Gold date speculation

How could you thank him for a quick answer if you weren't sure you'd get one?

I am from Germany and my english is not so good, sorry !!
some of you are kind of ignorant (trying not to sound like an a** or being mean) in thinking Valve absolutely needs to announce when it goes gold, which is stupid to think. they dont need to do it. and the way they have been by staying quiet i dont think they will. matter fact i hope they dont say when it goes gold i just hope sometime this month gamestop IGN and PC gamer all jump out with a HL2 review and say its gonna be out on the 23 or 24.
I think Gabe is responding with those "no" answers because he obviously doesn't know if it will be done by the end of 2003, thus no mass panic of all the Half-Life community, this is a good move on his part.
December 15th 2015! Just Kidding as of right now I think Half-Life 2 will be released April 2004 unless they delay it again.
i used to think December, but after what Gabe has said in response to my, and other ppls e-mail, i know believe ebgames is probably about right...april '04...:eek: oh well...i bet it'll be even better b/c of all this waiting!!

<----------Hey...IM A ZOMBIE!!

Probably wont see hl2 till next summer. You got to wonder why they lied all the way up to sep 30th saying the game was not only going to be finished but at shopping centers.
Originally posted by Pitbul
some of you are kind of ignorant (trying not to sound like an a** or being mean) in thinking Valve absolutely needs to announce when it goes gold, which is stupid to think. they dont need to do it. and the way they have been by staying quiet i dont think they will. matter fact i hope they dont say when it goes gold i just hope sometime this month gamestop IGN and PC gamer all jump out with a HL2 review and say its gonna be out on the 23 or 24.

Gabe did say the gold announcement would be public, but, I suppose that could've changed

Originally posted by Anwar
Probably wont see hl2 till next summer. You got to wonder why they lied all the way up to sep 30th saying the game was not only going to be finished but at shopping centers.

By next summer, you mean this summer, I hope.
Well, if it's not out this year, it could still be out earlier than April next.

Fingers crossed.
One could go on forever about this? :)

Didn't Vivendi say March 1st, 2004? April 1st wouldn't work, for political reasons... And on the 2nd everybody apologises for what happened on the first. So April isn't good at all, really. But March happens before April, and giving them less time isn't a good idea either. If on the 30th of September it wasn't "done" either, than March most assuredly won't be a good date. So, April sounds fair enough... But, May sounds even better! It's one entire month ahead of April!

And so on, and so on. :)

I say December 2005. Who's with me?
Originally posted by Dr. Shim
I say December 2005. Who's with me?

That is a pretty good date!!! That's one of the first realistic dates I have seen posted here!!! :bounce:

If Valve decides to rip the guts out of HL2 and start over (keeping Source Engine, nice models, textures as a base to start with) then obviously they won't get it out in 2004... :dork:

so that would make Dec 2005 would be a good target to shoot for...
At this rate, I wouldn't doubt them scrapping this entire game. :devil:
Originally posted by chu
At this rate, I wouldn't doubt them scrapping this entire game. :devil:

I don't think they would do that, I think Vivendi would probably get really pissed if they scrapped it, and tried to remake the game.
1 month do I hear 2 months ? 2 months Do I hear 3 months? 3 months do I hear 4 months ? 4 months do I hear 5 months? 5 months Do I hear 6 months ? 6 months Do I hear 7 months? 7 months do I hear 8 months? Going once... going twice.. SOLD!!!

I dont care about this game anymore, not because of the leak but because everyone was thinking of waiting only a few months but now its gotten ridiculous. It can come out 6 years from now I dont care anymore...
Is April next year the start of the 2005 financial year? And isn't Doom3 coming out in April?
Originally posted by Keeson
Are the developers at Valve some superhuman race of ultraintelligent alien beings capable of making a game better and faster than any other developer out there???

Yes. :imu:
Originally posted by DiSTuRbEd
I think Gabe is responding with those "no" answers because he obviously doesn't know if it will be done by the end of 2003, thus no mass panic of all the Half-Life community, this is a good move on his part.

sounds likea reasonable explination but still very skeptical.
December 11th here and its true no hl2 anyways all this waiting and now it seems that hl2 doesnt exist at all and that valve has been bsing us all along and made the whole movie in a 3d animation.
Originally posted by Lavrik
December 11th here and its true no hl2 anyways all this waiting and now it seems that hl2 doesnt exist at all and that valve has been bsing us all along and made the whole movie in a 3d animation.

LoL YuP :cheese:
Originally posted by Lavrik
December 11th here and its true no hl2 anyways all this waiting and now it seems that hl2 doesnt exist at all and that valve has been bsing us all along and made the whole movie in a 3d animation.
tru i wasn't really expecting this day anyways. it does seem like HL2 doesn't even exist. kinda sad.