Gold will go $1,500 to $2,000/ounce recently

It's not hard to tell such kind of moles, (in big sites, they work in team.) And when that happens, leave them alone.
Quote, "Harassment by FBI on internet

Posting of messages has been known and followed for years by FBI. Try and using encryption and compression programs to bypass, but only failed as another error message reading "message not in recognize" appeared.

Have been told recently by source that FBI monitors message boards for speech by those who may be too close to the truth for comfort. When such a citizen is found, FBI begins programs by posting as other members who accuse the citizen of being "crazy" or "mentally unacceptable". No facts are offered.

If the citizen still persists, and some are swayed by his argument, FBI then proceeds to post websites who show "facts" contrary to the citizen's truth. These sites are cited on message boards to further dismay others from the truth. Such sites are often backed by government payroll in form of "experts" who back up government story. Popular Mechanics is one such payroll when arguing against 911 truth spreader.

If still citizen persists, message board administrator is contacted and offered bribe to help FBI, and if bribe fails, is threatened. Message board administrator then enacts rules which limit character space so truth can not be posted.

Harassment makes the citizen look foolish and crazy, which is what FBI wants.
Pretty sure he's legitimately paranoid schizophrenic. If not he sure puts in a lot of time and effort pretending. He's been doing this on this site for 5 years and he can be found all over the rest of the internet too.

Why do we let him stay? I mean, I'm all for free speech and such, but this is very... spammy. And stupid. And annoying.

Out of curiosity, I googled "kathaksung" and I'm not sure if I should laugh, cry, or start vigorously slapping random people for the rest of my life in hope that one of them will be kathaksung.
Is the truth 'annoying'?

Who the hell do you think you are?
Why do we let him stay? I mean, I'm all for free speech and such, but this is very... spammy. And stupid. And annoying.

Out of curiosity, I googled "kathaksung" and I'm not sure if I should laugh, cry, or start vigorously slapping random people for the rest of my life in hope that one of them will be kathaksung.


At least he's an entertaining spammer and besides he doesn't do it that often. Live and let live i say.
Lol I think he just accused Ennui of being FBI

1. From 12/30/1991 to 1/2/1995, in three years, the Dow Jones index curve is a flat one, bounding within 1,000 points. It basically follow the principle of investment with reasonable P/E value.

2. From March 1995, Dow Jones index starts its climbing. In ten months, it was up more than 1,000 poins, and went upwards rapidly since. I would say start from that time stock market value is risky with a high P/E value. The purpose is to prevent my entering the stock market. (A lesson from Chinese stock market)

3. I bought the stock on 9/23/1998 and 9/25. It was at a periodical trough. I sold the stock on 4/21/1999, that was at the average peak value. I invested not on economical condition but on the opinion that the Feds would push the market up to save its own business.
2. From March 1995, Dow Jones index starts its climbing. In ten months, it was up more than 1,000 poins, and went upwards rapidly since. I would say start from that time stock market value is risky with a high P/E value. The purpose is to prevent my entering the stock market. (A lesson from Chinese stock market)
So the entire international financial system is in place just to make you lose money? Why wouldn't they just put a bullet between your eyes instead and save everyone a lot of trouble?
So the entire international financial system is in place just to make you lose money? Why wouldn't they just put a bullet between your eyes instead and save everyone a lot of trouble?

1. Feds manipulated US stock market, not the whole international financial system, though it influenced the international financial system.

2. I didn't lose money. It can be viewed as: either raise the level to prevent my entering or that's a trap if I fell into it, I would have been bond by high price stock.

3. Shoot to death would cause an investigation. Manipulating stock market enable them to make money. Which would you prefer - to commit an obvious crime or play of game by setting up a financial trap at the same time to make money for yourself?

Remember, they never care for people's interest. They sacrificed 3,000 innocent's lives to justify an unjust war - you forgot 911?
They sacrificed 3,000 innocent's lives to justify an unjust war - you forgot 911?

ooooohhh that's why the Fire Department never arrived; I was dialing 912!!! silly me, dont I feel stupid

btw if you poke your ear with a chopstick hard enough you'll silence the voices
Remember, they never care for people's interest. They sacrificed 3,000 innocent's lives to justify an unjust war - you forgot 911?

So the government causes the stock market to fail/recess/decline/whatever so they can take/steal your money?
Kathaksung has watched Loose Change et al a few too many times.
So the government causes the stock market to fail/recess/decline/whatever so they can take/steal your money?

The Feds used to manipulate stock market to make money for themselves. And in my case, they did manipulate the stock market in hope that I would have lost money in their trap.

The evident case that the Feds to make money in stock market were: in 911/2001 they bid the downwards of air line company in advance because they knew there would be a "terror attack". And when they prepared another nuclear attack on US in 2007 with a B-52 loaded with muclear missiles, they sell down the stock market again.

507. The coming stock market crash (9/8/07)

In early August, when I learned that the authority would shut down Bay Bridge in Labor Day week-ends, to my experience with Feds, I knew there would be another plot planned that month, and the action date was at 8/31 to 9/3.

Then news said Karl Rove would leave his office on 8/30. People couldn't find the reason why Rove resigned at this time, they could only guess that he was leaving a sunken ship. I related it to the August plot. Because to distract a framed drug case, there would come a massive terror attack. He left the day before another "super 911", to extricate himself from the suspicion of being the mastermind of terror attack and also to lull the people into a false sense of peace that an evil brain of Bush was absent so no conspiracy was in progress.

Then there came such a news:

Quote, "$4.5 billion options bet on catastrophe within four weeks

Anybody have a clue as to what these 'investors' are expecting?
August 26, 2007

The two sales are being referred to by market traders as "bin Laden trades" because only an event on the scale of 9-11 could make these short-sell options valuable.

There are 65,000 contracts @ $750.00 for the SPX 700 calls for open interest. That controls 6.5 million shares at $750 = $4.5 Billion. Not a single trade. But quite a bit of $$ on a contract that is 700 points away from current value. No one would buy that deep "in the money" calls. No reason to. So if they were sold looks like someone betting on massive dislocation. Lots of very strange option activity that I haven't seen before.

The entity or individual offering these sales can only make money if the market drops 30%-50% within the next four weeks. If the market does not drop, the entity or individual involved stands to lose over $1 billion just for engaging in these contracts!

Clearly, someone knows something big is going to happen BEFORE the options expire on Sept. 21.


The following theories are being discussed widely within the stock and options markets today regarding the enormous and very unusual activity reported above and two stories below. Those theories are:

1) A massive terrorist attack is going to take place before Sept. 21 to tank the markets, OR;

2) China, reeling over losing $10 Billion in bad loans to the sub-prime mortgage collapse presently taking place, is going to dump US currency and tank all of Capitalism with a Communist financial revolution. Either scenario is bad and the clock is ticking. The drop-dead date of these contracts is September 21. Whatever is going to happen MUST take place between now and then or the folks involved in these contracts will lose over $1 billion for having engaged in this activity.

Bear in mind that the last time anyone conducted such large and unusual stock option trades (like this one) was in the weeks before the attacks of September 11.

Back then, they bought huge numbers of PUTS on airline stocks in the same airlines whose planes were involved in the September 11 attacks.

Despite knowing who made these trades, the Securities and Exchange Commission NEVER revealed who made the unusual trades and no one was ever publicly identified as being responsible for the trades which made upwards of $50 million when the attacks happened.

The fact that this latest activity by a single entity gambles on a complete collapse of the entire market by the third week in September, seems to indicate someone knows something really huge is in the works and they intend to profit almost $2 Billion within the next four weeks from whatever happens! This is really worrisome."

Source: Ticker Forum <>

I'll post my analysis on this stock option in next message. And besides theories 1 and 2, this group has another way, that is to sell down the market in the name of "sub-prime" crisis - a tactic they are carrying on now.

508. The stock market crash (2) (9/13/07)

There was also another similar trade done earlier in European stock market.

Re: "Renée Schultes
16 Aug 2007

Carry trade unwinds as yen hits one-year high

An anonymous investor has placed a bet on an index of Europe's top 50 stocks falling by a third by the end of September, as world equity markets plunged for a third day and volatility hit a three-year high.

The mystery investor has bought put option contracts on the DJ Eurostoxx 50 index that will result in a profit if it plunges to 2,800 or below by the end of September. Based on the 2,800 strike price, the position covers a notional €6.9bn, and potentially even more using a market price of about 4,100 when the trades were done on Tuesday and Wednesday.

The identity of the investor is unknown but market sources speculated it was either a large hedge fund hedging itself against deepening losses, or a long-only fund manager pressing the panic button to protect its gains.

The investor has bought a total of 245,000 put options on the index. The September put option with a 2,800 strike was the most popular DJ Eurostoxx 50 contract yesterday, according to data from Bloomberg.

The news was dated on 8/16. So the main trade was done on 8/15 (yesterday of 8/16). That was coincidence with the first phase of August plot. (8/15, Peru earth earthquake. 8/16, my wife's Peru travel started.) The operation of "make a fortune" started at same time of operation elimination.

Someone unknown foresaw a big stock market collapsing any time between 8/16 to the late September. It could be the result of expecting a mass terror attack. And I have alleged that kind of terror attack would happen right after the action date of 8/31 to 9/3 when Bay Bridge was shut down.(to distract a framed drug case)

This is why on 9/5, we saw two news in media, one was about terror attack and the other was about China dumping US dollars. Both were planned as the first wave of attack on stock market.

Re: "Germany arrests 3 in alleged plot on U.S. sites
By Noah Barkin and Sabine Siebold Wed Sep 5, 9:03 AM ET

Re: China threatens `nuclear option' of dollar sales

Then why did the Feds set the liquidate date of the stock option on 9/21 and the end of September not in early September? Because they planned a main attack on stock market in Mid-September. At that time, Federal Reserve would have a meeting to discuss about the bench mark interest rate.

Feds build up an expectation that the Federal Reserve will reduce the interest rate to save the economy which is hit by the sub prime loan crisis. If the interest rate remains unchanged or goes upwards, then it will touch off a selling wave to crash the stock market.
Aw he's replying to people again.

It's just as easily possible that Kathaksung is part of an organization that IS manipulating the stock market, and he is part of a campaign to spread misinformation. What better way to cover your tracks than to blame the government. You will have staunch supporters, and any statements otherwise from the government would be seen as a cover up.

Also, I'm pretty sure these posts line up exactly around the same time each month, coinciding with his prescription running out.
Why do we let him stay? I mean, I'm all for free speech and such, but this is very... spammy. And stupid. And annoying

Kathaksung has been on this forum for almost as long as I can remember. just wouldn't be the same without him.
629. Attack the Euro (3/13/2010)

Since Iran abandons dollar for Euro in its oil trading, a weak Euro would significantly hit Iran's economy. I saw in each attempt to have a war on Iran, it used to be followed with a plot to hit the Euro. The typical samples were: In January 2007, Russia had a dispute with Belarus and shut off the oil pipe for several days. In August 2008, Russia invaded Georgia where there was gas pipe line to Europe. In both events, if the crisis broadened, The oil and gas to Europe would have been cut. The European's economy would have been hurt and Euro would have depreciated. So would be Iran.

See "462. The collapse of Euro and worldwide economic crisis (1/20/07)", and "565. Georgia war and Russia, their role in Iran war (8/19/08)"

The resource to sabotage the Euro by the failures of energy supply exhausted. The plan to have war on Iran doesn't go through yet. What's next? We see the international financial speculators again.

You may have noticed that started from later January, the financial crisis of Greece became a hot topic in media. In article "The Bond Vigilantes who left Greece in Ruins" (Business Week 2/22/2010), the writer says, "On Feb.10, striking labor unions shut down schools.....

As of Feb. 10, European officials seemed to be angling for a compromise plan to aid Greece but on such harsh terms that no one else would want such a deal. .....

In the month through Feb.10, the yield on the Greek government's three-month bills soared from less than 1% to 4%....."

The timing reminded me of the Feb. 13 Chinese New Year's dinner plot. The Greek's financial problem was created for that plot. If the 2/13 plot went through, then there would be "terror attacks" which would have justify the war on Iran. At the same time Iran would have suffered a blow in its finance too - a devalued Euro. All these didn't go true because the 2/13 plot went soured.

Who created that crisis? In a meeting with President Obama on Mar.9, Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou called for a clampdown on financial speculators he blamed for worsening his country's situation. Who are those international speculators? Goldman Sach was picked up particularly: "Goldman stars in this Greek tragedy - The firm's currency and bond deals for Greece have drawn fire" (Business Week 3/1/2010)

Russia had disputed over its neighbor countries(Belarus, Ukraine, Georgia) with attempt to shut down the oil and gas supply to Europe. Now it's the PIG'S four countries. (Greece, Ireland, Portuguese and Spain). They will appear in turn to pull down the Euro once there comes a renewed Iran war plot.
633. Volcano eruption (4/23/2010)

In February, Counterterrorism expert Juval Aviv talked in a FOX broadcast:

"I predict, based primarily on information that is floating in Europe and the Middle East, that an event is imminent and around the corner here in the United States. It could happen as soon as tomorrow, or it could happen in the next few months. Ninety days at the most."


Now more than two months has passed. There were many attempts to frame a drug case in these two months, and the plot to activate false flag terror attack as well. According to the character of the Feds that they used to make money on such big "terror attack", what did they do to take advantage on this "90 days plot"?

A volcano in Iceland which had been dormant for 200 years erupted on 4/14. The ash cloud from the volcano halted most air traffic in Europe for almost a week.

"Volcano costs airlines $2 billion

By Arthur Max

Associated Press 4/22/2010

.... An aviation group called the financial fallout worse than the three-day worldwide shutdown after the 2001 terrorist attacks in United States."

Do you still remember the unusual trading in stock market during 911 attack? Someone bought huge numbers of PUTS on airline stock and future option trades in the weeks before the attacks of September 11. They made big money on these speculations.

Same case repeated in September 2007 when a B-52 carried nuclear missiles flied over US Continent on 8/31/2007. I alleged that was an attempt of "nuclear terror attack". There were also unusual "Bin Laden" trading in US and Europe stock market with that event.

So would the same speculators miss this "90 days utmost" chance? As we have seen, they had a busy "60 days" in February and March, plot came one after another. When it failed to go through, what for their huge investment in future contract market? To avoid a huge loss in their speculation, a volcano eruption created to replace the "terror attack".

The 4/14 volcano eruption in Iceland is not a coincidence. It is in the last "30 days" of the "90 days utmost" - the harvest days for the Feds. The longer the air traffic halted, the larger loss the airlines suffered, the more profit the Feds will make.