Gman monologue in here! SPOILER!


Sep 4, 2004
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I can here present the full monologue of Gman in EP2, it is as following:

"Dr. Freeeeeeman, I realize this moment may not be the most convenient for a heart to heart. But I had to wait until your... friends, were otherwise occupied.
Mmm.. There was a time they cared nothing for Miss. Vance, when their only experience of humanity was a crowbar coming at them down a steel corridor.
When I plucked her from Black Mesa, haha, I acted in the face of objections that she was a mere child and of no practical use to anyone. I have learned to ignore such nay-sayers, when,, quelling them, was.... out of the question.. *laughter*.
Still I am not one to squander my investments and I remain confident, she was worth far more than the initial appraisal. That's why I must now extract.. from you.. some small repayment owed for your own survival. See her safely to White Forest Dr. Freeman. I wish that I could do more than keep an eye on you, but I have agreed to abide by certain...restrictions.. well now, listen carefully my dear.
When you see your... father,, haha.. relay these words":

"Prepare for unforseen consequences....."


or a warning to eli?

thats my guess, no one would expect that he would die at all. the same reason that eli was warned with the same message in black mesa. none of the scientist knew what could happen.
I would not consider that a threat.
It was more of a warning or a reminder if you will.
The G-Man has it's own agenda.He's neither a help nor a hindrance.
True...hes always just watched your progress, no known effect to our travels...
God I loved his apperance in this one. Even more sinister and mysterious than ever, not to mention the beautiful voice acting.
Actually the GMan has directly effected our travels. To our knowledge he's closed off routes to us and at other times has apparently assisted in opening them. Whatever he gets up to though we know that it's to fit his cause so when he places Freeman in danger it isn't to get him killed but to force him into certain situations.
I think the interesting thing this episode is that the GMan himself sounds less lie a servant himself. Previously I always got the impression that there was someone above pulling his strings but his one speech in Ep2 he sounds to have more authority.
Regarding his speech though it's 'face' not phase of objections. Nay sayers not nei.
Eli's death may well be the price that the GMan refers to of course. Certainly it's the only thing this episode that seems to fit and we don't know what he's been getting up to elsewhere that might have caused the advisors to head over at that time.
A crowbar, eh?

So the Gman's masters are the headcrab menace!
Gman is most definitely evil if, as we learn in Ep2, he was a motivating factor in the resonance cascade which ruined earth and put humanity on the brink of extinction. So you could say that he's 'neither a help nor a hindrance', but it's pretty certain that he 'helps' you in unseen ways, and he has no need to hinder you because at all times he has you inadvertently doing his bidding.

I'm not sure what the purpose of the 'unforeseen consequences' line was. IMO the only reason he would have warned Eli was if he needed Eli, but if he needed Eli then Eli wouldn't be dead. Gman is the epitome of a fixer; what he wants to happen, happens one way or another. Want the dimensional integrity of your universe torn to shreds? Sure, Gman has a way. Want to screw up the plans of a monolithic interdimensional empire? Gman's got your back. Want your daughter saved? You'd better hope it benefits Gman somehow.

As such I think Gman was either taunting/goading Eli, or showing Gordon his foresight since Gordon would hear the line and see what happened, or he said the line in order to make Eli tell Gordon something specific (about the past, or about Aperture/the Borealis/whatever).

The OP might even be right about Gman killing him. We can maybe say that the data packet wasn't originally a part of his plans, but became so when the vorts freed Gordon and Alyx and those two then procured it. After this, it appears that Gman looked favourably upon the plan to get Alyx and the data packet to white forest - perhaps because he wanted the superportal shut, but perhaps also because he knew what the Combine would do when they tracked it back there.

Or none of that.
[Groans as he collapses]
Unforeseen consequences...
The last time I heard those words was back at Black Mesa.
ou had just stepped into the test chamber
when he whispered them in my ear.
You know who I'm talking about.
Our mutual friend.


That message from our mutual friend.
The more I think about that warning from our friend, the more I'm convinced it has to do with Borealis.
It's got to be about the Borealis.
Don't be deceived.
That ship must never be used.
You have got to destroy it.
Whatever the cost.
I think the interesting thing this episode is that the GMan himself sounds less lie a servant himself. Previously I always got the impression that there was someone above pulling his strings but his one speech in Ep2 he sounds to have more authority.
Regarding his speech though it's 'face' not phase of objections. Nay sayers not nei.
Eli's death may well be the price that the GMan refers to of course. Certainly it's the only thing this episode that seems to fit and we don't know what he's been getting up to elsewhere that might have caused the advisors to head over at that time.
Actually I've been wondering about the G-Man's employment status since the end of HL2. He makes no mention of his employers at any point. HE has "received some interesting offers" and it does not seem as though he has to justify his decisions regarding those offers to anyone. I think he felt that once he had Gordon under his influence he could start up independently, as it were.

Personally I don't think Eli's death had anything to do with the G-Man.
Something about it doesn't quite sit with his way of operating - it doesn't seem that Eli dying is in the G-Man's best interests (let's face it, that seems to be the only thing he's really concerned about) because surely Eli still owes him big-time?
That's the way it seems to me.
Actually I've been wondering about the G-Man's employment status since the end of HL2. He makes no mention of his employers at any point.

During his monologue, when he's in the silo, he mentions that he must abide by "certain restrictions." Are these restrictions imposed by his superiors (if he has any) or by the terms of a contract he has signed with another individual?

Another thing, it's always perplexed me how anyone manages to have any leverage when brokering deals with the G-Man. What can they offer him that he isn't capable of getting himself? He must be grossly deficient in some aspect, I mean he just has to be.
maybe he saved alyx in return for Eli's life hence "unforseen consequences" and he probably knew so he didn't resist his own death...but this was a deal with G-man.
Okay, my two cents:
1- The Gman's office is not his office, it's the reception room in Black Mesa! Where you first see Barney who tells you that "I had a couple of messages for you but we had a system crash about 20 minutes ago and I'm still trying to find my files"

2- "I had to wait until your friends... were otherwise occupied" I think this refers to the Vortigaunts. They managed to keep Gman at bay through the entire course of Ep.1, didn't they? Not only this suggests that Gman can indeed be halted (and that's there's a limit to his power), but that the Vortigaunts were actually continuously keeping him at bay until they were "occupied" by healing Alyx.
Okay, my two cents:
1- The Gman's office is not his office, it's the reception room in Black Mesa! Where you first see Barney who tells you that "I had a couple of messages for you but we had a system crash about 20 minutes ago and I'm still trying to find my files"

2- "I had to wait until your friends... were otherwise occupied" I think this refers to the Vortigaunts. They managed to keep Gman at bay through the entire course of Ep.1, didn't they? Not only this suggests that Gman can indeed be halted (and that's there's a limit to his power), but that the Vortigaunts were actually continuously keeping him at bay until they were "occupied" by healing Alyx.

1. I really doubt g-man has an office and if he did, it'd look alot nicer than that :P And I don't think it was the Anomolous Materials lobby either, mostly because it didn't look anything like it.

2. Yes, it's fairly obvious he was referring to the vortigaunts. I don't think they'd been keeping him at bay continously, more like the g-man knew that if he tried to give Gordon another spaced-out trip through "G-man land" while the Vorti's were still on their toes, they would have interefered. Therefore he did nothing until he knew the Vortigaunts were to busy to notice him making things go all freaky. I don't think they can "sense" him or whatever all the time, but they know when he does those special effect-heavy speeches he likes to do and can stop him when he does it.

This did spark an interesting thought in my head: How powerful is g-man vs Vortis? Yes, the Vortis can stop him but it took like five of them to keep him away from Gordon at the start of Ep 1, and he seemed to be able to bring Gordie away from the Citadel single-handed, the Vorts needed ten or so to do the same to Alyx.
Unforeseen Consequences was the chapter after the experiment goes wrong in HL1. I don't think we saw any "Unforeseen Consequences" in Ep2 except Elis death... which if Gman didn't influence would mean it is yet to happen.
Unforeseen Consequences was the chapter after the experiment goes wrong in HL1. I don't think we saw any "Unforeseen Consequences" in Ep2 except Elis death... which if Gman didn't influence would mean it is yet to happen.
Interesting point. I wonder if the portal satellite is going to cause some kind of side effect...
I really want to see what the heck Gman's employers are. If he's just a servant and he's so damn powerful, what kind of power would they hold? I also think that Gman's definitely not human. Alien? God? No clue. But he can't possibly be human. For one, he speaks english very fluently, but still, in a VERY odd way, and he kind of lags on some words: ".......quelling.... hmm?" The "Hmm?" reminds me of a foreigner questioning if he used the right word.
Interesting point. I wonder if the portal satellite is going to cause some kind of side effect...

Well there was 8.5 pounds i believe, of some random material in there... that seemed a bit odd to me.

I for one almost think magnussen isnt being all on the up and up with us.
For one, he speaks english very fluently, but still, in a VERY odd way, and he kind of lags on some words: ".......quelling.... hmm?" The "Hmm?" reminds me of a foreigner questioning if he used the right word.
Or perhaps he lags so he could find the right euphemism (even a native English speaker could lag when it comes to this). G-Man has to keep his message as vague as possible, so can't outright state the truth..... for now.
Well there was 8.5 pounds i believe, of some random material in there... that seemed a bit odd to me.
The general theory is that that is Lamarr. Last we saw of her was she crawled inside the rocket when no-one was looking and she looks like she'd weigh about 8 pounds.
Well there was 8.5 pounds i believe, of some random material in there... that seemed a bit odd to me.

I for one almost think magnussen isnt being all on the up and up with us.
Those extra pounds are Lamarr.
During his monologue, when he's in the silo, he mentions that he must abide by "certain restrictions." Are these restrictions imposed by his superiors (if he has any) or by the terms of a contract he has signed with another individual?
I think he means the restrictions the Vorts have put on him- he mentioned he had to wait until they were occupied in order to speak to Gordon.
By the way, if anybody wants a little more info to chew on, go lose your car. Drive it off a cliff or a bridge or something. You know those old "Subject failed to maintain mission-critical resource" messages you'd get it you screwed it up so the game couldn't continue any more? There's a nice vortigaunt twist to it now.

Nothing too big, but I think it certainly wraps up the question of whether or not Freeman is a service for hire to the highest bidder.
One thing i do know about the gman is that he has a pretty slick office.
"When I plucked her from Black Mesa, haha, I acted in the face of objections that she was a mere child and of no practical use to anyone. I have learned to ignore such nay-sayers, when,, quelling them, was.... out of the question.. *laughter*."

Didn't anybody notice this? This means there are people who are at least on the same level as gman.
This also means he's in a position of power and authority, which makes me doubt he has direct employers as somebody he works for. Gman sounds more like a freelancer and the "nay-sayers" are people who he deals with" Makes sense when you think about what Breen said. "Your contract was up to the highest bidder."
The real question here, is, what does Gman get out of it. And who are the people who deal with Gman.
Ok somebody in here said that Gman does not have employers or doesn't mention them. That is incorrect. At the end of HL1 Gman clearly states that "I have recommended your services to my employers." After playing EP2 perhaps he is indeed a free agent and thinks of his clients as employers. An employer does not have to be somebody that works above you but perhaps somebody you work for.

Hopefully this insight will regulate some of the rampant speculation. But I doubt it.
Gman's powers

What I keep on coming back to is how the Vortigons talk about using the 'void' while healing Alyx. I suspect whatever this void that they are connected to is also what Gman uses to communitcate with Gordon and everything else. It would explain how the Vortigons can counter him.
Okay, my two cents:
1- The Gman's office is not his office, it's the reception room in Black Mesa! Where you first see Barney who tells you that "I had a couple of messages for you but we had a system crash about 20 minutes ago and I'm still trying to find my files"

You know I took another look at the gman youtube video and paused it in his "office". It really does look like a modernly rendered Black mesa reception area. The computer is on the desk in the right position, the door into the corridor is in the right spot, and the screen behind the desk says "black mesa research facility". The original room had a screen/map behind the desk as well, with the same logo.
But the greeting desk was round, the room was much shorter than the distance you see, and the left wall was full of TV screens...
The room is of course Black Mesa. Why should they present it right in the moment Gman is talking about Black Mesa? I remember when that screenshot popped up pre-release, some guys made a comparision and noticed that the measurements of both rooms were exactly the same.

Another question: What is the special thing he has taken from Gordon in the scene? Mojo?
Yes reffering to someone as your employer could equally mean that they have contracted you rather than being something like your line manager or similar, so it's possible that the GMan has always been an independent fixer and at that point he merely starts offering options on your services.
Still, that doesn't mean that he isn't directly under a superior, and when he mentions not being able to quel nay-sayers he may be referencing others of equal standing speaking out against his plans. Almost like is some sort of marketing meeting.
Personaly I think it is possible that Eli is sacrificed by the GMan and that this is the Unforseen Circumstance. Yes Eli owes him big for saving Alyx, but what chain of events are set in motion by Eli's death? For one thing we know that so far the only porson to object to using the ASL research vessel is Eli. He demands that Freeman destroys it but doesn't let Alyx in on this.
The fact that this room is in black mesa does not mean it is the reception room or any room we have seen.Just a room.