God of War or Burnout Revenge or Ico or... ?


Feb 7, 2004
Reaction score
Probably going to the mall later today to see a movie, want to pick up a game along with it. I've heard great things about God of War and BO:R, but Ico's apparently a classic and I've never played it. Plus there's the PC to consider, but I haven't heard of any good games for us recently. Ideas?
Sounds good. Quick question: How exactly do you pronounce Ico? I've heard it eye-cee-oh, but it seems like it should be eye-koh.
it's actually pronouced like the "eco" in "ecology". But yeah, go for ico. It'll probably be very cheap, and it's positively superb.
Yeah, Ico is an amazing game , but so is God of War. So I guess it comes down to money. Ico will be cheaper and God of War will be more expensive since it came out relatively recently.

In the end, you should really get them both, but get Ico now because it will be harder to find in the future. :cheers:
Never played Ico but I have played God of War. It was fun to go through once but I was disappointed with "God Mode". It's a lot harder but only because enemies hit 4x harder and have 4x the hitpoints and you don't get to start with your previous equipment.

It's also pretty short. I think I took just over 10 hours to beat it.

Like I said...I dunno about Ico but Burnout: Takedown (yep, the previous one) had me going for 30+ hours and I only got bored because I didn't have anybody to play multiplayer with and my Xbox Live was lagging for some unexplained reason.

I just got Burnout: Revenge and so far I've been splitting my time between it, RE4, and school. I'm gonna hop on BF2 right now though cuz it's been too long.
I wanted to get Ico, but none of the THREE stores I visited had it, so I ended up getting the greatest hits edition of Burnout 3 (didn't have Revenge and I didn't want to spend that much on it anyway).
(Wish I'd known about that pronounciation in advance, got some pretty strange looks from clerks who actually knew how to pronounce the stupid name. :p )
If you have the money, get all three. If not, Ico is an awsome game that you can get for 10 bucks.