Gman sighting, not sure if new


Jun 20, 2006
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On the red letter day, when barney and alyx are watching the security screen in klieners lab if you use the tv ( press 'e' on it) it changes to a channel that has gman on it at like the begining of the first level..............................dont start a flame war if this has already been discussed :cool:
Yeah, it has. There's more, too. Many more. EDIT: sightings I mean.
i think really all of them have been sighted; plus the easter eggs.
Yeah, definitely. The G-Man fan page has a list of all of them.
Its no idea posting threads about G-Man sightings, they've all been seen and discussed
The game has been out for over 2 years, of course that's not new :p
Keep looking, there are many more coming up which are harder to see than that one. If anyone dare flames in this thread, I will initiate combat with them.
*pulls out zippo and smiles naughtily (is that even a word?!) at Glenn*

For some reason, I can never find the G-Man at the end of Ravenholm when I was tipped off on his whereabouts; I read a Wikipedia article listing his sightings and got this: "After leaving Ravenholm, he can barely be seen walking off into a tunnel behind a few train cars."

What I did was, after I got out of the mining tunnel, I looked to the left where there was another tunnel with a derailed traincar.

Any help and/or thoughts?
I've never seen that one myself, it's apparently more easily seen by nocliping. Also, your signature is far too long, four lines minimum is the forum rule.
Also, your signature is far too long, four lines minimum is the forum rule.

Right, ok. I'll delete that "HL2-plays-You" part. It can sound a bit awkward if not properly interpreted.

I've never seen that one myself, it's apparently more easily seen by nocliping.

Yeah, I've had my doubts about that sighting for a while...
No, that sighting is genuine. You leave the mine tunnel, take on all the Combine along the rail tracks up to the buildings you enter. At the far end of the tracks (away from the mine exit) there are several rail cars blocking your way. I think you have to crouch down to see past the cars, but the G-Man is on the far side of them, and he walks off.q
Yeah I saw it, very sneaky place to put him I must say.
God, it took me ages to find the G-man sighting in Ravenholm. I hadn't realized it was near the Shorepoint base at the very end of the explorable area of the tracks. Crouch down on the far left of the train cars, as pomegranate said. Also, be sure to use your zoom. He's quite far away and visible for only a second or so.

If you need a further visual reference and don't mind spoilers, do a search for "G-man sightings" on YouTube.

Hi, i have discovered something which may explain how the G-man gets around:cheese: maybe valve are hinting something with the portal gun, and thats what the g-man uses, the portal gun, look at this picture from the portal trailer, i think it looks a lot like the g-man, look here:

He doesnt.
You, on the other hand, look a lot like a douche :p

he does, maybe he escapes portal land and goes on a mad rampage through the half life series with the portal gun, then he visits black mesa to steal some other stuff to make him so powerful he can do anything, he can fly... sing... dance and skip through the valleys :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
he does, maybe he escapes portal land and goes on a mad rampage through the half life series with the portal gun, then he visits black mesa to steal some other stuff to make him so powerful he can do anything, he can fly... sing... dance and skip through the valleys :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:

sorry i went a bit mad there, anyway i have just discovered that the model in that portal teaser is simply a placeholder model, and the model for the game is actually going to be female! so there you go, but this useful for anyone who thought this too.
lol i never thought this. Portal has nothing to do with the half life series. its just sent it the same kind of place.
How can you say Portal has nothing to do with Half Life when Valve says that Portal takes place in the Half Life world??
I think he means that they remain separate in that they never cross over. Gordon never visits Aperture labs, or vice-versa.
according to the new portal preview on the relationship between the portal and half-life stories will be revealed in episode 2.
sry im posting this everywhere, but i love my theory..

i say the combine are doing this to test out opening portals within earth itself and how the soldiers could use it..thus they use human subjects and test them to see how they would use it. remember, the combine have not been able to teleport within earth thus relying on gunships and apc's ect. thus, they are slowly developing this technology to speed up their re assault on earth to take it over again and not fail. the tests are being conducted in the combine homeworld.. my theory.
Fine lets discuss it, why would it be on the Combine homeworld and why would they build such a human installation for it to go on and not something different or like the Citadel like they are known to have