Goldeneye: Source Alpha Release

If they add a crosshair i hope there is an option to turn it off, apart from when zooming.
People who think it's about greed should go look up copyright law. If there was a mod on something I had IP to, I'd shut them down without hesitation.

Is it copyright breach to include real-life weapons? I'm not sure on that point, but I wouldn't think so. They might have a case for negative advertising or something, but I doubt copyright.
You need a licence to use a real world companys real world object in a game, for example, using a car in a game. The same is true of weaponry. Use a real weapon, and you have to buy permission from the creator.

As to the greed issue, I would point out that just because they own it does not mean its not greedy. Say I have two chocolate bars, and my friend is hungry. They are both mine, I have the right to eat them. Would it be greedy to eat both of them myself?
Now imagine you have a very large amount of chocolate bars, and your friend takes one without asking. The law (copyright) says that if you don't take it back, you're giving everyone permission to take what they want. Soon, you have no chocolate. Which would suck.
Its copywrite breach if the name of the company making the weapon is blatantly on the side of it and in use in the game, HK, AK etc, otherwise its just an arbitrary weapon that could be put together by anybody with the know how, etc, you can have models of cars to your delight, I dont think the actual shape of the car is copywrited on its own, its the name that goes with it and associating the two together. ie..

If you modelled a VW beetle, and actually put VW and their logo on it, you may get in trouble for it, If its just the shape of the car and its not a central focus point (insurgencey mod has a bashed up BMW 5 series, easily recognisable but no associated logo), I honestly dont think you can get in trouble for that and your more likely to get away with it. The title goldeneye is what may cause them trouble, everything else under that is subject to change, the character's names and associated appearances etc, everything under the bond franchise basically, movie and game rights.

To be honest the movie and game have long departed, so i cant see a problem, their using an old image, if they made something more recently based it would probably be more at risk for scrutiny, however it would be a totally different story if you had to pay for it, and look at the pro's.. its free advertising, it doesnt damage the frachises image because its evolved past that, it reminds people how much fun the origional goldeneye 64 was, weigh those up with the negatives and I think they wont have much of a problem, or i could be wrong.
just draw a dot in the middle of your monitor and voila, you have your aim dot :p
ZoFreX said:
Now imagine you have a very large amount of chocolate bars, and your friend takes one without asking. The law (copyright) says that if you don't take it back, you're giving everyone permission to take what they want. Soon, you have no chocolate. Which would suck.

Apparently I was unclear - I am not debating the fact that they have copyright over goldeneye, they do, my point is that it CAN be considered greedy. Using your own example, refusing to allow your friend to take one would be, by many, considered greedy. And letting someone take one without taking it back in no way gives anyone else permission to do the same.
With copyright/intellectual property, you have to be seen to be protecting it, or you may lose the ability to do so later on.
Please tell me thats an American rule....
It means exactly what I was trying to explain in my chocolate example, and it isn't an American only rule. If you let your friend take that chocolate bar, you then lose the power to stop anyone who wants to taking chocolate bars - so it isn't greed if you understand what's really happening.

Oh and just because the game is old.. it'd have to be 50 (I think) years old for copyright to go. Of course there is declaring it abandonware because no one cares, but seeing as the franchise still exists (James Bond movies and games are still being made) I'd say the copyright is pretty damn current.

Pi, isn't there a rule on this site against posting mod news for mods with dubious use of IP?
It becomes more difficult to stop people from taking chocolate bars if you don't stop the first 10 people from stealing them, but according to law, the 11th person to steal a chocolate bar would still be breaking the law.

Back to the subject of copyrights, there's something called "derivative works" A derivative work is any work based off of another work. So, lets say you took a Ferrari, and then modified it - Ferrari could easily sue you and gain rights to your work simply by pointing to the derivative work section of the US Copyright document (which I have read). Also, this isn't just a US thing, copyright laws are fairly universal because of international treaties.

My suggestion? Quit complaining and start being creative. Yea, creativity is hard to come by, but seriously – how much more fun would something new be?