Go away 56kers you bastards!

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Yes, but the point is that the situation and conditions you stated doesn't lag everyone (IE: The presence of a 56k-er will not make everyone jump around), which is the main argument being thrown around in this thread.
|SaD|Kuji said:
If a 56k connection takes LONGER to send it's information packets to the server, then the server takes LONGER to send them to EVERYONE else. That........is...........lag. =)

It's not synchronous - it doesn't wait for the 56ker to receive their packets before sending the next ones to the other players.
Ahem : In Mexico, to get a 2 MB conextion, you need to pay 560 USD a month.
Just to add my two cents....Im a '56ker' and I get a latency value of around 100 when playing HLDM2. I know people on broadband that have higher values than that. I dont hop skip and jump all over the place and have a whale of a time....SO all you internet speed connection snobs p*s* off and leave us alone! We dont harm you and at the end of the day..its only a game..GROW UP!
1.)500 ping, well.... a 56k can't even play smoothly on that. Try like 250.

I have never been acused of hop skipping etc.. or anything..


56kers CANNOT cause you to lag onless everyone must be in sync. In nearly every FPS you don't have to be in sync. In nearly all RTS's you have to be in sync. When your in sync everyone will no matter what see the exact same things. Thus the lowest connections limits everyone else. HL2DM DOES NOT HAVE TO BE IN SYNC. A 56KER CAN NOT LAG YOU. IF HES GETTING 500 PING HES A 28.8KER. YES THERE ARE SOME AROUND. SOME PLACES DON'T EVEN HAVE 56K.(IN THE USA). 175 - 250 PING IS A 56KERS AVERAGE SPEED.

With 300 ping you will not skip around.
This is why I get upset with 28.8kers. Everyone sees them and gets mad at them then yells at the 56kers.

Also you act like its super smooth for us. Trust me if where skipping around, well.. let me just say this. It aint being smooth for us. That usually means that we have a we a lag spike and thus we can't really see anything but are guy standing in spot.

Infact you guys have quite an advantage over a 56k.
If I shoot 5 bullets.
You shoot 5 bullets.
You have 50 ping.
I have 250 ping.
Those 5 shots will be recorded by the time I shoot once.

But if 56ker's physical appearance says that they're in one place, then thats where a broadband user is going to shoot......even though they're missing the 56ker entirely.....
either way, lagging appearance/shots is still lag.
Wrong, if you shoot at where I was and your packets that you shot me there before my packet says that I moved then your will be recorded and on my screen my guy will be moved back to where you shot me. Trust me on that one.
Well I have broadband, but its satellite broadband and the pings run 700-900ms, and thats all is available... some people that live in the country still can't get DSL or Cable so we play how we can..
Brian Damage said:
Yeah, same here.

We've only become eligible for a broadband connection very recently, and even with the newfound capability, we're still going to have to scrimp to get one (they tend to be expensive here, or at least they are for a family like ours). Hopefully my sister's job will help pay, as well as mine, if I can get one around here. Dunno what'll happen when I have to go back to uni.

And then there's the matter of convincing my mum, who's somehow got it into her head that it'll triple the electrical bill...

Oh I assumed you were a working adult who was contributing to society. I didn't realize you were a child living with your mum.

Disrgard my comments.
That's right kids! You're scum, unworthy of participating in this conversation because you're relying on the additional monetary support of friends and family! Remember, if you're still living with your parents you must know nothing about computing or the economy!

Yeesh. Can't believe this is still going, especially since everyone seems to have more-or-less agreed on everything (despite the odd unecessary remark regarding personal situations, but meh).

"Jerky" 56kers are a dying breed- majority have enough brains to leave when things are going bad. You might as well make a thread whining about hackers, except add an ignorant umbrella title like "all people with coding knowledge = bastards".

If the original thread had dealt directly with the issue of "jumping" players rather than dropping a blanket term over every dialupper, every single post would've been in support of it. Moral of this story? Sweeping statements, cursing and homophobic language really undermine any arguement.
why is dsl so expensive in the US.. i got 8mbit down and 1mbit up for 65 euro.. wich is standard here.
Well, I 56k because when you pay your own way plenty of things come before a fat monthly bill for a service that I might use for a few hours a week. As far as I see it, HL2DM is a nice, unexpected bonus that none of us counted on when we bought the box. I paid my $55 and had VALVe done nothing since release I would be more than satisfied.

I finally sat through the ridiculous download and, yup, it's a slideshow. No regrets, that component wasn't advertised when I bought the box anyway.

That said, I've heard some talk about having one's dial-up connection 'optimized.' If anybody has any advice about how that can be done I'd be extremely grateful. I'm especially interested to hear from Chucky about that. Otherwise, no HL2DM and I'll get caught up on my reading.
Edge said:
Oh I assumed you were a working adult who was contributing to society. I didn't realize you were a child living with your mum.

Disrgard my comments.

ROTFLMAO - kids cant play games now? Wtf kinda life do you live? LOl jeese. let other people enjoy life scrooge. "Children cant have fun because they have no money". I'm sure sigmund freud would have something to say about your childhood.
smacky said:
why is dsl so expensive in the US.. i got 8mbit down and 1mbit up for 65 euro.. wich is standard here.
It depends on where you are. Areas way out far away like where I live only had 56k support up until recently, and the only company that comes in obviously is going to want to make the most of it's setting up there and charge more.
ComradeBadger said:
Ahhh the sweet smell of arrogant youth.

Not everyone can afford/get broadband, and you have no right to exclude them :)

There is no one in sweden (almost) that has a 56k anymore.
But all countries don't have the same fortune. Swedes for example are spoiled. And 56k'ers are humans to!

(And i can get 24Mbit in late December :devil: )

have 8 now :p
figge said:
There is no one in sweden (almost) that has a 56k anymore.
But all countries don't have the same fortune. Swedes for example are spoiled. And 56k'ers are humans to!

(And i can get 24Mbit in late December :devil: )

have 8 now :p
You have an extremely fast connection to a still slow internet.

I have 3 Mb connection (capable of around 400 kilobytes a second), and I rarely get faster than 100-150. If I find a good server I get 350-400, but that's rare. In other words, your bandwidth = wasted :LOL:

Sorry, just had to say it.

Oh, and:
Oh I assumed you were a working adult who was contributing to society. I didn't realize you were a child living with your mum.

Disrgard my comments.
STFU, you moron.
wait i thought they were supposed to be making this mroe 56k friendly than hl1? something like < 200ping
SkylineGT-R34 said:
56kers should be permenatly banned, we are almost in 2005 god damn it, either get broadband or get lost, simple as that.
Its getting really pathetic seeing that one moronic 56ker whos skipping like a queer and zooming allover the place.

Hahahhahahahaah! I almost spit out water I was drinking. I' am going to print that out and put it on my wall... LOL
Edge said:
Oh I assumed you were a working adult who was contributing to society. I didn't realize you were a child living with your mum.

Disrgard my comments.

Wow. I hear the sound of a barrel-bottom being scraped...

Believe it or not, it's more a case of living within my means. Allowances being what they are, I can't really afford an apartment, which means I instead have to travel for four hours every day to-and-from university, which precludes me from having the time to get any reasonable job, if I could get one around here anyway. Thank heavens for Student Concession cards.

Oh, and between the eight-hour stretches at Uni, working around the house and travelling on the trains, homework and not getting enough sleep I somehow manage to fit in working on a mod, something which holds a reasonable chance of getting me a job in the gaming industry, and providing more income for my family.

You think I wouldn't move if I could? My bed's busted, the house is always damp or dusty, the trucks on the arterial road outside wake me up at all hours, and as for my sister's bloody cockatiel...

The fact is, living with my mother allows her to boost her income with a bit of money from the government allowance I get (helps her pay the rent, and the bills a little...), as I don't eat or ask for much. Mum does what she can, but what she can do only tends to provide reasonable amounts of money at unreasonably large intervals, or unreasonably small amounts in rapid, though short lived, succession. It's a tough time for online recycled item traders. She's also got an occasional side job as a commissionable bespoke toymaker, but that doesn't pay much either.

And I'm twenty, dude, thanks for bringing it up. Old enough that I had to check the date to figure out how old I was.
I honestly think people make up the whole "56ker lags the server" thing. I'm on cable, and have played on many servers in many games and not once have I ever had a server lag simply because 56kers were playing on it. The number of players on a server, however, does cause lag. Reguardless of their connection, a server will allocate some of it's resources (bandwidth, cpu, etc) for every player that joins. Whether that player is on OC3, cable, DSL, or a modem, it's going to share the same. If I had to guess, i'd say these so-called laggy server experiences people blame on 56kers were likely due to the fact that a 56ker joined and put the number of players the server can handle over the limit, causing the server to work itself too hard. I've seen this happen on broadband only servers, and i've seen this happen in games with many 56kers.
Actually nut, sometimes a 56ker can overall use LESS bandwidth from a server. As it sends\recieves less. Thus uses less.

I just had to post something.
i have a 56k

Im on dialup why? because blueyonder telewest havnt got it in my area yet. and i dont have a 500 ping..i have 140/150 if i lagg i get 190/200 ping

and 56k does not affect the server.!!!
stop being selfish and play the ****ing game!

this guy with 500 ping must be on 28k
Was there nothing else to complain about but 56k players, I would think you would be happy playing hl2dm, seeing as it wasn't even available at launch. I don't even have hl2 but why complain about something as useless as this? Valve will never get rid of 56k players, as well they shouldn't.
I am sorry all you people with broadband who can't hit me on HL2DM and cause you to lag extreamly :rolleyes:.

Some people can not get Broadband through and I still won't be able to till may because some Fat cat in BT does not think it is Economically viable to upgrade my exchange, to allow people in my village of 300 residents the access to High speed internet and thus high speed gaming. Ironically it costs BT around £20 to upgrade the exchange which they would make back many times more every month.

Bring Me the MD of BT's head on a plate :sniper:

But get satalite I here you say even though that costs about £50 to set up and we can't get Planning permishon to put a dish on my 1640 cottage yet they allow the Parish council to build in a grade 2 listed church yard.

Yes people there is no justice in this world so broadband is not very high on priority list at the moment so please put up and shut up with my high'ish lag times because at the moment untill may I can do nought about it.
56k help

Tim F said:
That said, I've heard some talk about having one's dial-up connection 'optimized.' If anybody has any advice about how that can be done I'd be extremely grateful. I'm especially interested to hear from Chucky about that. Otherwise, no HL2DM and I'll get caught up on my reading.

Hi Tim,...Im no quite sure why my latency values are around 100-150. I am very particular about the servers I choose to play on..usually I set up the server filter for servers near me and with a lvalues of under <250. I also make sure that all other processes are shut down on my computer. Note that I have the following spec as well and it is a laptop I play on.:

HP nx9005
ATi onboard 64mB IGP 320M
712 MB ram (helps a lot)
Athlon 2.4GHz processor
56...yes...'56K' dial up modem
40gB hard drive

I also tweaked things a little using steampowered community help and tips (post by quicksilver READ FIRST!)

Hope this helps..If your on a server and your getting lag..just move onto another one until you find one which works best.

Best if luck

my mum pays for my broadband, till next year, then apparently i'm to "stop spending all your money on £2000 camera's, pay for your ****ing net"
urban said:
my mum pays for my broadband, till next year, then apparently i'm to "stop spending all your money on £2000 camera's, pay for your ****ing net"

Sounds fair tbh
I live at home with my mum, and pays for the internet...
Thanks Chuck. You have virtually the same setup as myself, which means I should be able to optimize the living heck out of my connection. I'll look up those threads and post later if anything works.
This thread seems like an amalgamation if idiocy.

Coming from a low income family, I know what it's like to be stuck with one phone line, and a crappy modem. It sucks.

However, that never deterred me from playing. I'd play on like 4 player servers, and just get my frag on. Sure it wasn't as fun without alot of people, but it was still fun.

Belittling someone based upon their income is probably one of the lowest things you can do. Internet is not everyone's priority, and believe it or not there are more important things. (Like eating and hygeine)
Actually, the people with broadband cause the lag for the 56k'ers, and server, since they are taking away more bandwidth than anyone else.
ATI4EVER! said:
56kers lag themselves not you.

What lags everyone is the actual game server (not the host) and the actual host (yes, him also but by server i didnt mean the host :p ) So things that will cause everyoen to ahve lag:

1. if a lot of peple are playing CS:S (for example) valve srevers wont be quick enough to serve every member packets (which we will get into later)

2. if teh host has a bad PC

your ping is teh number of miliseconds to get "packets". These packets are just stuff u need to play, like for example "you"are here and john doe is here. Or your gun fired a bullet, did it hit johndoe? stuff liek that.

Wait, so a running server has to talk to Steam servers to RUN THE GAME, not just accept players?. If so, that's messed up.
Mr Neutron said:
Wait, so a running server has to talk to Steam servers to RUN THE GAME, not just accept players?. If so, that's messed up.

Don't forget hes the "master" at explaining this stuff, so take what he says with a grain of salt. :LOL:
SkylineGT-R34 said:
Give me a break, I pay $29.99 for my 10mbit cable, not everyone can afford that ??? if you cant afford $29.99 a month for internet you shouldnt have internet period.
And who you calling youth ?? I bet Im older then you are son.

WTF im in LA how do i get 10mb cable over here for 30$
what company do you got?

verison offers 7.1mb DSL for 205$ month!!!
I don't mind the 56kers anymore, but the bugs!!! Why has valve made it so that the objects push you, not you them? Because of this i get ****ing stuck between shelves and when I try to get out with grav gun I die. Why does Valve keep bringing this uslessshit and not making these bugs go away. Like a crowbar, there must be realy sucky players if a crowbar kill would be possible! And always when they bring this useles shit they bring 90^10 new bugs. ****ing losing my mind!! :D (regretting that I actualy bought this shit)
DrunkPanda said:
seriously, stay away from deathmatch you bitches! :flame:. i was in a nice server with decent lag (a little skipping but still alright) then this idiot with 500 ping comes in and wont' leave! ruined the server. go play cs:s or something. or get broadband. just show some courtesy to people that want to play the game with little to no lag.
i know what it's like to have 56k (i've had it till about 2 years ago). but i didn't act like a little prick and try to play multiplayer games in which anything below broadband makes it unplayable. i just wish the other 56kers would act the same. :flame:.
sorry for ranting, i just think it's dumb that 56kers try to play deathmatch with 400+ ping. it's as laggy for them as it is for everyone else so i dunno why they think it's fun to go play deathmatch like that.

I find this moron comments highly offensive and equally the fact that this thread as taken to slagging off the poor. As such I have refrained from comment in this thread.

If this is the welcome to be expected from the online gaming community you can stick it.

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