"Going gold..." Confirmed as a fake

DiSTuRbEd said:
You do understand someone didn't get on their networks. They just were trying passwords on his account. He probably trusted people to be mature about things, and would never do such a thing like that. Its getting pretty sad when people are trying to crack other people's passwords to post bogus things on a forum.

Exactly what I was trying to say when I called the fake post absolutely pathetic.

It doesn't matter if it was hacked,cracked,or guessed it's still a shitty thing to do.VALVe has gotta be soooo sick of all the shithead behavoir from some of these obsessed fans.

just play some Far Cry and some CS:Source and chill out!!! S.T.A.L.K.E.R. looks like a good upcoming game too maybe the HL2 obsessed Paparazzi could stalk them now and let VALVe finish their game in peace.
Just think, Maybe Valve are actually going to release it really soon they're just waiting to spring it on us like a christmas present 4 months before Christmas. Though i'm probably in deep denial and i can't accept that it's not coming out soon!
iamaelephant said:
Wow, some of you guys are really uptight. Get over it, who cares? Personally I think it's hilarious.

I have to agree with this. It's just a computer game. Sure it might be disapointing, but that's no reason not to find a little humor in it.
Icarus said:
This morning it was confirmed that the post made concerning Half-Life 2 going gold, orginally thought to be made by Valve's Gabe Newell, was in fact posted by someone that had found his password and used it to post with his account.[br]A Valve employee confirmed it in this thread on the SteamPowered forums.

Can't say I'm not surprised, I already knew the monday 'gold' couldn't be real.

DiSTuRbEd said:
You do understand someone didn't get on their networks. They just were trying passwords on his account. He probably trusted people to be mature about things, and would never do such a thing like that. Its getting pretty sad when people are trying to crack other people's passwords to post bogus things on a forum.

Cliffe and Gaben are realllllllly stupid passwords. They were asking for it.
FEAR looks like a nice game comming up as well. It looks like it's going to beat Doom3 on the scare factor. I mean, Doom3 was more of a "EEK WHERE DID YOU COME FROM...oh well" But FEAR is more like "Why is this creepy dead looking 5 year old following us and killing us.......AND WHY IS THIS ROOM DRENCHED IN BLOOD?!" heh...But yeah, out right now wise...nothing to waste your time on :( except Natural Selection. There's a HL MOD that is still great!
Icarus said:
This morning it was confirmed that the post made concerning Half-Life 2 going gold, orginally thought to be made by Valve's Gabe Newell, was in fact posted by someone that had found his password and used it to post with his account.[br]A Valve employee confirmed it in this thread on the SteamPowered forums.

We was in heaven some hours!.
cyberpitz said:
FEAR looks like a nice game comming up as well. It looks like it's going to beat Doom3 on the scare factor. I mean, Doom3 was more of a "EEK WHERE DID YOU COME FROM...oh well" But FEAR is more like "Why is this creepy dead looking 5 year old following us and killing us.......AND WHY IS THIS ROOM DRENCHED IN BLOOD?!" heh...But yeah, out right now wise...nothing to waste your time on :( except Natural Selection. There's a HL MOD that is still great!

Doom3 was more like boredome 3.

After what I have seen half life 2 will kill all competitions.
I went over to a friends house and he was playing DOOM3 and I was like not impressed.I liked FAR CRY better.He hadn't watch any of the HL2 binks.I had them all on my laptop and he was like WOW that blows Doom3 away.

S.T.A.L.K.E.R. looks like my next game to look forward to after HL2 comes out.Anyone know when's it supposed to out?

ahhhh NM 2005

himself said:
/me sighs

you guys are just as sad as the dude who actually faked that post. think about it..

OMFG you're going to HELL! don't give me that bs! the man should be put in jail! or at least make a public apology to all of us!!!!! i mean for god sakes! 'you guys are just as as as the dude who actually faked that post.'

what are you... liberal?
My dad has played pretty much more video games than me, but he won't play a computer game...

He says it's the controls, i've spent days and days and months trying to convince him otherwise but i don't believe he's ever touched a computer game for more than 10 secs cept for star wars galaxies which he plays all the time now, horrible controls by the way, but still,

please tell me why half life is so great... sum it up for him... maybe i can get him to play before hl2...

i still thinks he thinks half life is like a horror resident evil game, when he saw the strider he thought it was a mechanical spider and it was SUPPOSED to be scary

makes me so mad sometimes, but i love him so...

Vote Bush '04!
Originally Posted by joshwaloveslotr
Vote Bush '04!

That's the most sensible thing I've seen posted in this thread.

and for me it was the most stupid :P lets not get into politics on a games board.

- Echoplex
No wonder someone could post as Gabe because Gabe himself had used gaben as the password for his HL2Fallout account. :D
to tell you the truth i'm a little upset that i didnt think of doing what he did earlier... the thought did cross my mind a few times but i just thought "nah, no way would he use a simple password. he's not that stupid...".
oh well, the hilarity belongs to someone else :D

jail this guy? what is wrong with you... give him a medal!

i was here when it happened and i am a little disappointed it wasnt true, but deep down i was expecting that, i knew no way known would it be gold on monday. i believed it but there was a nagging thought that said "no... cant be real..."
i thought maybe it would just get delayed but this was better.

you guys need to stop taking things so seriously, its a game and you feel for a prank. so did i.

joshwaloveslotr said:
My dad has played pretty much more video games than me, but he won't play a computer game...

He says it's the controls, i've spent days and days and months trying to convince him otherwise but i don't believe he's ever touched a computer game for more than 10 secs cept for star wars galaxies which he plays all the time now, horrible controls by the way, but still,

please tell me why half life is so great... sum it up for him... maybe i can get him to play before hl2...

i still thinks he thinks half life is like a horror resident evil game, when he saw the strider he thought it was a mechanical spider and it was SUPPOSED to be scary

makes me so mad sometimes, but i love him so...

Vote Bush '04!

Same thing with my dad, he won't touch the pc, and I keep trying to convince him of the great games that it has...
A few things....firstly Doom 3 maybe Boring but you'd all complained anyway even if it wasn't bad at all you're just all comparing it to what you think HL2 will be and the most important fact of all nobody who has a single brain cell should vote for Bush or Blair for that matter mainly because they're both IDIOTS. Remember folks this is my opinion but if anyone agree's with reply tell me!
Quoted off of a forum I am a regular to...

this is just a ridiculous comedy of errors....

its like watching some completely uncoordinated fool try and do something spectacular like standing double backflips or something...

its funny to watch them screw up the first few times, then the laughter dies away as you realise they are trying their absolute hardest and getting nowhere.

it just gets dreadfully embarrasing to watch the incompetance.

And sadly I must agree. I can't help but piss myself laughing at all you conspiracy theorists saying that his password was "hacked" or "cracked", it's a shame you people don't have the slightest clue about what 'hacking' really is, and probably the closest you do know is some 12 year old CS script kiddie running around with aimbots and see through walls...

'gaben' will now be my password for EVERYTHING! :cheers:
Does this mean Gabe is going to post here now? :)

He should make his password:

Maybe when the guy took gabe's account he had access to the source engine, and he will probably steal it again making another "coincidental" reason for delay.
Random Task said:
A few things....firstly Doom 3 maybe Boring but you'd all complained anyway even if it wasn't bad at all you're just all comparing it to what you think HL2 will be and the most important fact of all nobody who has a single brain cell should vote for Bush or Blair for that matter mainly because they're both IDIOTS. Remember folks this is my opinion but if anyone agree's with reply tell me!

First off, DOOM 3 was a pretty damn good game, you obviously haven't played the game in it's entirety, so why don't you get off your pentium II and actually try playing it. Secondly! hahaha, you're almost as stupid as those bush protestors that are interviewed by sean hannity on thursdays... just a bit of info for ya pal, it's kerry, not blair, that bush is running against...

thank you, and goodnight
joshwaloveslotr said:
First off, DOOM 3 was a pretty damn good game, you obviously haven't played the game in it's entirety, so why don't you get off your pentium II and actually try playing it. Secondly! hahaha, you're almost as stupid as those bush protestors that are interviewed by sean hannity on thursdays... just a bit of info for ya pal, it's kerry, not blair, that bush is running against...

thank you, and goodnight

I can somewhat agree with you about Doom 3, but I believe the person did indeed mean to say Blair, not Kerry. I think he was lumping Bush and Blair together as they were the two leaders most involved with the Iraqi war, something I'm guessing he disagrees with and thus doesn't support either the president or primeminister who got us into it. Don't mean to go offtopic, but I think you were accusing him of being stupid for no reason.
joshwaloveslotr said:
First off, DOOM 3 was a pretty damn good game, you obviously haven't played the game in it's entirety, so why don't you get off your pentium II and actually try playing it. Secondly! hahaha, you're almost as stupid as those bush protestors that are interviewed by sean hannity on thursdays... just a bit of info for ya pal, it's kerry, not blair, that bush is running against...

thank you, and goodnight

You talk politics alot...

Politics have no place in a hl2 forum :P
TheUnkillableDot said:
You talk politics alot...

Politics have no place in a hl2 forum :P

oh, i haven't even started, i haven't begun, i knew he meant kerry, i just felt like saying that, if i wanted to talk politics I"D talk politics, he he, i'm only 15, i listen to rush limbaugh every day, i read ann coulter, sean hannity's my man, i watch fox news channel when i can, etc etc, i am the most political 15 year old, IN THE WORLD! MUAHAHAHHA
with that said, doom 3 was never going to be an epic that would be played for years to come we all knew that... metal gear solid 3 will be very nice, perhaps as good as mgs2, no mgs1 of course, sims 2 despite all the hype i have seen nothing that impresses me, gran turismo 4 will probably be like a madden game, they just always get better... and halo 2 will rule the consoles as we know it, IF it has cooperative mode... half life2, i have used my hardearned money to get an awesome computer for it, duel 2.8 with HT, win xp pro, radeon 9800xt, 1024 geil low latency ram, two 120 gig SATAs etc... i am PUMPED for this game, my dad won't let me preorder it though...

but if all else fails, and half life 2 is delayed to a 'it's done when it's done' or 'maybe NEXT christmas' or 'some time in... hmm... i donnow, who the hell knows anymore... my superiors tell me somewhere around 30XX it MIGHT be done, no promises'

THEN we know we have, SUPER BASS FISHING PRO!!! for the gameboy color!!!!!! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! hell yeah! I PREORDERDED that ONE!!!!! YIPPIEAYEOHKAIAYE MOTHER ****ER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
sry, i'm just so mad that they have pushed back every single release date for ANYTHING and keep doing so... it's quite pathetic really... give us one, or give us none at all...


I will give the person that hacks the shit out of that guy's computer 2 cookies. What a little sack of shit. Got me all excited for no reason. That was like one of the highlights of my week right there --dashed. :frown:
joshwaloveslotr said:
oh, i haven't even started, i haven't begun, i knew he meant kerry, i just felt like saying that, if i wanted to talk politics I"D talk politics, he he, i'm only 15, i listen to rush limbaugh every day, i read ann coulter, sean hannity's my man, i watch fox news channel when i can, etc etc, i am the most political 15 year old, IN THE WORLD! MUAHAHAHHA

To bad you can't vote eh? :P
joshwaloveslotr said:
oh, i haven't even started, i haven't begun, i knew he meant kerry, i just felt like saying that, if i wanted to talk politics I"D talk politics, he he, i'm only 15, i listen to rush limbaugh every day, i read ann coulter, sean hannity's my man, i watch fox news channel when i can, etc etc, i am the most political 15 year old, IN THE WORLD! MUAHAHAHHA

I'm going to study politics at uni I would DISTROY YOU LITTLE ONE!!!!
when i first read about the gold announcement.. i was very cautiously happy because, as Mr. Redundant put it at the time... it was an announcement of announcement.. (Redundant's skeptical metre works better than anyones on this site :p ) and he wasn't sure what there was to be happy about.

anyway.. i am disappointed a bit.. but probably not nearly as much as other pple here... like i said.. take all news with a grain of salt and u won't be severely disappointed.
Who knows, the guy who did it maybe is here at the forum right now, he might be one of us. *Lookning behind my shoulder*
I find this highly amusing.

Nay, I find it fricking hilarious.
joshwaloveslotr said:
with that said, doom 3 was never going to be an epic that would be played for years to come we all knew that... metal gear solid 3 will be very nice, perhaps as good as mgs2, no mgs1 of course, sims 2 despite all the hype i have seen nothing that impresses me, gran turismo 4 will probably be like a madden game, they just always get better... and halo 2 will rule the consoles as we know it, IF it has cooperative mode... half life2, i have used my hardearned money to get an awesome computer for it, duel 2.8 with HT, win xp pro, radeon 9800xt, 1024 geil low latency ram, two 120 gig SATAs etc... i am PUMPED for this game, my dad won't let me preorder it though...

but if all else fails, and half life 2 is delayed to a 'it's done when it's done' or 'maybe NEXT christmas' or 'some time in... hmm... i donnow, who the hell knows anymore... my superiors tell me somewhere around 30XX it MIGHT be done, no promises'

THEN we know we have, SUPER BASS FISHING PRO!!! for the gameboy color!!!!!! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! hell yeah! I PREORDERDED that ONE!!!!! YIPPIEAYEOHKAIAYE MOTHER ****ER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

dam boy.. calm urself tiger.... :sniper: :afro: :P
somebody at valve, probably gabe, said that half life 2 was going to be twice as long as it's predecessor, and now we find out it's only going to be 25 or so hours of gameplay... whats up with that?? that's a weekend or so right there! why can't people make games anymore that take up ALL your time, that are 50 hours at least... what makes me mad, are the games that you sit down to play at 5 pm, you install it, 5:30 you start it up, play till 6:15 when supper is, and you're at the end boss at 8:30... those games make me angry... argh!!!

far cry was a decent sized game, i loved it, probably more than doom 3, i hope that half life 2 is a little longer though... oh, and when cgw said that far cry was way too hard, they're crybabies! i'm 15 and i beat the game on normal mode, and then i get pretty darn far on realistic mode. my SISTER almost beat the game on easy mode for gosh sakes and she never plays any video games except for halo pc.. so i don't know what they're talking about it being too hard...
oh, and when i beat the game on normal mode, i was running the game at 11 fps on geforce fx 5200