Gman monologue in here! SPOILER!

G-Man wants to destroy the Borealis - by making Alyx deliver the message "prepare for unforeseen circumstances", Eli, by his own account, was lead to believe this meant that the Borealis was dangerous. By having Eli die moments after shouting "you must destroy that ship", this ensures that Alyx will put a tremendous amount of effort into completing her father's dying wish. Thus, Alyx lives up to being a "worthwhile investment", Eli pays his end of the bargain for having Alyx saved from Black Mesa and the G-Man gets what he wants.

So it seems that G-Man did intend for Eli to die, and may have even been the Advisor who killed him. If the Borealis is a weapon that can be used against the Combine, then this theory implies that the G-Man wants the Combine to succeed.
then this theory implies that the G-Man wants the Combine to succeed.

After helping destroy the citadel, releasing the most dangerous person in the world to incite resurrection and general disarray into the combine ranks, supplying the resistance with weapons and allowing the launch of a rocket that once and for all stopped the combine from invading earth? Someone needs to make up his mind...
After helping destroy the citadel, releasing the most dangerous person in the world to incite resurrection and general disarray into the combine ranks, supplying the resistance with weapons and allowing the launch of a rocket that once and for all stopped the combine from invading earth? Someone needs to make up his mind...

Destroying the citadel set things into motion for the Super Portal. When did he supply the resistance with weapons (besides Freeman himself)? I don't know how, but somehow destroying the Borealis serves his interest - maybe it wasn't all misdirection - perhaps the Borealis really is bad news for humans and he wants it destroyed for their sake.
Destroying the citadel set things into motion for the Super Portal. When did he supply the resistance with weapons (besides Freeman himself)?

He supplied them with at least one rocket launcher :P And the Super Portal was closed by said rocket, which he could have done something to prevent, I'm sure. Besides, they wouldn't have needed the super portal if the citadel hadn't been destroyed. I think it's fairly safe to say that the combine had been alot better off if Freeman hadn't appeared, which the g-man made happen.
He supplied them with at least one rocket launcher :P And the Super Portal was closed by said rocket, which he could have done something to prevent, I'm sure. Besides, they wouldn't have needed the super portal if the citadel hadn't been destroyed. I think it's fairly safe to say that the combine had been alot better off if Freeman hadn't appeared, which the g-man made happen.

You're forgetting that the Combine would never have discovered Earth if the G-Man hadn't initiated the resonance cascade.
If that's so, then he may even gave the combine/advisors the hint that eli was there.

I don't think the combine needed any hints on their location... I would believe that the mile-long smoke cloud from the rocket should pretty much be a dead giveaway.
You're forgetting that the Combine would never have discovered Earth if the G-Man hadn't initiated the resonance cascade.

Yeah he brought them to earth to get their collective ass kicked by Gordon Freeman relentlessly.
I am thinking he started all Combine invasion simply to expand his "market". Since, apparently, his business is providing "resourceful individuals" to those in need, what could be better than some war profiteering?
Yeah he brought them to earth to get their collective ass kicked by Gordon Freeman relentlessly.

Yeah that's another good theory - that he wants the Combine to be distracted here while he mounts an attack on their homeworld.
Yes reffering to someone as your employer could equally mean that they have contracted you rather than being something like your line manager or similar, so it's possible that the GMan has always been an independent fixer and at that point he merely starts offering options on your services.
Still, that doesn't mean that he isn't directly under a superior, and when he mentions not being able to quel nay-sayers he may be referencing others of equal standing speaking out against his plans. Almost like is some sort of marketing meeting.
Personaly I think it is possible that Eli is sacrificed by the GMan and that this is the Unforseen Circumstance. Yes Eli owes him big for saving Alyx, but what chain of events are set in motion by Eli's death? For one thing we know that so far the only porson to object to using the ASL research vessel is Eli. He demands that Freeman destroys it but doesn't let Alyx in on this.

Where the crap do you guys get all this info from? I've played every half-life game there is, except for a few HL1 expo's and I have no clue what's going on, haha...what is ASL and is there some sort of meta-resource on the half-life story? That'd help a lot, I'm sure...

Where the crap do you guys get all this info from? I've played every half-life game there is, except for a few HL1 expo's and I have no clue what's going on, haha...what is ASL and is there some sort of meta-resource on the half-life story? That'd help a lot, I'm sure...


We guess alot. With the g-man there is a lot of speculation. And ASL is Aperture Science Laboratories. (I think)
Yeah, but how do people know all this about the Borealis--is it from the leaked Beta or something?
The Borealis in the Leak, had a different Purpose from whats happening now. Actually it went threw a few different Ideas before being scrapped.
In regards to G-Man... i believe that his long history points towards him not being on the side of humanity or the combine, but has his own goals and agenda.

We guess alot. With the g-man there is a lot of speculation. And ASL is Aperture Science Laboratories. (I think)

A lot of the recent speculation regarding Aperture Science Laboratories comes from the developers talking about incorporating the Borealis in the original Half Life 2 as well as many interesting correlations made when looking at information in Episode 2 and the companion game "Portal".

Here is a shot taken via no clipping in episode 2.


The Borealis is not only a ship which disappeared many years ago only to suddenly be found in the arctic, the ship also seems to have more to it than simply a portal system developed by Aperture Science.

In the picture below taken from the game "Portal"... the slide show talks about an "ice breaker" or Ice inhibiting system but also mentions that it's ran by GLaDOS and is "arguably alive".


Perhaps I'm stretching my speculation a little too much on this.... but if there is some form of Artificial Intelligence (which is self aware... as the commentary mentions in room of the last battle in Portal) it may have contain the powers to defeat the Advisers. In the final scene of Episode 2, you'd notice that Dog is the only thing that saves everyone from the psyonic hold of the advisers.
There is no photo of G-Man at Black Mesa.

Yes... there is.

Apparently the G-Man was the one who gave the sample to Eli that would cause the resonance cascade. I remember in original Half-Life there was a scene in Anomalous Materials where we see a scientist having what looks to be an argument with the G-Man behind a wall of glass.

Perhaps I'm stretching my speculation a little too much on this.... but if there is some form of Artificial Intelligence (which is self aware... as the commentary mentions in room of the last battle in Portal) it may have contain the powers to defeat the Advisers. In the final scene of Episode 2, you'd notice that Dog is the only thing that saves everyone from the psyonic hold of the advisers.

IMO thats just because he caught the Adviser off guard. See what they did to the walls of the garage? They tore them open like tissue paper. I think as someone mentioned in another thread, Dog would have been toast if he didn't leave us a minute beforehand.
Psychic powers can't work on a robot. Good thinking Andrew. :thumbs:
That scientist is random every time.

Yeah, he is. I've seen him as Dr. Kleiner as well as some guy who looked very much like Einstein.

But the point of that picture still holds... that G-Man was seen in Black Mesa before the experiment and definitely had a hand in the resonance cascade.
You see G-Man early on after the accident as well on top of a balcony (unless I imagined it)
Gman brought the crystal to Black Mesa which Gordon pushed into the beam, hence the chaos and dead people =)
This also makes the 'Gman is on our side' idea stink a bit, since it means he's responsible for bringing humanity close to extinction.
I think the big G is on his own side, still though as I've said elsewhere, BM personel had already been visiting Xen which will have brought us to the attention of the Nihilanth and gawd knows who else. Meddling around like that likely put us in a poor position even prior to him handing over the Xen Crystal. The RC may have actually saved humanity. I'm not saying it did, I'm saying we don't have enough information to know yet.
I think that Gman wants the Combine to invade the earth, and he wanted Gordon to destroy the Citadel in HL2/EP1, because that would signal to the Combines homeplanet that some shit is up, and they would send reinforcements, at the same time that Gman could do something to the leaders of the Combine homeplanet. INTERSTELLAR WAR!!!!
This also makes the 'Gman is on our side' idea stink a bit, since it means he's responsible for bringing humanity close to extinction.

Yes, but at the same time he brought you back just at the right moment to lay waste to the Combine and help humanity overthrow their oppressors.

Basically, it may stink. But the alternative doesn't explain much either. His motives are probably far more ambiguous than this argument can address.