GMan And Nihilanth Sounds


May 19, 2003
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Hi People,

I was wondering if somone could upload / post every nihilanth and gman sound found in the file pak0.pak... for some reason my unzipping program will not unzip only this file (works file for pak1.pak) give me the error: "Access violation at address 005EBBF4 in module "ZipGenius.EXE" Read of adress FFFFFFFF"

Thank in advance
Think big, white, ugly, and floating. It talks: but it's hard to understand what it's saying. What it is saying, however, is pretty darn interesting... let's just say that it doesn't sound exactly like the bad guy in this situation.
Thanks Matt... I can now work on trying to descipher the mumblings
This may help... I've been working on them, and have discovered something about all six... two seeming... too odd... I need to get my ears checked.

G-Man Mumbling (Some of these are guessed, it REALLY is hard to figure out, but I’ll manage):

1: We cannot let the system collapse.
2: Impossible to figure out (les-nok lor-ah va-va-va-va? (That is what I heard…))
3: I want you to give me an answer you won’t regret.
4: If I had one, do you think that I would detonate? (The nuke used in Op4, perhaps?)
5: Sound in background, bah. Will figure out eventually. (This sounds odd… but at first I thought it said, “I am glowing, just at the knees”… If you play it over and over again, it sounds like some freak-show song…)
6: You scientists can/earn applaud. –something-(Sounds like da-da...)

Scientist Mumbling:

"I told you a hundred times I am opposed to putting the equipment beyond the test levels."

Nihilanth's Sayings:

“The last… you are the last… you are…”
“The last… I am the last…”
“Done… what have you done…”
“Die… you all die… you all die…”
“Deceive… you will deceive… you…”
“Comes… another…”
“You are man… he is not man… for you he waits… for you…”
“Now… die… now… die… now…”
“Their slaves… we are their slaves… we are…”
“The truth… you can never know… the truth”
“Thieves… you all are thieves… you all are…”
“Win… you cannot win…”
The Nihilanth really sounds like he's pissed off by something doesn't he? What has that naughty GMan been up to? :)
For the 5th Gman mumble, he says "my employers think its greed"


Also, for the Nihilanth deceive thing... I almost seem to hear "Decive you, WE'LL deceive you"... i just cant tell for sure
“You are man… he is not man… for you he waits… for you…”

It's been said before, but this obviously refers to the G-Man waiting for Gordon at the end of the game. I think it's pretty obvious that the G-Man is in fact an alien (but not from Xen) that has tricked Gordon into establishing his race's stranglehold on Xen. The thief bit of course refers to the stealing of crystals from Nihalanth - which had obviously been going on for quite a while prior to "the incident" at Black Mesa. The crystals are needed for teleportation. I hypothesize that the G-Man, and the human government agency he works for, are collaborating with the G-Man's home world in an attempt to colonize Xen. I'm betting that the human occupation of Xen has allowed a new more sinister alien race (and one of the G-Man's rivals) to invade the earth in HL2. This time Gordon will be allied with the G-Man and the Xen aliens to fight this new threat (although perhaps not willingly).
This is even creepier than Paul Is Dead.

I'm honestly creeped out!
what file are u talking about here? and where did you get it??
its the files from hl1. you kan open them with he packviewer. and you can listen to the sound wav's.
Originally posted by Calm_Blue_Ocean
“You are man… he is not man… for you he waits… for you…”

It's been said before, but this obviously refers to the G-Man waiting for Gordon at the end of the game. I think it's pretty obvious that the G-Man is in fact an alien (but not from Xen) that has tricked Gordon into establishing his race's stranglehold on Xen. The thief bit of course refers to the stealing of crystals from Nihalanth - which had obviously been going on for quite a while prior to "the incident" at Black Mesa. The crystals are needed for teleportation. I hypothesize that the G-Man, and the human government agency he works for, are collaborating with the G-Man's home world in an attempt to colonize Xen. I'm betting that the human occupation of Xen has allowed a new more sinister alien race (and one of the G-Man's rivals) to invade the earth in HL2. This time Gordon will be allied with the G-Man and the Xen aliens to fight this new threat (although perhaps not willingly).

Uhm, i believe it's referred to gonarch ( a not man waiting for gordon)
That's not a theory of mine, but i found this out somehow- so i dont remeber exactly why he should refer to gonarch, but trust me. Maybe The nihilanti says this just before you enter the portal to gonarch lair?? i dont remember... anyway, i could be wrong.

As for the gman, i dont like to believe he is an alien. (anyway Gordon could be an alien, or some kind of hybrid.... uhmmm)
man.. this goes to far.. saying gordon freeman is alien. he is not. why the **** would he be alien?
Originally posted by EVIL
man.. this goes to far.. saying gordon freeman is alien. he is not. why the **** would he be alien?

Uhm i wasnt talking seriously.

I think the gman\alien thing is a little bit farfetched.
Yeah it is :) but I do believe that he is connected with the xen or combine
This is some serious shit :b

Well, we will find out 30 september. :)
Either way he's still evil.


Hey about those crystals, it's been awhile since I've played HL thru but I do seem to remember the G-Man using a teleportation device... although the scientist who zaps you to Xen seems to know what he's doing... and they're the GOOD GUYS!!! :bounce:
Originally posted by ShadowJustice
Uhm, i believe it's referred to gonarch ( a not man waiting for gordon)
That's not a theory of mine, but i found this out somehow- so i dont remeber exactly why he should refer to gonarch, but trust me. Maybe The nihilanti says this just before you enter the portal to gonarch lair?? i dont remember... anyway, i could be wrong.

As for the gman, i dont like to believe he is an alien. (anyway Gordon could be an alien, or some kind of hybrid.... uhmmm)

That doesn't even make sense. Why would it refer to the already dead gonarch? The nihilanth says "it waits" meaning freeman hasn't encountered it yet. And why would the nihilanth bother to point out that "*HE* is NOT a man" if it was the gonarch? The gonarch is obviously not human looking, but the gman is. Th nihilanth is warning you that *HE* is not as he seems.
Originally posted by fishbait
That doesn't even make sense. Why would it refer to the already dead gonarch? The nihilanth says "it waits" meaning freeman hasn't encountered it yet. And why would the nihilanth bother to point out that "*HE* is NOT a man" if it was the gonarch? The gonarch is obviously not human looking, but the gman is. Th nihilanth is warning you that *HE* is not as he seems.

Ok sorry, anyway i was supposing he was saying this before you encountered gonarch.

Anyway, gman an alien ??? :( I just hope not, if he is not human i hope it is some kind of mysterious entity rather than a morphing alien....

And anybody listened to opfor gman wavs?? I have the italian version, so someone should quote them. He says black mesa survivor remembered him of himself, able to survive in difficult situation and such.... Maybe the gman dont let all the work to soldiers etc...

It's possible that the gman hiring is somehow similiar to freeman's hiring??
Op4’s ending

So… Corporal Shepard, we meet at last… Please, don’t think that I’ve been avoiding you, a great many matters require my attention in these… troubles times… I do hope you understand. And now I require a further indulgence on your part, I cannot close my report until every loose end has been tied up… The biggest embarrassment has been Black Mesa Facility, but I think that that’s finally taken care of itself.

But there is still the lingering matter of witnesses… I admit I have a fascination with those who adapt and survive against all odds… they rather remind me of myself. If for no other reason, I have argued to preserve you for a time.

While I believe that a civil servant like yourself understands the importance of discretion, my employers are not quite so trusting and rather than continually subject you to the irresistible human temptation of telling all, we have decided to convey you somewhere you can do no possible, and no harm can come to you. I’m sure you can imagine there are worse alternative. (Laughing slightly during the last part)
ok im really confused here. when in the game does the gman say those mumble wavs i heard in the pak?? i never remember hearing those.
is it just me or does anybody find it strange the way g-man talks? its almost like he has trouble talking or something. oh well probably just me.
I don’t know, but G-man always crept me out. Maybe because he always there, watching you, maybe because you never can get him. But one thing for sure, he speaks very strange.
Hello, I´m new to this forum so be nice. I have a couple of suggestions to the g-mans mumblings.

Originally posted by CyrusIV

1: We cannot let the system collapse.

5: Sound in background, bah. Will figure out eventually. (This sounds odd… but at first I thought it said, “I am glowing, just at the knees”… If you play it over and over again, it sounds like some freak-show song…)
On the first one it could also be something like:

1: This is not necessary to getting connected.

And on the fifth it sounds like:

5: I am glad that we could agree.

If you then look at the sixth you see that it fits in quite well.
What do you think.
adding to my last post bout the gman talking, i kinda realize that he never really finishes what he says, like he ends sentences sounding like hes not done or like hes gona say something else. the only thing about this i find interesting is that even in the huge gamespy video with gman in the beginning, he still kinda talks wierd. pretty interesting
Listen to Nihilanth agian:
“You are man… he is not man… for you he waits… for you…”
Why would Nihilanth say that about Gonarch? It's obivously not human; I don't think he'd sate the obvious like that (especially when you listen to everything else he says).

I don't know if the G-man's an alien (“The truth… you can never know… the truth”), but whatever he is, he's bullet proof. Early in the game you can shoot him with the pistol, and the bullets ricochet off him like he's metal.
Let me reply to the above post. G-Man is more than bullet proof, he is EVERYWHERE.

Let me give you an example of this.

You see G-Man on a tram when the game first begins, going the OPPOSITE direction of you. THEN you see G-Man AGAIN right inside the lab talking to some scientist. He sure is fast, isn’t he?

G-Man is seen throughout Half-Life around two other times. Three more in Opposing Forces, including in the Boot Camp tutorial. I don’t recall in Blue Shift, but most likely there as well.

Also, when is the last time you saw a man with a TRAM that could enter Alien Dimensions? Or a Osprey which could shift through worlds?

Boy, I love G-Man. He is SO my idol… If only he was American, that show could have been good… *sigh*
Gman was around heaps more than that. I played halflife start to finish over the past 2 days, i saw him at least 6 times.
On the train, talking to scientist, behind a door, walking along a path with a railing, and heaps more i can't remember right now.
Going into the warp in lambda core, and some others...
I dont wanna be a bitch but when valve made hl did they know that is whas gonna be a big hit ? did they think about everything little thing some1 or something would say that could be connected to a sequal ? dont think so...
Yes, but you see, just because it was a small game with an equally small company at the time doesn't mean it can't have a complex storyline. Besides, if there was no underlying meanings from what they said, then why have them there at all? So many of these things that the Gman and the Scientists say are pointless, then. Ah well, I love those conspiracy theory, nobody's your friend-type plotlines. I sure hope HL2 ties up the loose ends from HL1 in a very interesting way...

vert I really dont think they planned every bit of text for a sequal..what they can do is make hl2 link up with hl and try to conenct to the stuff that whas said. plus the fact that I think that they did write the halflife story for more then 1 game but they still made a ending at the first halflife