Golden Joystick Awards nomination

Pi Mu Rho

ValveTime Admin | Enemy of fun
Staff member
Aug 5, 2003
Reaction score
At the BBC Radio 1 website, voting is being accepted for nominations for the Colin & Edith Most Wanted Game 2004 category.

Obviously, Half-Life 2 is on the list. What are you waiting for?

Go and vote!
I allready voted HL2 as the most wanted game of 2003 a year ago :p

What I really wanna do is vote for the best game 2004 if u get me :)
Done, is there a way to see the results of that poll so far ?
Not until the awards, no.
Voted hl2. Its between hl2 and halo 2.
Moyles owns Colin and Edith -_-

But yeh, HL2 :D
Raziel-Jcd said:
Voted hl2. Its between hl2 and halo 2.

mmm I don't know. GT4 might surprise us. There are a lot of PS2 owners out there, and I bet a fair few of them are waiting for GT4 (me included). Petrol heads too.

I still voted for The continuing adventures of Gordon Freeman and his amazing technicolored crowbar tho.
If smackdown/raw gets anywhere near the top/ above Half-Life 2 i will kill myself probably, or better, all the people who voted for it :imu: