going to make the best hl2 artpiece ever created. but what shall I make.

rrright.. thnx for your very mature reply. I will take that into considiration >_<
I say gordan free man with the mp5 firing with the shells coming out, he shall be shooting one of them soldure guys.

not just any odd shit but actually capture the light and the moment to the viewer feel's they are there too

thats my idea go for it :)

make Gordon fight a couple of combine soldiers, but for a change, gordon has akimbo mp5 :) and make it in the rubble in City-17..
trashed houses and stuff.. maybe by the combine fortress wall..
*blup* ... ... *plop*

hmm.. nthin (there fore I opened this topic)
ANYWAY!.. i have decided what i am going to make. I dont know if i need to keep it as a suprise or just make a WIP thread. you guys deside
WIP, so if its looking good one post... then starts to suck, we can tell you to change it back :) hehe
ghehe oki. the wip thread will be up tomorrow whn I have the drawing/sketch ready. hopefully i will have the final version ready the next day (will update alot)
make something yourself..not anything already created as concept or ingame... vecter, drawing whatver...be cretive!
hmm.. i'l do the creative thingy another time. now my idea was making a combine soldier facing the "camera" (ina dark alley or sort) and gordon standing behind him pointing his USP match @ the soldier. but the soldier pulls his mask off and revield the face off barney (facing the "camera")

I dont know. i will make sure the mood will be good
Cant you make something like...Gordon in the middle...gman on the right side and alyx on the left...

Then something like Gordon have to choose for which on he will help/work for...teh sexeh Alyx or the oh so wierd Gman....its up to you Gordon....whats its gonna be....

Anyways...im off to bed now...just writing the last shit i got in my mind...
Ivil, ignore majestic's.... go with your idea. no offense majestic. I just like evil's better ;)
make a a backround with multi colors including black, with gman faded to the left , and gordon and alyx to the right except full body form also faded with a half-life 2 logo in grey in the middle with half-life 2 written out either on the side or the bottom.
Originally posted by tewmten
make Gordon fight a couple of combine soldiers, but for a change, gordon has akimbo mp5 :) and make it in the rubble in City-17..
trashed houses and stuff.. maybe by the combine fortress wall..

why do people think the only weapons on the planet are mp5's ak47s and m4/m16's ?
hehe i prefer dual beretta 86's. I hope to buy one soon.

cool guns i like you ppl dont know about (probably)



Yeah. i am glad valve chose the mp7 PDW instead of the mp5 cuz every friggin game has a mp5. I bet we will see disney movies and games with mp5's in a year :)

oh and parox. it aint going to ba a wallpaper. so i am not going to do anything with backgroundcolour fading to black ets. the background will be a industrial ally with big steampipes and valves :)
i just looked up valve in a dict., and look how many german translations exist:

Direct Matches

valve [tech.]

das Abquetschventil

valve [tech.]

das Drosselventil


die Elektronenröhre

valve [engin.]

der Hahn [Baugeräte]

valve [anat.]

die Klappe


die Radioröhre


die Röhre

valve [tech.]

das Sitzventil