Gman's "employers"


Jul 3, 2003
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In HL1 and in OpFc, he keeps referring to his "employers" and that his "report is not yet finished"



Post all the information you gathered from the games. I got a little:

* He can control teleports. Otherwise his employers do it for him.
* He is always watching you, he does not help, maybe seeing that if we can survive.
* He wants to destroy/destroys Black Mesa (as seen on OpFc, at the end, "But I think that has taken care of itself.")
* He can't be killed. I've shot a damn RPG at him, in OpFc (on the dam, where you fight a big-red-eyed-flamethrower robot), unless he had some shield I couldn't see.

That's all I can think of right now.
The G-Man's the emperor, he pulls all the strings...he acts like the good guy, takes over Earth's senate, calls martial law, kills Black Mesa, Gordon joins the dark sid--nevermind.

.... EM... UH

to offer you a job....
you've done quite well

bahahah :p
gman sounds like hes drooling when hes talking, cause yeah he will say something and go like slurp slurp slurp, ah as i was saying gordon.
lol...cant think of the right word ther
*hmmm should i say the i cant tell them who my horrible enslavers-i mean employers are, or he wouldnt kill them all for me*
Of course the combine arnt with him tho...
He is an alien. In fact, I expect him to be the last "boss" of HL2. I picture him mutating into some kind of huge alien-thing and killing everyone.
Originally posted by BlumenKohl
Ouch, that guys torso looks out of place. ;) Some freaky accident?

yes and his head also looks a bit.....dislocated... ;)
And you wanted to know why people hate you? ;) J/k, that's pretty funny.
I can see it now...

"Now I'll show you my TRUE POWER!!!"

(If the above happens, I'll lose 92.3% of my respect for Valve.)
Originally posted by BlumenKohl
The G-Man's the emperor, he pulls all the strings...he acts like the good guy, takes over Earth's senate, calls martial law, kills Black Mesa, Gordon joins the dark sid--nevermind.

Bah, martial law is boring. MARS is wild and untaimed. What can i do under Martian law?

sealab 2021 anyone?
actually i think gman will turn out to be gordons father. they will get in a duel with crowbars, and when gman has gordon at his mercy he will say. 'gordon, i am your father!'

erm uh... when i play half-life2 maybe..youll start off in his building...but when i see just going to kill him :D lol then everyones going to try and kill me probaly then..hehe heeh
the gman is gordon from the future. if you havent put all the puzzle pieces together yet (i.e. the unknown amount of time between games, the concept art PORTAL)... in HL2 they have evolved beyond simple teleportation into full on time travel. thats why you have to go back to black mesa late in the game to stop yourself from wreaking all this havok. period.

or not.
Or there will be an alternative ending.
I can see it now,

Your at the last level, and you come to a huge skyscraper thats like 500 stories tall. You go inside, and a nice secretary greets you at the lobby. You go up the elevator to the top floor, the door opens, then...

The G-Man pulls off his mask and voice emulator patch and yells
"APRIL FOOLS!" then alll the monsters headcrabs and all pop out and take off thir costumes.
Originally posted by omlette

.... EM... UH

to offer you a job....
you've done quite well

bahahah :p

This hesitating suggest something.

Maybe they are not his employers, but his...

G-Man's boss is the Administrator. I hope he's human , not some cliché-alien boss with "Muhahah I'm an ALIEN and i'm gonna eat yer soul, puny human!"
By the way , Dile, your sig is absolutely right!!!! :cheers:
i just found a nice bit of info from hl start..........

on the way in all the info about GF is coming up on screen age. job.... one thing say.... Administrator Sponsor .. Classified

oi oi anyone know whats that about.
everytime you see him, he just leaves the scene. maybe on the bridge scene on op4's they scripted him to stay abit too long bymistake
Originally posted by Tredoslop

I hope G-man is not an alien, I also think it's to obvious for Valve to do..
Or maybe.....just MAYBE.....we should just find out when we play the game.....:)
Gman got marines to go steal samples from black mesa of xen aliens, then he modified the gens of them and let all the aliens out in a city he made and called it city17, he made the aliens grow, then he put in Human species to keep the aliens under control but it gotten alittle out of hand and then he wants gordon and some resistance to save the project ..... :p ( i made it up, dont ask for sources)
Perhaps he's not suppose to disclose the information until the subject have proven themselves. Freeman stopped the first wave of Xenos from breaching out of the Black Mesa Facility and Sheaperd stopped the second wave of Race X that appeared after Gordon went to Xen ans stop the first source, Ninilanth. Sheaperd is in containment should Freeman fail or as a possible back up on his mission. Maybe the G man did know that if a couple of subjects were not succesful then, the future control on Xen and the containment of the Aliens would be in jeapordy.
The question now is why would the G-man and his employers want control over Xen? Perhaps something about the minerals there?

Just my 2 cents.
gman knows there is big money to be made in the fast food market. the aliens on xen taste very good so hes going to capitilize on that, being the smart man that he is.
I thought u never saw the administrator, and that it was the gman that u saw walking about.
The administrator is the one I beleive that c**ked this all up, he was the one who said go ahead with it all, and heres something useful, all the scientists make it sound like they havent seen ya in a while, they call ya over to talk abit even though hes needed in the test chamber, then they do tell ya to get lost.... But I beleive in the upcoming story the administrator knew that something like opening a portal would happen, but it didnt happen in the way he wanted, maybe they wanted to invade Xen, since they were so scary but it backfired.... And one thing that will be funny, if Gman is what he says, just an employer and he isnt as high as we beleive....
gman sounds like hes drooling when hes talking, cause yeah he will say something and go like slurp slurp slurp, ah as i was saying gordon.
the g-man's hissing voice owns :D
Originally posted by poseyjmac
actually i think gman will turn out to be gordons father. they will get in a duel with crowbars, and when gman has gordon at his mercy he will say. 'gordon, i am your father!'
Wow, what an original joke.

Originally posted by Pol
the g-man's hissing voice owns :D
Isn't it odd that his voice has become so significantly linked with HL when actually you only heard it at the end... Weird, but great:)