Go Texas!


Apr 15, 2006
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From the state that gave us Bush Jr.

Gonzalez had endured several break-ins at his trailer when the four boys, ranging in age from 11 to 15, broke in. Gonzalez, who was in a nearby building at the time, went into the trailer and confronted the boys with a 16-gauge shotgun. Then he forced the boys, who were unarmed, to their knees, attorneys on both sides say.

The boys say they were begging for forgiveness when Gonzalez hit them with the barrel of the shotgun and kicked them repeatedly. Then, the medical examiner testified, Anguiano was shot in the back at close range. Two mashed Twinkies and some cookies were stuffed in the pockets of his shorts.

Many people in Laredo ? a town just across the Rio Grande from Nuevo Laredo, Mexico, where drug violence runs rampant ? defended Gonzalez's actions. In online responses to articles published by the Morning Times, comments included statements such as "The kid got what he deserved" and calls to "stop the unfair prosecution."

Just when I was starting to regain my faith in humanity too...
Just so we're clear. Did he shoot one or all of them? Not that there's a difference with the multitude of killings, I just want to know how many times he should be hit in the balls. With a lead pipe.
!saxeT oG

I personally see nothing wrong with this. (lol)

Little bastards shouldn't break into someone else's property. Coulda taught them a lesson... rather than killing them... but hey, little less shit in the gene pool can't hurt... :D
Child broke in and stole my cookies and Twinkies. Execute him.
Child broke in. Was lost and blind. Looked malnourished. Shot him in the eye for trespassing.
Weee! Laredo is where I'm from and I remember this on the news a while back.
I personally see nothing wrong with this. (lol)

Little bastards shouldn't break into someone else's property. Coulda taught them a lesson... rather than killing them... but hey, little less shit in the gene pool can't hurt... :D

You're an idiot.

(If you're serious).
At least he got some twinkies and cookies out of it.
Go Texas Go!

Not the accent (shivers)...

!saxeT oG

I personally see nothing wrong with this. (lol)

Little bastards shouldn't break into someone else's property. Coulda taught them a lesson... rather than killing them... but hey, little less shit in the gene pool can't hurt... :D

twinkies are more important than someone's life?

words to live by:

"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt."
Kid got what he deserved. His shitty parents should've taught him not to go into another person's house and steal their twinkies and/or cookies. Far as I'm concerned this guy did his community, his state, his country, and his fellow man a service by stunting, right then and there, a kid who would've become a hardened criminal.

He and his little posse were sneaking into houses stealing one man's snack foods, next thing you know they'd be committing grand robbery at the Little Debbie plant, stealing everybody's fucking Zebra Cakes. Well not now, you little shit. I hope you burn in sugary-sweet HELL.
I once shot a man in Reno because he was stealing my Twinkies.
Ok, I have to admit, these kids are ****ing stupid. Who in the world breaks in to a house for snacks?

But are you guys that are defending this insane? What right did he have to kill this 13 year old kid? It was established that his life was no in danger. He had the kids on their knees at gun point. The kid was begging for forgiveness and then was shot in the back. I would only justify the use of force against an invader if your life is at risk, you have no right to kill someone because you are pissed off. How can any of your argue otherwise?
Like this:

I think you're wrong and I think I'm right. He was totally justified in his actions.

I have to admit, politcs is much funnier in the lounge. You guys should stop by the politics board some time.