gogol bordello


Party Escort Bot
Sep 20, 2003
Reaction score



nuff said. can't wait for an opportunity to see these guys live.
Haha. Oh, Harij, you and your wacky musical tastes.

That first one was actually pretty awesome though, even though usually I'd probably detest this sort of thing. I'll check out the rest after sleepy taime.
i love these guys... the singer is the tour guide's son from Everything Is Illuminated.

See them live - it comes highly recommended!

Seein em again in August.
I've known about these guys for a while, but I was kinda ashamed to admit that I liked it.

Also, rofl the violinist has a Skindred shirt.
My favourite band for at least a year. They're so awesomely fantastic. It's Folk-Punk. With Accordians!
LOVE these guys. Have not been lucky enough to see them live though I am dying to!!!
Ditto. Reading festival?

That's where I first saw them.
Love 'em!

Yeah biznitch. I didnt catch them last year (IIRC i was being knocked unconcious in the Municipal Waste pit) but I'm seeing them for sure this time round (provided they dont clash with anyone good on the Lock-Up Stage, or Frank Turner on the carling.

If you're going this year and you see a sign for Camp Mead below a pirate flag, pop in and say hi!
Yeah biznitch. I didnt catch them last year (IIRC i was being knocked unconcious in the Municipal Waste pit) but I'm seeing them for sure this time round (provided they dont clash with anyone good on the Lock-Up Stage, or Frank Turner on the carling.

If you're going this year and you see a sign for Camp Mead below a pirate flag, pop in and say hi!

Eek. Looks like they may clash, Frank Turner's on sixth on the Friday Carling stage... ideally see both though!