears that I am saying that since carbon dioxide exists in the ocean in such large quantities, human influence must not be very important?diametrically opposite to the point I was making?which is that global warming is both real and threatening."[4]

You should read more on it here on wiki
This actually is real. But come on, it makes perfect sense. The universe follows our clocks, just like God intended.
Anybody live in Arkansas want to check their old newspaper?
It gets your attention, but there is some good real criticism on it, and it seems the documentary twist the truth a lot. Even one of the people featured on it has threatened a lawsuit because he feels misrepresented.

Carl Wunsch controversy
"In the part of The Great Climate Change Swindle where I am describing the fact that the ocean tends to expel carbon dioxide where it is warm, and to absorb it where it is cold, my intent was to explain that warming the ocean could be dangerous - because it is such a gigantic reservoir of carbon. By its placement in the film, it appears that I am saying that since carbon dioxide exists in the ocean in such large quantities, human influence must not be very important?diametrically opposite to the point I was making?which is that global warming is both real and threatening."[4]

You should read more on it here on wiki
Christ, after reading both sides I'm coming to the conclusion that all of the "science" and "facts" on both sides of the debate (for and against global warming caused by humans) are so corrupt and politicized that none of it can be trusted. When scientists have to argue for it just to recieve grants or argue against it just so they can stay on the payroll of the oil companies, it's all pretty disgusting.

Though, I think one of the best points that comes out of "The Great Global Warming Swindle" is the point at the end about developing nations. I admit, I need to do more research on it, but if we really are holding them back simply because we don't want them to make the same mistakes we did with fossil fuels, I think that's incredibly hypocritical, especially as we continue to burn fossil fuels at an incredible rate.

I personally don't believe that humans are really causing that much of an influence. Still, I'm less and less inclined to believe anything presented on the case at all. There are so many inconsistencies and unadressed points on both sides.