God, im SO READY for HL2

will Thief3 make it this year...or is it first 2004? I look forward to that one...the previous games owned, the only thing that needed changed(although it really didn't matter 'cause the games were ****ing great) was the graphics engine...and now a modified UT2003 engine it will most likely be sweet if they can keep the gameplay and atmosphere from the previous games...
Get FO2 now man, it kicks ass, nevermind the old graphics

The Fallout Series is the best series of RPGs of ALL time, good on ya.
Re: Fallout3: it's only just been announced I believe -- no date as yet. Black Isle are doing it so there'll be yet more shotgun weddings, exploding latrines, sloppy ghoul action, budding porn careers, drug use, and pimping of spouses for extra cash as in Fallout 2... :)