Gman Squad!

Some parts werent very funny, but a lot were hilarious.

The awesome to suck ratio is pretty high on this one.
Hahahah those were great. Will look for more!
Definitely reminds me of the old days of Sven Co-op.

Never laughed so much at a bunch of people running around screaming into their mics.
Argh we need the flux capacitor!
My favorite part was when the one guy jumped through the other guy's lazer mines and missed them.

"WEEEE! ....Wow.....did you see that--" BOOM! lol
If the third one pops up, make a new thread please :p
Yeh, Ep1 is one of the funniest Machinima's I've seen in a long time. Ep2, not so much.

Ep1 is funny cause its just so random, running around killing everyone and hitting everything while yelling at the top of their lungs.

Ep2 is more of a story builder, with less of the above.
Reminds me of the good ol' days when all my friends constantly called achother and me ******s...
