God damn it, i have sinned.

short recoil

Sep 29, 2004
Reaction score
Staff christmas party.

I thought i'd be healthy, i had the swordfish steak and vegetables, i had that and then some apple pie, some icecream and some toffee shit.
I said i wasn't going to drink, i ended up drinking 8 pints of lager and 5 jack daniels...
I vowed a 2 years ago never to give into animal sexual instincts, tonight i couldn't help myself.
I enjoyed myself but i know i'm going to be kicking myself about this for weeks.

Damn i'm pissed off with myself and slightly pisssed to boot.
I'm going to punish myself with a run around the whole somerset levels, work out 120% and eat hardcore.

ARGHHHHHH!H!!!!!!! I can't believe i ****ing drank alcohol!!

You guys done anything you really regret?
Well, what were you thinking when you took the first drink?
vegeta897 said:
Well, what were you thinking when you took the first drink?
The drinks were free, payed for by the company.
There were 5x 6 pint pitchers or larger or cider on our table.
I thought i would have "a drink" but it got out of control.
I don't know why it happened, i'd normally exercise so much self control, that's why i feel so pissed off with myself.

I can imagine some of you guys think "so what, it's a few pints", i know it's not going to harm me e.t.c but it's the fact i said i wasn't going to drink, i've shown weakness, like i said before i will punish myself.
I found that punishing yourself doesn't work. Teaching yourself does.
short recoil said:
The drinks were free, payed for by the company.
There were 5x 6 pint pitchers or larger or cider on our table.
I thought i would have "a drink" but it got out of control.
I don't know why it happened, i'd normally exercise so much self control, that's why i feel so pissed off with myself.

I can imagine some of you guys think "so what, it's a few pints", i know it's not going to harm me e.t.c but it's the fact i said i wasn't going to drink, i've shown weakness, like i said before i will punish myself.

You got discipline short recoil, and that is admirable. I say that in all seriousness as well. However, man is inheriantly weak when it comes to our deepest urges and temptations. It takes a special kind of person to really keep them in check, and even then they are prone to slipping now and again.

One more thing.....it sounds like you are crazy about fitness and staying jacked. I'd love to hit the gym with you one of these days, but alas, you live on the other side of the....how do you say....pond? Ah well....
All i want to know , is who he got sleazy withm , thats what hes guilty about.

hes had nawty drunk sex, with a colleague, thats why he regrettin it he cannt face the days ahead especially if hes embraaesed with who it is/ hahaa
dude it sounds like you were slaughtered, nice one!

We all gotta let our hair down occassionally, you had a great time, don't regret it. You can work it off in few days. Take the evening for the party it was meant to be. It was free as well, so cheer!

little.rebel, i don't know what you said, check this site before you post next time :) www.dictionary.com
Wait... You drank beer first then followed it up with hard liquor??

I don't know about you but for me and most people I know that is a recipe for a night spent with the head in the toilet bowl before going to sleep and puking in the garbage can set next to your bed the next morning.

I learned the hard way. :(
You have issues short recoil, I suggest you seek professional help. What next, you eat a cheeseburger you have to cut off your hand?
Punishment? For enjoying yourself? You only live once ya'know.

Ok, so you went back on what you said. Its not like your gonna ring alcohol anonymous tomorrow is it.

If you think what you did was really that bad, all I can say is that you learn from mistakes.

Don't kick yourself for it. Think of it as a new learning curve. Next time just think back to when this happened, and how bad you felt about it. It will strengthen your courage for the next episode...
Alcohol... whoo boy. Gotta be careful with that stuff. I went through a bit of a party phase (my town is famous for the alcohol use among its youth) and had some rather bad/stupid experience. That tought me moderation, and now I'm cool. So I guess the moral of the story is... never mix types of batteries. Or something. I'm bad with morals.
ShortRecoil, if everyone sticked to their morals and di dwhat they told themselves/others they would do the world would be much better. Everyone does something they regret now and then, don't feel so bad about it. So you drank a few? so what, i know 15 year olds around here who have done worse. A kid smoked some reefer and then went driving and got himself killed, whatd you do? you drank some alchohol, irregardless you are still more than the average human. Life goes on, don't regret what you did or punish yourself for it. If you don't think what you did is acceptable, just don't so it again.
Stop playing all of HL2.net, Short Recoil.

...well, it is quite hilarious.
Short Recoil, i have some advice that you need to listen to....

Live a little.
*claps* So you've finally done what normal people do. *claps*
Hmm...about the only thing I regret is messing up an x-ray to get into the military and now I am stuck at home until I can find insurance and the money to pay for another x-ray from a doctor so they can OK it and I can get into the military. I am now stuck with nothing to do all day long since I dont want to get a job and can't get into a relationship if I am able to leave soon for the military. It was fun sitting around all day doing whatever I wanted but it's just boring now. Theres only so much gaming you can take and after that I have a lot of free time to browse these forums but you guys don't post fast enough to give me a day of entertainment.

Other than that I am sure there are things I regret...well a few relationships that got messed up but nothing out of the ordinary that I can think of off the top of my head.
I used to think you were cool... ;(

I think what you've done is perfectly acceptable. As long as you're not drinking everynight or even every week, it's fine just to kick back and chill out once in a while. You don't have to become dependant on the substance, you're just having a good time socialising.

I sometimes feel regretful, but I realise that there is no point in feeling regretful, since you can't change the past. You can control your own future though, so the lessons of the past can guide your future.

What you can do however is allow every experience you ever had to have some value, whether good or bad experience.
You didn't even tell the bosses what for recoil? On a staff night? I am sorely disappointed. ;(
little.rebel said:
All i want to know , is who he got sleazy withm , thats what hes guilty about.

hes had nawty drunk sex, with a colleague, thats why he regrettin it he cannt face the days ahead especially if hes embraaesed with who it is/ hahaa

Do you live in a non-english speaking country?
short recoil said:
Staff christmas party.

I thought i'd be healthy, i had the swordfish steak and vegetables, i had that and then some apple pie, some icecream and some toffee shit.
I said i wasn't going to drink, i ended up drinking 8 pints of lager and 5 jack daniels...
I vowed a 2 years ago never to give into animal sexual instincts, tonight i couldn't help myself.
I enjoyed myself but i know i'm going to be kicking myself about this for weeks.

Damn i'm pissed off with myself and slightly pisssed to boot.
I'm going to punish myself with a run around the whole somerset levels, work out 120% and eat hardcore.

ARGHHHHHH!H!!!!!!! I can't believe i ****ing drank alcohol!!

You guys done anything you really regret?

Welcome to the human race.
Does anyone except me find the title of this thread extremely ironic?