God is the only reason we exist (proof inside)

Chewbacca doesn't live on Endor, wtf.
For real man. He was on Endor for a weekend. Chewbacca can't vacation without taking up residence somewhere?

You people really thought I was being serious? Don't you know me better than that?
I knew you were joking, if only because I know you. Plus you're Swedish, I mean if anything that was a giveaway.
I have a few questions. Outta curiosity.

So, what do athiests believe happens after they die?

Remember what it was like before birth?


Do they believe in a devil/hell?

Nope, most atheists don't believe in the supernatural, period (I mean of course, non-religious atheists, since a buddhist is technically a atheist).

How did the universe begin? What started it?

Big bang. As too what started it, there are a number of theories, but it is becoming more accepted by scientists that we live in a multiverse - hyperspace containing many universes.

I am not attacking your views just curious as to what they are.

Thats great. It's good too see someone asking rather than believing what the media tells you for once.
What's with all you heathens saying there is no God? He is the only reason we exist. He made us, so if deny His existence, you deny your own existence as well.

Like Mr. T said, "If it wasn't for your mother, you wouldn't be here, so remember, when you're putting down one mother you're puttting down mothers all over the world."

Only replace "mother" with "God".

You people are not seriously saying that you know things better than Mr. T, are you?

Here is the question that I like to pose

What came first, God or the Universe
I have a few questions. Outta curiosity.

So, what do athiests believe happens after they die?

Do they believe in a devil/hell?

How did the universe begin? What started it?

I am not attacking your views just curious as to what they are.

I don't know what happens after I die, I'd imagine it would be just like before I was born. A different Atheist might believe something else.

Devil is a god-like creature, therefor no.

I have no idea how the universe began. I don't know what started it. I would like to find out someday, but until them I am content with being unsure but keeping my mind open to possibilities.

Atheism does not define anything about you, besides the fact that you lack the belief in god or believe god does not exist. It doesn't mean I believe in evolution, theory of gravity, 1 + 1 = 2, we landed on the moon. Each individual atheist believes something different.
When one says he or she is an atheist, it is like saying one is simply not a mechanic. It describes what that person is not, rather than what a person is. We are not a "community". We don't get together on Sundays and discuss our atheist plots. And while we may share many attributing qualities of an atheist, an atheist does not depend on those qualities to be one.

I, for one, hope that my conscious returns to another life in some shape or form after I die. I hope this, but believe that my molecules and compounds will disperse from my body after my cells have died or fled.
That's why religion exists in the first place, isn't it? To give people hope. Religion is there for those who wish to ignore the dark or unpleasant side of being human. Dying, happening upon misfortune, etc. religion gives hope and confidence to all those who wish to ease the pain from those terrible events.

Perhaps even some of those who push religion as hard as it can go know this deep inside. But they know they must have people believe it because of the hope it can inspire to people.

All those who contribute to religion, and especially those in the beginning, knew it was for the greater good of mankind's confidence and hope in his own survival, happiness, and prosperity.

There isn't very much that actually exists that can have such power, than a fabrication. Religion is possibly man's greatest invention, despite when you use it or not.

Some of us, however, need to fairy tales to live happily and with hope. We are strong enough to face the realities of the world we live in. Or perhaps it's just our natural tendancy to not want to believe something that isn't real, lest we feel cheated, lied to, or feel like we can't think for ourselves.
The following is my opinion:

The concept of "God" in it's many forms, was the result of mankinds fear of the unknown. Of not knowing what happens after you die. Some people claim that the earth is only 5,000 years old, yet we have technology thats states otherwise. We do not need to have faith that our planet is older than 5,000 years, because we have proof & proof always overcomes faith.

An old & for some, tasteless joke:

Q: Why do old people read the bible more than any other age group?
A: Because they are cramming for finals.

If God (Morgan Freeman right?) was to come up to me & show me without-a-doubt proof that he existed, I would be his number one fan, but that would be only after he fixed all the many wrongs that he has let happen due to the neglect that he has shown this planet & it's people.

You have to earn my respect God, for it's not given freely.

my god has a bigger cock than your nothingness
Why, oh why did you bring back this thread?

Of course everyone knows god is just a symbol, a symbol that ancient people used to embody the forces that were beyond their control and could not explain readily just like every other myth or god that exists. Of course, people eventually took advantage of the god lie to put themselves in power lashing out and striking down anyone who threatened their ill gained power by questioning god's power thus questioning their power because they claimed that god had given them power. So after so many centuries of repression and persecution this lie got so deeply ingrained in our lives that people were afraid not to believe it. Even today their are those groups of religious zealots that absolutely refuse to open their eyes to the truth despite the overwhelming evidence against religions, but still they march on believing an ancient lie and ingraining it malignantly into their offspring so that they may carry on this horrible parade of idiocy.

That said I would like to say I have nothing against religions and I respect them and the people who worship them. But when people try to 'save' me it is a little annoying, I let you believe what you want why can't I do the same? If I decide to go and worship Quetzalcoatl is it going to hurt you in any way? I mean :P so long as I don't sacrifice anyone its no harm no foul right?

Personally I believe in no god, I think that how the universe was created is unimportant even if it is interesting, we'll never know the complete truth about everything anyways, infinite regress! The only thing that really matters is pursuing your dreams and achieving something meaningful with your life, you know that whole live life to its fullest have no regrets and die happy mantra, if you do that can you honestly be afraid of dying?

I use to believe that their was nothing but well nothingness when you died but I've started to have this idea and this feeling that maybe their is more, like that spark that started your life isn't just lost it just leaves your body and returns to the energy of the rest of the universe, energy can't be created or destroyed after all right? So it make sense that what ever energy that started us going just returns to where it came from so even if your not sentient or even if you lose all sense of self awareness and consciousness you still exist in a small way, reused to spark up new life.

As a wise slug like creature ounce said "What seems to you a sacrifice is merely, to us, an oscillation. We do not fear the interval of darkness." LOL Thats right people I worship in the first National Church of the Vorts! Forget this 'god' you speak of I know only of the vortessence, Gallum galla gilla ma!
Souless hugonauts that had come from the great country of Rutoria in the year 191919 created the humans in labs and told them to build cities and here we are.
Hmm.. Does anyone else think I'm sexy?
Requesting lock. This topic has been done before and done better.
That's why religion exists in the first place, isn't it? To give people hope. Religion is there for those who wish to ignore the dark or unpleasant side of being human. Dying, happening upon misfortune, etc. religion gives hope and confidence to all those who wish to ease the pain from those terrible events.

Perhaps even some of those who push religion as hard as it can go know this deep inside. But they know they must have people believe it because of the hope it can inspire to people.

Unfortunately, when one begins too push religion too hard, it begins to move backwards.