Gman actual identity revealed,

  • Thread starter Thread starter Probydoby
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sigh, another gman thread, this is probably your first response,
But I have thought a long time about this theory and I even have an email from Valve confirming my theory about the gman's identity

how did my theory begin? I just finished episode 2, and I was bored, so what do people do when they are bored? that's right, send an email to valve,

Sent: Thursday, October 25, 2007 8:44 AM
To: Gabe Newell
Subject: Gnome Gnome away,

me and my gnome in ep2 really been trough a lot, we have established some sort of connection between us, we finish each?ther's sentence's, we have been shot at, trown with, blown up, we have been trough a lot,
and then he voluntered to man the rocket,
and I miss him already,

my question: will the gnome play some major role in episode 3, and will there be some retrieval achievement like:
25G: retrieve the Gnome from the moon.
I owe him a lot, and the least thing i can do for him is to rescue him, he saved my life,
and he was always there for me, with his big eyes staring at nothing full of wisdom,
maybe make a spinn off where u play the gnome?

oh well, I just wanted to say i really really hope the gnome will be back in episode 3,
Can't imagine a half life game withouth him, only this time make a gnome holder on the car,


response from valve:

will let you in on a little secret.

The gnome gets caught in a radiation storm and travels in time... he comes back in HL1 - yeah, that's right, HE IS THE GMAN.

But shhh... don't tell anyone.




It all makes sense, why else would we go trough all the trouble of launching the gnome?
because the gman wants you to do it!
else he could never exist! that's why the Gman has trouble talking,
because gnomes can't talk,
Oh god.

Hopefully OP has prevented any further G-man related threads from popping up ever again.
Unfortunately I just posted Valve about your post and whether they really responded to it. I got the following response back:

From: [email protected]
CC: [email protected]
Title: Re: Fw: Gnome Gnome away

lol, no we nevr sed that. this gui is a retard lol1 the real gman is gordan. heheheh. hope u enjoy halflife

urs sincerely,

The guy who sent the e-mail is an idiot. He cant spell , he said "Can't imagine a half life game withouth him" when the gnome was in only one half life game and worse of all he speaks like half life is x-box only.
Chet Faliszek - Writer
We are all still trying to figure out exactly what it is that Chet does at Valve, but at the very least he occupies office space on the 10th floor as self-proclaimed Mr. Awesome.
So it probably is true, him being an understudy to Laidlaw...
I almost lol'd but then my gag reflex kicked in and I threw up all over Viperidae's cock.
The guy who sent the e-mail is an idiot. He cant spell , he said "Can't imagine a half life game withouth him" when the gnome was in only one half life game and worse of all he speaks like half life is x-box only.

Now you are just stating the obvious, ofcourse the email wasn't written seriously,
come on, it's about a gnome, so "Can't imagine a half life game withouth him" wasn't meant seriously.

And not everyone can spell flawless especially if english isn't their native language,

And i did not write the email like it was Xbox only, because I played the orange box on the x-box I wondered if there was going to be some sort of achievement,

the email was written impulsive, withouth double checking for grammar mistakes,
And not everyone can spell flawless especially if english isn't their native language

I was shifted from country to country when i was a kid before coming here when i was 11. Its easy, you either try or you don't. You can do something about it or sit on your ass and bitch. Stfu.

the email was written impulsive, withouth double checking for grammar mistakes,

Do it. You'll sound more mature, your thoughts will sound collected and rational and you'll seem professional. Your opinion may even be considered. Respect and business credibility is increased this way.
Bit of a blooper there methinks.
Oh sod it, I'm too tired to fix it.
I say we leave this up as a sticky to ward away future G-Man Theorists...
Holy shit, I just thought of a college of G-Man Theorology... If that's a word...

You'd have to have a test on bad grammar, with the final question consisting of an essay on theroy logic...
... But there's no real encouragement to launch the gnome or even go get it, a majority of players would probably say "Bring this through the entire game with me? Screw that" and forget about the gnome.
Yeah.The little garden gnome...
I just watched "Amelie from Monmartre" this the same gnome?
So your saying that gnome is actualy gman? OMg!!!! i knew this day would come GARDEN GNOMES ARE PAYING BACK FOR ACTUALY THINKING THEYR THINGS which they are......
your all rong; the gnome thing is just retarded and the gman IS NOT GORDON FREEMAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
your all rong; the gnome thing is just retarded and the gman IS NOT GORDON FREEMAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

what? that's insane!
You betrayed his trust. What a bastard.
*turns back on Probydoby*


Seriously man, if some one made, the best game in existance, would you REALLY show such disrespect to their Authori-tay?
i do have proof damn it! go and look at my "the g-man is NOT Gordon Freeman" thread, it tells you everything.

oh wait i forgot, you already have.
Who cares? You seem to be getting stressed because we're not listening. We've heard it all before.
i do have proof damn it! go and look at my "the g-man is NOT Gordon Freeman" thread, it tells you everything.

oh wait i forgot, you already have.

can you prove that your proof is proven somewhere?

okay - thats confusing
i can; its in the game.

ok i'll try to stop getting stressed on the following 3 conditions
1. that people stop calling the advisors councillors,
2. that people recocnise that just because my username is alyxvance that dosent mean i'm a girl,
3. that more people recognise that the g-man is not gordon freeman.
i can; its in the game.

ok i'll try to stop getting stressed on the following 3 conditions
1. that people stop calling the advisors councillors,
2. that people recocnise that just because my username is alyxvance that dosent mean i'm a girl,
3. that more people recognise that the g-man is not gordon freeman.

1. Only one person does that.
2. That's already stopped. I decreed it so.
3. Everyone does.
i can; its in the game.

ok i'll try to stop getting stressed on the following 3 conditions
1. that people stop calling the advisors councillors,
2. that people recocnise that just because my username is alyxvance that dosent mean i'm a girl,
3. that more people recognise that the g-man is not gordon freeman.

hey MAN chill. I dont think a single member here thinks that Gordon is g-man or vise versa. And if they do they have already been flamed to death!
i can; its in the game.

ok i'll try to stop getting stressed on the following 3 conditions
1. that people stop calling the advisors councillors,
2. that people recocnise that just because my username is alyxvance that dosent mean i'm a girl,
3. that more people recognise that the g-man is not gordon freeman.

You've only been here 4 days (and I'm assuming that the 10th July was the first day you saw and you're saying that people here think that the G-man is Gordon?
Geez,G-Man is not Gordon.
Everybody know that.
It's funny thory,but it's only for fun.That's all.No more.