Go away 56kers you bastards!

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Jul 25, 2004
Reaction score
seriously, stay away from deathmatch you bitches! :flame:. i was in a nice server with decent lag (a little skipping but still alright) then this idiot with 500 ping comes in and wont' leave! ruined the server. go play cs:s or something. or get broadband. just show some courtesy to people that want to play the game with little to no lag.
i know what it's like to have 56k (i've had it till about 2 years ago). but i didn't act like a little prick and try to play multiplayer games in which anything below broadband makes it unplayable. i just wish the other 56kers would act the same. :flame:.
sorry for ranting, i just think it's dumb that 56kers try to play deathmatch with 400+ ping. it's as laggy for them as it is for everyone else so i dunno why they think it's fun to go play deathmatch like that.
so that number under the "ping" list is just arbitrary then? i assume you know that when a person has a very high number under the "ping" list, the server lags bad.
Yep. I do.

They may lag, but they don't cause anyone else to lag more.

Look into it if you like, by all means.
56kers should be permenatly banned, we are almost in 2005 god damn it, either get broadband or get lost, simple as that.
Its getting really pathetic seeing that one moronic 56ker whos skipping like a queer and zooming allover the place.
Ahhh the sweet smell of arrogant youth.

Not everyone can afford/get broadband, and you have no right to exclude them :)
56k only makes it shitty for them, not you (I used to be forced to use it, it's all that was available in this area before a local sattelite service setup)
ComradeBadger said:
Ahhh the sweet smell of arrogant youth.

Not everyone can afford/get broadband, and you have no right to exclude them :)

Give me a break, I pay $29.99 for my 10mbit cable, not everyone can afford that ??? if you cant afford $29.99 a month for internet you shouldnt have internet period.
And who you calling youth ?? I bet Im older then you are son.
RakuraiTenjin said:
56k only makes it shitty for them, not you (I used to be forced to use it, it's all that was available in this area before a local sattelite service setup)

They make it shitty for everyone, when they skip and zoom around, one second there are next to you next second they are gone, thats lame.
SkylineGT-R34 said:
Give me a break, I pay $29.99 for my 10mbit cable, not everyone can afford that ??? if you cant afford $29.99 a month for internet you shouldnt have internet period.
And who you calling youth ?? I bet Im older then you are son.
$30 a month is a lot of money in some households. Specially if you have kids to support.

Anyway, you may well be older than me, but I was pointing out it was an inexperienced and fundamentally arrogant comment.
ComradeBadger said:
$30 a month is a lot of money in some households. Specially if you have kids to support.

Anyway, you may well be older than me, but I was pointing out it was an inexperienced and fundamentally arrogant comment.

Allright man, maybe they shouldnt be banned, but they all should just all be in few servers, and not scattared allover.
I have a latency in Source games between 200-300. Exception is HL2DM, where I have difficulty finding servers for some reason.

I have never, ever, ever recieved a legit complaint from someone who has difficulty hitting me. The only ones originated from players whose opinions I consider suspect, as they continually hurled homophobic abuse rather than actual gunfire- i.e., they were scoring worse than I was, which is usually something people can only achieve with a lot of practise (or mind altering drugs).

And I haven't seen a "skipping 56k queer" for quite some time. In my experience, usually anyone with such a horribly unoptimised connection leaves if they still haven't levelled out.

And you guys do know that a true HPB (and not some lameass rate hacker) has just as much difficulty hitting you as you do them?

The problem isn't dialup, it's the continual ignorance of people convinced that you can't actually play online with that sort of crappy connection. Personally, I have issues with the misconceptions of broadband gamers- almost as much as I do with those who persist in playing games their hardware can't manage. I don't (and can't) play Doom 3 online, for example.

Moral of this story- masochists playing at an unplayable rate = insane and worthy of being hate figures, but 56kers = not all bastards.
I'm not entirely sure. Sometimes it's hard to tell who's 56k and who's > 56k in HL2DM. I get 300+ pings on servers and I'm on 512k :p

Anyway, it doesn't bother me too much, you can usually take 'em out with a shottie burst.
56kers lag themselves not you.

What lags everyone is the actual game server (not the host) and the actual host (yes, him also but by server i didnt mean the host :p ) So things that will cause everyoen to ahve lag:

1. if a lot of peple are playing CS:S (for example) valve srevers wont be quick enough to serve every member packets (which we will get into later)

2. if teh host has a bad PC

your ping is teh number of miliseconds to get "packets". These packets are just stuff u need to play, like for example "you"are here and john doe is here. Or your gun fired a bullet, did it hit johndoe? stuff liek that.
haha very funny my friend, let me guess, your mother is paying your internet ?

plz leave the 56kers alone :dozey:
ComradeBadger said:
Ahhh the sweet smell of arrogant youth.

Not everyone can afford/get broadband, and you have no right to exclude them :)
yeah, i know broadband isn't available everywhere. my point is they shouldn't be playing multiplayer games that were meant for broadband.
i will make a rather poor analogy to explain my disgruntlement with 56kers.
pretend someone signed up for the advanced class at school and he was retarded. the advanced class has to take a test to see how they stack up against other schools around the nation. obviously the retarded guy will severely bring down his class' average score if he takes the exam so the decent thing for him to do is drop out of the class. if he doesn't drop out of the class, his classmates will be pissed at him cuz he is making them look bad by bringing their average score down.
maybe that kid was dropped on his head as a baby. it's not his fault he's stupid. but that doesn't mean his classmates aren't pissed at him for not dropping out of the class
Oh. Good point.

'K new line of logic (in keeping with that employed to start with):


There we go! Seriously, there must be some pretty significant netcode issues if 512kers get those sort of pings on dedicated servers.

I guess hardware makes a big difference too (I can literally play an RTS like Dawn of War better than a friend with broadband- but only because he has a 400mhz rust bucket until he brings his latest computer back to life).
Where in gods name do u get a 10mb for 30?!?!?!

We pay 45.99$ in ohio for a cheap ass rip off road runner thats supposeably 3mb down and 1m up. BAH i hardly ever! see 356Kb down and 60Kb up is the highest ITS EVER HIT!

Seriously... Share the wealth.
Edcrab said:
Oh. Good point.

'K new line of logic (in keeping with that employed to start with):


There we go! Seriously, there must be some pretty significant netcode issues if 512kers get those sort of pings on dedicated servers.

I guess hardware makes a big difference too (I can literally play an RTS like Dawn of War better than a friend with broadband- but only because he has a 400mhz rust bucket until he brings his latest computer back to life).
Yeah, but tbh, the servers atm are pretty shitty. Cept leetnet ;) <3 gringo :E

Anyway, it gets proper laggy after about 10 people join due to all the physics.
mayro said:
Where in gods name do u get a 10mb for 30?!?!?!

We pay 45.99$ in ohio for a cheap ass rip off road runner thats supposeably 3mb down and 1m up. BAH i hardly ever! see 356Kb down and 60Kb up is the highest ITS EVER HIT!

Seriously... Share the wealth.

Optimumonline 10mb/1mb, I had a special promotion coupon.

Without the coupon, you can get their service for $40-$50, I know that for a fact.
True... as much as I'd like to claim my rig to be the best computer around, I'm having to stick to less crowded servers too. Not that the original HL's deathmatch was flawless either, of course ;)
1. 56k'ers cannot make you or the server lag - FACT

2. People like my little brother who live oncampus cannot used the shared broadband for gaming, so most resort to installing a 56k line if they are lucky enough to have a phone in their room.
My brother does this for WoW and HL2.

3. Simmer.
Who are you to say who should or shouldn't be playing online games? Oh no, a lagging 56k'er joins the server and you can't kill him as easily, cry me a ****ing river. He's the one putting who's actually playing with horrendous lag, not you, so stfu and deal with it. And no I'm not a 56ker but I used to be and would frequently get ignorant comments like "you're lagging the server" or "go buy a new connection" from idiots who probably have their parents paying for their Internet. Ugh.
/rant over
yes, you ruin the server for everyone with your stubbornness to pay a game that does not handle 56k well at all and WE'RE the idiots........... like i said, when i had 56k, i didn't play games that were meant for broadband cuz it's dumb, you just ruin other people's fun. and it doesn't make it harder to kill the 56ker, it makes it impossible. but that's not the only problem. it slows down the server A TON.
Man i'm sorry I can't play a game online which I might add I paid for and clearly states can be run on 56k. Give me a break people, not everyone can afford broadband. I would love to have it (for xbox live for one thing) but my dad does not want to pay $40 month for internet. I will probably get a job over the summer (i'll have my driver's licence by then) to finally get it. I have a better idea how about valve optimizes DM. I run CS at around 100 ping on my 56k very playable with over 25 people playing. Seriously I can hardly even play DM with only 5 people whats up with that?
SkylineGT-R34 said:
Give me a break, I pay $29.99 for my 10mbit cable, not everyone can afford that ??? if you cant afford $29.99 a month for internet you shouldnt have internet period.
And who you calling youth ?? I bet Im older then you are son.

Ok I`m not playing DM with my 56k although I would really really like it but the high pings won`t let me.
Also stop being an a$$ please. No 29.99$ are not a lot for me, hell I pay that amount for my 56k only for the internet calling charges without the monthly subscription but you know how much a 384k adsl connection costs here? 60euros/mo thats like 75 bucks for a bloody 384k connection which drops every now and then
Sorry for the flaming but I can`t stand ppl who think that their the only ones here :flame:

Oh and like others said, 56ers don`t lag you...
High latency players do not "lag up" a server. They're just stupidly annoying to hit (although they have an equally traumatic time trying to hit normal players). Urrgh, where's someone internet-knowledgable when you need one? I can never explain the dynamics of gaming servers without feeling like I'm drowning in technobabble.

It comes down to (or rather this is the gist of what smarter people have tried to tell me) bandwidth- so a 512ker will actually take up more of the server's power than a 56ker, apparently. Watch the overall latency level lower slightly when anyone leaves a server after a "56k queer" arrives.
Give me a break, I pay $29.99 for my 10mbit cable, not everyone can afford that ???
You just said you had some special coupon and you claim EVERYONE should beable to get 10mbit cable for 29.99 a month? I havent even seen 10mbit cable service in the most expensive plans made for several connections

1.5mbit cable internet here costs $85 a month from Adelphia MINIMUM (You are required to have a premium cable tv package or you are not eligible for internet service). I am not paying almost $100 a month for internet access and 50 channels about home decorating, thats completely insane. I only used adelphia for 6 months since they did a half priced thing with digital cable, after that I cancelled and if I want to get it again they said theres a $350 reinstallation fee. There are no other choices, just Adelphia and then theres dial up, the phone lines here are not able to support DSL since they arent copper. Adelphia knows they have a monopoly and always will have one on cable tv here so they take full advantage of charging people twice what they would in bigger cities.

Broadband may be normal in most countries by now thanks to government backing but in parts of america its only available to the wealthy like HD tv is. 56k isnt going anywhere for awhile, companies in america are still pushing dial up as a mainstream price thanks to their ability to call it "high speed 56k" using their stupid website compression crap.
mandown said:
You just said you had some special coupon and you claim EVERYONE should beable to get 10mbit cable for 29.99 a month? I havent even seen 10mbit cable service in the most expensive plans made for several connections

And after that I said that without it its just 10 dollars more, for ****s sakes people pay 30 dollars for AOL dialup.
hey fu*k u all u haters! im a friggin 56ker and i dont care what u say, if i want to play dm i will and to sound apoligetically bratty, theres not a damn thing u can do about it so SHUT UP!
DrunkPanda said:
but that's not the only problem. it slows down the server A TON.

If a TON = Nothing at all then you are correct, infact they slow the server down 100 million tonnes.
$10 more is still nowhere near the $85 it costs here

And like I said I had adelphia for 6 months when they were doing the new customers get it for half off. I have no problem paying about $40 for cable, I do have a problem with paying over 80 a month though. I would love to get DSL for $29.99 a month even though its just 256k, but thats impossible.
As i said in my post which SHOULD have ended the discussion and hread starter SHOULD have given up. 56kers casue







Teh post me talk about: http://www.halflife2.net/forums/showpost.php?p=1062877&postcount=14
then how come the server i was on was running fine until the 56ker came on? everything slowed to a crawl when you were withing 20 feet of him.
okay...theres only one thing i am going to complain about.. and its about 56K'ers coming into the server.. its the thought that they "only lag themselves" which i find baffling personally... wanna know why?

well simple.. it happens to me quite often.. a player with a high ping.. lets say 300 as an example, first he lags to one side.. then to the other.. making it very difficult to actually get a hit on him cause of all the skipping... and then i end up the one dead.. HOW?! i don't ever understand that.

if the lag only affects players with high ping, then why does what i described above happen? someone kindly explain that, PLEASE.
here is why you cant kill 56kers...

becasue the packets carring your bullets dont arrive wuickley enough, or bassically they (56kers) send packets saying they moved, making your packet irrelevant. Or maybe they dropped that packet. packets get dropped sometimes.

NOTE: packets dont actually say "ATI4EVER! to johndoe bullet m16!" or crap liek that. But its equal to that. Like teh same thing...
The arguement that "they only lag themselves" regards the fact that the server itself isn't lagged, and other players won't have any difficulty trying to fight each other- just that anyone who tries to fight the jerky sorts will be massively annoyed.

I don't know, maybe I'm just used to it, but I've never had too much difficulty killing laggers...
So you are saying that you're selfish?
Play on a server that restricts high pingers then if you feel that way. Most everyone used to play on 56k at one point in time and it's just as challenging for them as you.
56kers do not cause Server lag. Broadband users are actually more likely to cause Server lag because they demand more packets. ;)
ATI4EVER! said:
here is why you cant kill 56kers...

becasue the packets carring your bullets dont arrive wuickley enough, or bassically they (56kers) send packets saying they moved, making your packet irrelevant. Or maybe they dropped that packet. packets get dropped sometimes.

NOTE: packets dont actually say "ATI4EVER! to johndoe bullet m16!" or crap liek that. But its equal to that. Like teh same thing...

u still can't say it doesn't affect other players besides the high pingers because it obviously still does...and thats my point.
i am not one to rag on 56K'ers because 5 years ago i was still one of them 56K'ers and i know how tough it is to even afford a simple telephone bill.. let alone broadband internet connection.

i just wish broadband would become a standard something already and more affordable than the $43/month which myself and others pay...i mean we are heading towards 2005 now.. its about time this technological advancement become the standard :(
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