Gman monologue in here! SPOILER!

its clearly supposed to be the reception room and anyone who says otherwise is being obtuse.
It is indeed the reception room. But it's certainly not the G-Man's office. Just a little retro action.

If it looks different than it did in HL2, that's probably because... well, they're not going to plug the G-Man into an old Quake 1 map, are they?
Did anyone else notice just as Alyx says to her dad, "Prepare for unforseen consequences" the G-man appears on the screen (that Judith was on) for a few seconds?

I loved that.
Did anyone else notice just as Alyx says to her dad, "Prepare for unforseen consequences" the G-man appears on the screen (that Judith was on) for a few seconds?

I loved that.

really? I missed this
I just played through the game again, and when Gman speaks, it does INDEED look like Black Mesa. First, look at the left, a bunch of monitors, just like in HL1, door on the right, computerscreen on the table, and not a modern scren, just an old CRT-screen just like in HL1. The only thing that looks different is the table, so I dont understand why some people dismiss the thought of that being B.M so quickly =)
I think the Gman wants the Borealis, for some reason, could be thats why Eli wanted it destroyed. I thought it was interesting that he knew about the Gman as well, too bad he died before he could share anything ;[
Forgive my lack of knowledge, but did Gman work at Black Mesa at all? The wellknown photography in Kleiners lab could suggest that he did.
That's why I must now extract.. from you.. some small repayment owed for your own survival.

It was my impression that this payment was Eli's life.
Another theory on the "naysayers"

Gordon and Eli were both needed by GMan, right? So if Eli complained about taking Alyx, quelling (killing) him would be out of the question. So Gman simply ignored Eli and took her anyway.

Now, Eli's death I believe is because of his choice to go against the G-Man. Unforseen consequences for disobeying/doubting/going against him. It would make sense if he protested Alyx's involvement, and now he wants the Borealis destroyed. G-Man wants him out now, as his usefulness is no longer an issue.
G-Man's office isn't the reception room, it's the one in which you see G-Man talking to Barney in OP4.
G-Man's office isn't the reception room, it's the one in which you see G-Man talking to Barney in OP4.

He has no office, unless there's some floating cubicle in the nether of the universe I'm unaware of.
Did anyone else notice just as Alyx says to her dad, "Prepare for unforseen consequences" the G-man appears on the screen (that Judith was on) for a few seconds?

I loved that.

I got a screen of it here:

Im glad I didn't miss that part, it was spooky and awesome.

I love being able to enter Episode Two forums without any spoilers spoiling it for me now :D
Now what gets me is the Eli reacted when the Advisors burst into the room. He acted as though that he knew that his death was to happen now, he didn't try to clamber away or anything, when the advisor held him, he didnt' struggle, he just told Alyx to look away.

Could this be significant between G-Man and Eli?
Eli was just protecting Alyx. If you'll remember, she was initially closer to the Advisor. Eli pushed her back so he'd be closer and so that he'd die instead of Alyx. I think that's all there is to it.
Actually, I don't think GMan is directly involved in the Eli's death. He KNEW that its gonna happen, but he didnt cause it or tried to prevent(although, arguably "Prepare for unforeseen consequences" can be interpreted as a warning) it. IMO, the only reason Advisors attacked the base was because they were majorly pissed off about the destruction of the portal and wanted to get some payback.
It was probably a mixture of being a father and just pure fear...if you are a father and you see your child in danger, would you not put yourself between them and their attacker?
It was my impression that this payment was Eli's life.
Nah. That wouldn't be extracting payment from -you-. Pretty sure all he meant by that was exactly what he said afterwards - getting Alyx to White Forest.
Anyone else notice the screen behind him cut to the arctic area Judith was in in the transmission when he was talking about "quelling them" (them being the "naysayers")? Seems pretty big...
1. I really doubt g-man has an office and if he did, it'd look alot nicer than that :P And I don't think it was the Anomolous Materials lobby either, mostly because it didn't look anything like it.

2. Yes, it's fairly obvious he was referring to the vortigaunts. I don't think they'd been keeping him at bay continously, more like the g-man knew that if he tried to give Gordon another spaced-out trip through "G-man land" while the Vorti's were still on their toes, they would have interefered. Therefore he did nothing until he knew the Vortigaunts were to busy to notice him making things go all freaky. I don't think they can "sense" him or whatever all the time, but they know when he does those special effect-heavy speeches he likes to do and can stop him when he does it.

This did spark an interesting thought in my head: How powerful is g-man vs Vortis? Yes, the Vortis can stop him but it took like five of them to keep him away from Gordon at the start of Ep 1, and he seemed to be able to bring Gordie away from the Citadel single-handed, the Vorts needed ten or so to do the same to Alyx.

Actually, I recall that if you drive your car of the bridge and crash it, you'll get a message saying something like "The vortessence can now sense a doom that cannot be stopped" or something like that. I get the feeling they're watching him the same way G-Man did.

Anyone else notice the screen behind him cut to the arctic area Judith was in in the transmission when he was talking about "quelling them" (them being the "naysayers")? Seems pretty big...

Not really. It's obvious by his "naysayers" he might mean his "employers" since he mentions he plucked "the mere-child" from Black Mesa during the disaster. So, uh I kinda doubt it has much relevance.
Well, all the other things he cut to had some relevance. Why would the monitor just randomly switch to the arctic base? I have a feeling Mossman knows something about Gman (GMan? G-Man? G-man?).
Well, all the other things he cut to had some relevance. Why would the monitor just randomly switch to the arctic base? I have a feeling Mossman knows something about Gman (GMan? G-Man? G-man?).
Probably. Mossman was Breen's right-hand man and must've known about G-Man. Even Eli knew about him, wouldn't be surprised if Kleiner was in on it as well.
Nah. That wouldn't be extracting payment from -you-. Pretty sure all he meant by that was exactly what he said afterwards - getting Alyx to White Forest.

Like G-Man said, "I'm not one to squander investments."

G-Man knew that if Eli lived he would have talked Alyx and Gordon out of getting to the Portal ship, so he probably felt it was in his best interest to not interfere and allow Eli to die. "Prepare for Unforseen Consequences". Because Eli refused to get the portal ship, the G-Man in response did nothing and allowed him to die.
It's my firm beleif that in the G-man's initial plans, Eli was not meant to die. But the Vorts' unanticipated interference (saving Alyx from the citadel explosion) forced him to change some of his plans. This meant that Eli would have to die to maintain the desired course of events. In this light, the advanced warning seems almost apologetic. Maybe they knew each other back in Black Mesa. Eli certainly knew more than he was letting on about the G-man.
Eli was probably going to explain all that he knows to Gordon after he returns from the Borealis. I was expecting then to go get Mossman in Ep3 and then listen to an explanation from Eli. I wonder who's going to deliver an explanation now that Eli is dead. Any other characters who know the G-Man? Kleiner?

Also, an interesting bit. Eli asked Alyx to go make some tea and would only talk to you about the G-Man in her absence, that was pretty obvious. Why so? Is it that he doesn't want to freak Alyx out with it, or something else?
Eli was probably going to explain all that he knows to Gordon after he returns from the Borealis. I was expecting then to go get Mossman in Ep3 and then listen to an explanation from Eli. I wonder who's going to deliver an explanation now that Eli is dead. Any other characters who know the G-Man? Kleiner?

Also, an interesting bit. Eli asked Alyx to go make some tea and would only talk to you about the G-Man in her absence, that was pretty obvious. Why so? Is it that he doesn't want to freak Alyx out with it, or something else?

The Vorts know all about g-man. And I suppose he could have told Kleiner.

And I assumed he was too ashamed about what he'd done to let Alyx know. He'd given in to him by allowing the experiment to continue, and then bartered with the g-man to get Alyx out. Not his proudest moment, I think his reaction makes that pretty clear.
in regards to the consequence:

I think that Eli was responsible for G-man allowing Gordon to re-appear and wreck city 17 in the original hl2.from the g-mans perspective, he was essentially eliminating breen, a tool to the core. the thing im still contemplating is what price Eli would have paid for this. Eli owes the G-man for saving Alyx, but was that price her, or something else? basically, theres 2 events, and only one obvious payment made. Episode 2 revealed the second favor, and the price might have been his life.

it feels like a g-man thing to do... the base was relaxed, jubilant after the defeat of the combine, and these super powerful advisors were in the right place at the right time. G-mans tools have a habit of showing up at those moments. Furthermore, to us, Eli is dead and thats all there is to it. but what did the advisor extract? memories? knowledge? I have a hard time beleiving that these uber beings and what they do to people are meant to just kill. theres plenty of other combine tools to do that with.

in regards to Alyx:

Its clear to me that Alyx doesnt know much, if anything about the suit. Eli was trying to protect her from finding out about the deal with the devil he made. I re-watched the tea time scene several times. Alyx slumped after delivering the message. it seems that she didnt make the choice to say that, it just occured. Eli nearly passing out was almost like he realized G-man was cashing in. Also, one key thing to remember is, nowhere in Portal did we find out what time frame that game was set in. I still think the whole game could be a memory of Alyx's that G-man removed from earlier in her life (sometime inbetween halflife 1 and 2). a sort of rite of passage engineered by the gman to prove her worth.

in regards to the borealis:

im rather convinced now that wherever that thing originally disappeared to, it brought back the G-man with it. The clincher for me on him being some alien super being is his eyes. they are haunting. unnatural. combined with his strange speech patterns and occasional difficulty choosing the appropriate words, I doubt he is human. He might have been at some point though, and maybe his outward appearance is just a host body. if he provided the crystal for Eli and ultimately gordon to test, humanity was probably screwed well before Gordon went into that test chamber.

conclusions, and episode 3 thoughts:

the key for us, the player, is probably going to be mossman. whatever "conclusion" we're gonna get is probably gonna come from her, although ultimately i see the trilogy ending just like halflife 1 did... with a choice. remains to be seen if its an illusion the second time around. destroy the ship, or harness its power. I doubt we'll ever see the end of an omnipresent extra dimensional being like the g-man though, and we'll probably never completely understand who or what he is.
The Vorts know all about g-man. And I suppose he could have told Kleiner.

And I assumed he was too ashamed about what he'd done to let Alyx know. He'd given in to him by allowing the experiment to continue, and then bartered with the g-man to get Alyx out. Not his proudest moment, I think his reaction makes that pretty clear.

You've heard the way Vorts talk. Do they really sound like they'd give a sensible and thorough explanation? ;)

I'm not so sure Eli should be ashamed. His dealings with the G-Man were apparently with the primary goal to ensure Alyx's safety. So when talking to a... being with enormous powers, Eli's main concern isn't getting something for himself but rather for his daughters. Which brings me to the thought, if Breen ever dealt with the G-Man (and we can at least reason that Breen knows about him), then I'm pretty sure he only cared about his own good and power.
What I think is of profound significance is that it seems that the green crystal that caused the portals to open up in the Original Half life game was supplied by the G-Man originally ("there may be unforeseen consequences")if you listen to Eli's account of their relationship in the final chapter of EP2. I think the G-Man knew that the portals would open up and allow the Combine to attack Earth, but that suits his purposes. Perhaps he sees humanity as the perfect race capable of fighting the Combine and has drawn them to Earth accordingly. The one thing I'd say is certainly clear is that G-Man isn't human. Perhaps he might be a rogue advisor or some such.
Not really. It's obvious by his "naysayers" he might mean his "employers" since he mentions he plucked "the mere-child" from Black Mesa during the disaster. So, uh I kinda doubt it has much relevance.

By "naysayers" I believe he is referring to Breen. As he mentions this the screen behind him shows a very distorted picture of Dr. Breen as well.

Like G-Man said, "I'm not one to squander investments."

G-Man knew that if Eli lived he would have talked Alyx and Gordon out of getting to the Portal ship, so he probably felt it was in his best interest to not interfere and allow Eli to die. "Prepare for Unforseen Consequences". Because Eli refused to get the portal ship, the G-Man in response did nothing and allowed him to die.

If that's so, then he may even gave the combine/advisors the hint that eli was there.
You guys are driving me absolutely bonkers with all your theories! I can't wait for Episode 3.
I heard rumors that E3 is not the last installment.
Any confirmation on that?
Any rumors as to the release date of E3?
You guys who think G-man killed Eli. Do you really think he went to the advisers and told on Eli's/Gordon/Alyx/ Rebels/ hide place?

Eli was killed by some angry frustrated combine advisers who just refused to admit defeat.

I have a feeling EP3 will be about revenge and possibly something could get wrong. Who knows maybe we will hear from Xen again (G-man's warning? Hell I would surprised if after all these, they would be Race X lol) since it was already mentioned
Episode 3 is said to be the last of this how Half Life had its own storyline, HL2 and the Episodes are another storyline...who knows what Ep4 and/or HL3 will bring...