Go ahead; make my day. Jack Thompson


May 5, 2004
Reaction score
Flowers for Jack

a group of concerned gamers sent flowers to jack to try to show that not all gamers are alike:

" With all the money they collect ($483.16 as of tonight), Flowers for Jack will send anti-game activist Jack Thompson the largest bushel of "pretty, pretty flowers" to him possible, along with this letter, signed by anyone who wishes to add their name. The letter, while not finished, will "touch (but not aggravate with)" the following:

* Some sort of apology for the less-cordial correspondences he gets from less mature gamers.
* Finding his proper stated agenda (keep violence from children, or ban games entirely?)
* The word Pixelante, and how its being used now.
* His overall stance on the NIMF (He badmouthed them soon after they sent him the C&D, but they still have similar agendas)
* Presidential candidancy in 2008: just a rumor?
* what we can do to maintain lines of serious dialogue with him?

Jack's response?

Thanks for the thought. As soon as I get the flowers, I will pack them up and send them to to Judge James M. Moore, Fayette County Courthouse, Fayette, Alabama 35555. He is the Judge presiding over our wrongful death case which arose out of Devin Moore's training on Grand Theft Auto: Vice City to kill 2 cops and a dispather. We were all on 60 Minutes about it. I want Judge Moore to know that the flowers are an "in memoriam" tribute to the three good men cut down because Paul Eibeler, CEO of Take-Two/Rockstar is a sociopathic criminal who knowingly markets adult, cop-killing murder simulators to kids. GTA has spawned multiple murders around the country, including the school massacre in Red Lake, MN. Go ahead. Send me the flowers. They'll be sent right off to the Judge, with an explanation as to who sent them and then who forwarded them, and why. Go ahead; make my day. Jack Thompson

even when he's thanking someone he comes across as a lunatic

Alright. So here's my theory.

The guy accidentally swallows his dental water each morning.
The dental water is actually LSD.
With paint thinner.
What a ****ing retard.

'Nuff said.

Hell, im suprised the Judge doesn't turn on HIM for acting like such an over zealous prick
What an asshole. Sorry, but thats all he is. Gamers try to open the way for some serious discussion and this is how he responds.
I despise every vile word that comes out of his mouth.

Cut out his tounge.
I think it was stupid to send him flowers (what the hell were they thinking? it's pretty much capitulating to everything Jack says) ..he doesnt deserve respect ..that $400+ could have gone to a homeless shelter or a food bank ..ANYTHING but flowers for that idiot
CptStern said:
I think it was stupid to send him flowers (what the hell were they thinking? it's pretty much capitulating to everything Jack says) ..he doesnt deserve respect ..that $400+ could have gone to a homeless shelter or a food bank ..ANYTHING but flowers for that idiot
Yeah, I agree the flowers are dumb. I like the fact that they're trying to open communication with him, but the flowers are a waste of time and money.
Im still sorta confused. Is he thanking them, or using it to try and show the gamers as evil?
Llama said:
Im still sorta confused. Is he thanking them, or using it to try and show the gamers as evil?

mostly the latter
Shodan said:
I despise every vile word that comes out of his mouth.

Cut out his tounge.

just end his pathetic life...would save gamers everywhere some agrrievation.
I'd much rather drag him through the streets bloodied, naked, defeated and humiliated as a lesson that we gamers will not take this lying down.

/me shakes fist at monitor
Why don't we just invite (read: force) him to play on a LAN-party?
I think the best demise of Jack Thompson would be to force him to play all the GTA games, 25 Years to Life, Doom I, II, and III, the HL2 mod that those people made for him to get $10,000.... locked in a cellar, and poked if he stopped ever. And make him play for years.

And then, lead him out to the wild and see if he GOES ON A MURDEROUS RAMPAGE!!!

He probably would just to prove his point. Ah, oh well, the cops would shoot him while he was devouring the intestines of his latest victim. Because of Doom III. Not anything else.
I hope in a hilariously ironic twist, he permanently loses his ability to lawyer in an accident involving a large display of GTA games falling on him.
He is the original Angry Lawyer!
But don't tell our Angry Lawyer I said that.
What a waste. $483 could have made a pretty nice bomb.
DaveyCrocket said:
I hope in a hilariously ironic twist, he permanently loses his ability to lawyer in an accident involving a large display of GTA games falling on him.
"Oh noes, I have lost my abilities to Lawyer!!"

Axyon said:
What a waste. $483 could have made a pretty nice bomb.

a really big bomb

This calls for a photoshop!

And then an email!

Which I won't do because I'm lazy!
CptStern said:
I think it was stupid to send him flowers (what the hell were they thinking? it's pretty much capitulating to everything Jack says) ..he doesnt deserve respect ..that $400+ could have gone to a homeless shelter or a food bank ..ANYTHING but flowers for that idiot

I say we rase some money, and email Jack Thomspon. Telling him how we were going to apologize but instead tried to give at leas a little help to a homeless shelter instead. Seriously, this guy pisses me off. Nobody even pays attention to him anymore exccept us, he has basically lost all face everywhere. It seems to me he is just keeping going for the publicity...

**EDIT** not apologize... never apologize to that ****... you know what i mean.
Erestheux said:

most appropriate follow up post ever :thumbs:

I couldnt find that footage

Axyon: I'll throw in $50, anyone else? let's start a fund :)
You know what's really sickening?

I was watching this news show with that grey haired guy who won "sexiest news anchor" of whom I really hate.... anyways, he had on the phone with him a kid who shot up his school years ago.

The kid was 16 at the time, and killed a few people. He is blaming it on playing Doom. He stated that he "didn't know" people would run away, and he "didn't realize" that they would die if he shot them. All of this was because of the game, apparantly. So I guess what he is trying to say is that he could not function in society as a 16 year old. The f*cking piece of shit is trying to get off, and somewhat succeeding, because of using Doom as a scapegoat.

So, basically, Jackie and lawyers like him are getting murderers off by using video games as a scapegoat. ****ing sick if you ask me.
CptStern said:
most appropriate follow up post ever :thumbs:

I couldnt find that footage

Figured you were looking for that ;)
Beerdude26 said:
We could play Insane all day :D
Insane, where are the days people would shout that name :(

Jack Thompson is a retard btw.
Man I wouldn't donate a cent for a cause like that. On the other hand if it was a bomb as suggested *Reaches for wallet*
cop "why would you shoot him? he was trying to buy you a beer !"
woman " I have jack thompson syndrome, whenever somebody tries to be nice I reacat as if i was in extrreme duress"
cop "oh ok... would you like to blame violent video games?"
woman "what? no, jack thomson is teh dumbass"
cop, woman, and bystanders "lawl aint that the truth"
We should send him a cake (flowers would work too tbh). Not poisoned or anything. No letter. Just a cake. With an appropriate quote in icing sugar:

"I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you; That ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust." - Jesus, LOL
Beerdude26 said:
Alright. So here's my theory.

The guy accidentally swallows his dental water each morning.
The dental water is actually LSD.
With paint thinner.
QFMFT. I have to agree on this.
Sulkdodds said:
We should send him a cake (flowers would work too tbh). Not poisoned or anything. No letter. Just a cake. With an appropriate quote in icing sugar:

"I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you; That ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust." - Jesus, LOL
Emphasis on the "LOL"
I think gamer should what he do
steriotipe him whitout listening anything else except bad comentaries
I agree with Jack. It's just that videogames have warped your minds too much to realize that he's right.
OvA said:
I agree with Jack. It's just that videogames have warped your minds too much to realize that he's right.
Shut up you're a brain rotting zombie you can't have an opinion :frown:
I read somewhere else that the flowers were for the kid who died. But I'm utterly unclear on the subject, so don't take my word on it.
Beerdude26 said:
Shut up you're a brain rotting zombie you can't have an opinion :frown:

Sulkdodds said:
We should send him a cake (flowers would work too tbh). Not poisoned or anything. No letter. Just a cake. With an appropriate quote in icing sugar:

"I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you; That ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust." - Jesus, LOL

Including the LOL.

Please, just a little bomb in the middle of the cake?
The only problem is that the video-gaming generation is still in its... what, mid-twenties? I mean like the generations where massive numbers of people have been playing. How long will it be until positions of power, like major political positions, are filled by people who grew up playing videogames? Would that be the ultimate revenge on Jack Thompson?

Actually, my favourite revenge on Jack Thompson would be a judge sitting through one of his tirades, then going 'Look. Videogames don't kill people. Idiots kill people'.

Or maybe he can fail to win a Stella Award.