Gold or Silver????


Oct 21, 2004
Reaction score
I just started really thinking about it, I wanted Gold but now I'm not sure, silver is pretty much the same just without all the other stuff...what did everyone preorder...and does the hat look that good? :naughty:
I wanted gold at first....but then I thought what I was likely to do with all the extras.....and decided they would just clutter up my room, so I went with silver.
Silver, what would you do with a postcard and stickers?
The hat you would wear once? And the strategy guide you shouldn't use?
Gold - I'd be proud to walk done a street with my HL2 cap and shirt on, with the three posters hanging on my walls, jamming to the sweet sweet HL2 soundtrack, and having my PC proudly bearing a HL2 sticker. Who wouldn't?
I stuck to basic / bronze - cause I could'nt be arsed with up-gradding :sleep: I am a lazy sod.
I want teh cap! :dork:
Gold mostly because I wanted a chance to win a trip to Valve.

Anyhow, Valve has always taken good care of their customers, and I'm thinking buying gold now might get me an extra perk or two (cheaper upgrades) when they start releasing new stuff down the road. If it doesn't oh well, I've got some crap I can sell on Ebay.
Silver.. who wants some stickers for your car?

To the nerd mobile, son!
Silver all the way. Only $10 more then the bronze and you get some great extras. No way I'm buying gold though. What am I ever going to do with that crap! Beside this game will probably be big enough that I'll be able to buy posters and hat elsewere if I want them
Silver. :) Even though i'm getting it from retail also. :)
No brainer

Unless your dying for the chance to pay extra for the opportunity to provide free advertising for a company whose product you just payed good money for, just get the silver. Don't be a sucker for the man, man.
Silver is the best bang for the buck... but GOLD is... you know... the ultimate thing, so I bought gold. Besides, I wanted a box... and the soundtrack... I live in Canada and with the exchange rate and shipping, it cost me 150$CDN.. yay..
I wanna buy from retail, but they only have 2 options: regular or collectors edition. I think the C.E. is the only one of the two that has halflife source on it, but i heard that the C.E. only comes in dvd format, so if i buy retail i wont get halflife source.
both gold's:
steam gold
collectors ed. dvd
to makeup, what idid 4years ago 2 valve..
both gold's:
steam gold
collectors ed. dvd
to makeup, what idid 4years ago 2 valve..
What did you do to Valve?
i had a voucher and updated to silver, i was almost gona update to gold but then i saw some posts of guys who did. they paid $136.95. (in holland) well here in holland we have 19% tax so 89.95 somes to $107
well $136.95-$107=$29.95 for s/h

19% TAX over $40 is $7.60
$7.60 of TAX
$29.95 of s/h

well $37.55 of extra costs over the $40 itself for the update was to much for me. i didn't want to pay $65.65 only for some extra stuff to arive 8 weeks later.

$77.55 or $11.90 i made my choice in a split second

for the $65.65 i saved i can almost buy the collectors edition over the internet
I was set ready to get Silver, but I got a convenient discount off my rent that month, so I had some free cash to blow...therefore, Gold.


I really really wanted that soundtrack. And the posters. And another sticker to slap on the case. But mostly the soundtrack. I STILL listen to the HL1 soundtrack to this day, and I'm betting/hoping that the HL2 soundtrack is just as good.

Not entirely sure what I'll do with a postcard, though. I hardly use snail-mail as it is!
I don't get it...
I preordered mine yesterday, but they didn't ask me which one I wanted? I guess I'll just go for the bronze one, but still...?
Since I have an ATI cupong I just pay the extra 40 bucks for gold, seems like a good deal... HL2 posters!!!! =)
I want a HL2 shirt...I wish VALVe would sell them for like $10 USD...
Dowie said:
What did you do to Valve?
lets just say all 8+ of my freinds are happly still playing half-life +mods, now on steam gameing online, with out ever purchasing
one copy of half-life :)