God of War III Extended Trailer and Screenshots...

Feb 24, 2005
Reaction score
Wow. This looks magnificent. From the reactions of all the people that got to see gameplay it certainly seems like the gameplay is there to match the graphics. This may be the best action adventure of this generation of consoles. The trailer is epic in every sense. Enjoy.

Hardcore Gamer was invited to LA to check out the first ever demo of God of War III. The first two God of War titles were two of the best looking games on the PS2. God of War III simply blows them away. To put it in perspective, the model of Kratos alone is so advanced that if you were to put just him on a PS2 disc, the PS2 would be unable to handle it. Graphically, God of War III may just be the best looking game this generation.

Everything in the game seems like it shouldn?t be running as smooth as it is. Even the smallest character in God of War III seems advanced and alive. All of the landscapes and buildings are beautiful and incredibly realistic. In fact, many of the environments are literally alive. God of War III will mostly be fought on huge creatures known as Titans.

Unfortunately, not much is known about the Titans yet. One of the Titans that we do know about is Gaia. Gaia is a huge rock-type creature that has a living forest on it. While on Gaia, it seems as if you are in a normal forest. However, there is always a little hint of the living creature you?re actually on, which really brings the game alive
The graphics of God of War III are incredible, but the gameplay is equally as impressive. If you?ve played either of the first two God of War games, you?ll basically know what to expect. The gameplay model is solid enough that it didn?t need to be drastically changed. The additions, though, take it to the next level.

The enemies are already more intelligent than the average game baddie, but their skills can increase when a commander-type enemy comes out. He?ll rally them and they?ll work together with more strategy. Luckily, there are plenty of awesome moves that you can combat them with. For instance, you?ll be able to grab enemies and use them as a battery ram, which looks really cool.

The best combat addition, though, are the moves that are enemy specific. If you?re fighting a cyclops, for example, you?ll be able to rip its eye out of the socket. You?ll also fight a chimera in the game that changes forms as you cut different parts off. The best new combat feature, though, is the ability to disembowel. It?s not known how often or to which enemies you?ll be able to use this new feature. In one of the sequences shown, Kratos is fighting a large centaur that he finally pins to the ground. He takes out a blade and rips open his stomach, revealing his entrails. If more of God of War III is like this, it could definitely be one of the goriest games yet.




Ignore my thread, this one is a better testament to the sheer awesomeness of God of War.

That is all.
Getting a PS3 just for this, hope the price comes down by end of the year
Getting a PS3 just for this, hope the price comes down by end of the year
It should--likely in the next couple of months.

This is probably not going to come out until March of '10 anyway though judging by past GoW releases and the fact that the release date will not be announced until E3. I REALLY hope it is sooner...like for the holidays!!
Hot damn.

Never played the first two but this looks sick.
Looks a lot better now. The previous teaser they released made the game look really bad.

God of War 1 = great, 2 = good
Looks a lot better now. The previous teaser they released made the game look really bad.

God of War 1 = great, 2 = good

Bite your tongue! They were both excellent.
I actually got way more into 2 for whatever reason, great as 1 was. Maybe it was the awesome Perseus battle or maybe the final battle. Both just awesome.
I actually got way more into 2 for whatever reason, great as 1 was. Maybe it was the awesome Perseus battle or maybe the final battle. Both just awesome.

The scale of the 2nd was just incredible as well, especially the whole Atlas portion.
Looks fantastic. I've never played a God of War game before. I admittedly know nothing about this game aside from what was shown in the video above. I've never really gotten into games with the type of gameplay this video seems to show. I'll happily try it, I'll definitely need a demo before making a final decision. Really very nice looking though.
I have that game for the PS2 but never got into it =/. Maybe I should give it another go.
Loved the first two so yay. I hope they make the alternate weapons more interesting. Nothing really could compare to the Chains of Olympus in the first two.

Wonder will the game have any MP too?
those gauntlets look kick ass!

I'm so poor :(
For anyone still wondering, this is straight from the Art Director:

Anything that you see in the trailer, we are doing it in the real game. We are not super sampling stuff in the trailer. We are not loading a higher resolution Kratos with higher-res textures; nothing. It is all exactly the same. Again, if Kratos is standing on that Titan and you are at a micro shot, and you pull out to a micro-shot, I don't want any camera tricks. I want it all to happen in real time. I don't want any popping. If we have to do a pre-rendered cinematic, it is all just frames that we take from the engine, because it has to look exactly what the game looks like. We do not want to pull the player out of the reality of that fantasy.

If you look at Kratos on the PS2, he is about 5,000 polygons. He is about 20,000 polygons now. I think he had three textures on the PlayStation 2. I think he has at least 20 textures on him now. The animation data on him is probably about six times as big. So Kratos went from being a couple of megabytes to now, it would actually take two PS2's to fit his memory footprint all in there. He is always loaded in the game. The other thing is that he has many more weapons, too. He can load between all of those different weapons, so all that stuff is loaded with him also, and all of the move sets.

Man, that is some brilliant work. The very notion that actual gameplay levels will look that good and still be on the backs of titans is mind-boggling.
Yea but victim, didn't we hear the samething about killzone 2? If its indeed correct then holy fukin shit..anyways well I never got much into 1 or 2 but I'd definitely give this a try.
Yea but victim, didn't we hear the samething about killzone 2? If its indeed correct then holy fukin shit..anyways well I never got much into 1 or 2 but I'd definitely give this a try.

GoW devs don't fuck around. They had the same philosophy for the first 2 games, that if the engine is good enouhg for the game, it's good enough for the cinematics. With this they produced two of the best looking and most polished games of last generation.
GoW devs don't fuck around. They had the same philosophy for the first 2 games, that if the engine is good enouhg for the game, it's good enough for the cinematics. With this they produced two of the best looking and most polished games of last generation.
QFT. I was watching the story videos for 1 & 2 on YouTube last night and man, those games are AMAZING in terms of tight, yet epic narrative with gameplay and graphics that match. I need to play them both before this one comes out. I still have not gotten CoO. I may need to do that as well.
If you can get CoO for cheap do it, it only took me about five hours to beat.
Yea but victim, didn't we hear the samething about killzone 2?
Sony's words, not the developers'. Same happened with Motorstorm, which actually put a lot of undue pressure on the devs to live up to what was only meant to be a target render. Since this seems to be coming straight from the developer's mouth, they're either telling the truth or digging their own grave. I'm willing to bank on the former, having seen the trailer (it looks great but far from impossible).

Anyway, yeah, looks good. Too bad I was already worn out on the series after the first game.
Anyway, yeah, looks good. Too bad I was already worn out on the series after the first game.
Wow, you really should try part 2 because it does everything the first one did but trumps it by huge degrees on everything! That and the story is even more engaging and epic. Really, it is much better than the first one (even though the first one is incredible too).
Watched a friend play most of it. Looked pretty epic but I'm just not that interested in the gameplay.
Looks fantastic. I've only played the god of war cell phone game though. This makes me want to get a PS3, I'll have to start that thread up again.

Story is not engaging imo. I hate the character of Kratos tbh.

Well, to be fair, he is a pretty evil bugger, but his adventures killing gods and getting revenge and aligning with the Titans is just awesome imho. The stuff of which great myths and legends are made.

(Glad you like the kick-ass gameplay though.) :thumbs: