Goldeneye Source Update & Release Date Announced

Hectic Glenn

Site Director
Staff member
Aug 8, 2004
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We've not really heard anything from the guys over at Goldeneye Source for some time now, but today they've produced some goods, in the way of media & a scheduled release date. They released their first version last Xmas, and this time?
We will have an IRC Release Party on the 24th of December and release the mod at 12:00 am Christmas morning.
Pics!? Ok![br]

[br]Keep updated with this mod and any other media releases soon on their website.
Can't wait but Christmas morning? Err... why then? Do they not do anything on Christmas!? :|
It doesn't seem too clear, will this be a full release, out of beta?

I assume so?
Release it now! Else I'll call the hounds!
Christmas morning, lol. I bet everyone will be playing it that day. >:-]
But nice to know it will be finally out.
I'm figured Valve were going to contact GE:S and tell them to get rid of the "source" part of the name, like they did to Black Mesa..

Mod looks cool, Can't wait to play it.
Looks very faithful and as a result, completely unexciting for anyone without those good old Rose-tinted spectacles. I wonder whether people will wake up to how the game has aged by playing this mod...
I'm figured Valve were going to contact GE:S and tell them to get rid of the "source" part of the name, like they did to Black Mesa..

Mod looks cool, Can't wait to play it.

Well, the only reason they did it for BM was because the name Black Messa directly relates to the HL series. So having "source" in the name would make people think it was official.
looking great, i cant wait to throw some knifes.... finally !

Indeed, dunno if i can be bothered to sleep on Christmas Eve now :P
Looks like I wont be getting it release day then!
We will have an IRC Release Party on the 24th of December and release the mod at 12:00 am Christmas morning.

Who the hell is going to be sitting on IRC xmas eve, i'll be shite faced in a poll of my own vommet by then :<
Who the hell is going to be sitting on IRC xmas eve, i'll be shite faced in a poll of my own vommet by then :<
Haha very good point. Rest assured, the mod will probably still be waiting for us a few days on, if you can remember this site exists.
erm, define the difference between beta and full release when it comes to mods Oo
OK, Hidden Source is a mod for HL2 and is in beta stage.

Counter Strike was a mod for HL1 and is a full game.

Or am I wrong? D:
Your wrong.
CS is a mod that you pay for.
Might be impressive, but does it have that elusive enigmatic quality that will get tens of thousands of people addicted so there's 3000 playing at any given time of the day. Hundreds of servers to choose from and a thriving community?

No half-life 2 mod has done it yet and i doubt one ever will.
The beta or alpha or whatever version pretty much sucked, so I don't have high hopes for this.
No half-life 2 mod has done it yet and i doubt one ever will.
I agree. HL2 has been out for 2 years and there aren't really any mods to 'write home about', with the possible exception of Garry's Mod. Everyone used to talk about how awesome the mod scene for HL2 was going to be, but that didn't really happen.
Might be impressive, but does it have that elusive enigmatic quality that will get tens of thousands of people addicted so there's 3000 playing at any given time of the day. Hundreds of servers to choose from and a thriving community?

No half-life 2 mod has done it yet and i doubt one ever will.
Who cares.

As most people are too ADHD to wait for a server to fill, let alone enter an empty one, you're probably right. Thankfully, most modders keep modding despite this fact.
What would be the point of somebody uninterested in mods visiting a website in which 95% of the news directly regards mods, is my question.

I've also never understood how it is people can harbor any kind of negativity for the modding community at all. Is there some sort of grudge there? Some variety of nebulous discontent? Dissatisfaction I can understand, but that's hardly any reason to cast sweeping generalizations about the potential of the modding community. Maybe these people who complain about mods all the time are just uppity about Source or Steam or something. The success of Counterstrike is pretty indicative to me the significance of mods, but what do I know; I lack any sporty cynicism for the medium.

Pardon my rant. It just bugs me when people turn up their noses at things that take massive amounts of effort and cost them personally nothing at all.

Anyway. The beta they released for this awhile back was a blast! I've been looking forward to a full release of this for awhile now, so i'm happy that it's only a month away. I hope they consider doing a singleplayer mode of some sort too :D
Beta = unfinished product, released to a (usually limited) group for testing.
Release = product considered complete enough for a public release.

I don't see why it being a mod would make you confused about this.
The beta or alpha or whatever version pretty much sucked, so I don't have high hopes for this.

I agree. HL2 has been out for 2 years and there aren't really any mods to 'write home about', with the possible exception of Garry's Mod. Everyone used to talk about how awesome the mod scene for HL2 was going to be, but that didn't really happen.
Natural selection was a good 3-4 years down the line from the release of HL1 was it not?

With regard to mods that aren't worth 'writing home about':
and to a lesser extent (becasue people consider it dead now, even though its pretty fun when you know what is going on...

I would love to know which of these you played for more than 20minutes.

As an answer to the post - what were you expecting? another counter-strike. Here is news, that has already been done. Just because a mod doesnt have an AK, desert eagle and immediate 100% server filling qualities (mostly down to the spoilt-for-choice attention deficite brats like yourself) doesnt mean it isn't a decent piece of gaming content.

Incidently, lets consider what Garry's mod actually is.
Largely, it is less a game and more a sandbox. Sure its a mod and its damn popular, but its a tool not a game. An interface to allow yet more custom content. So really its a bit cheeky - I went to a restaurant today with grills in the middle of the tables so you could grill your own burger. Garry's mod is like that - a bit cheeky, but a clever idea. It has very little custom content aswell. In the spirit of dialogue like 'total conversion', I would say GM is more of a plugin than a mod. Obviously, not saying its crap / bad / poo / wank - i just bring it up because personally, i resent that GM is placed above the dystopias and plan of attacks in terms of game value.
GM stopped being a "plugin" sandbox when it introduced an array of nifty little gameplay modes. GM also has more people playing than all other half-life 2 mods combined. Why did i mention that, i don't know...maybe because that's the entire point of the community wanting to play mods, because they're fun. I think your resentment towards gm is unwarranted.

It's the same old problem of spending 2-3 years churning out sexy maps, sexy models and sexy sounds but the gameplay is pants and nobody likes the mod. A mod so ugly (gameplay-wise) only the mod maker could love it.

Anyway, Goldeneye, good luck with that!
I challenge you to spend more than 2 hours playing one of the nifty game modes. Much more impressive is the LUA engine used to create them, rather than what is actually there
Back to the question the guy asked is this another beta release or not? I assume that since they already had a public beta some time ago that this is final. Anyway it'll be interesting to see how it goes, the 3rd shot there has missing textures so obviously theres a bit of work to be done. Hopefully they finish it off in december for the 24th and dont feel inclined to rush it out the door.

I do agree on the mod scene for HL2 in that its been dry. Nothing yet has captured my fancy and the one or two that have havent seen the day of light yet. Am I upset? no not really. I mean the games would be free and will be so its really a bonus ontop of HL2. If CSS is the only "mod" (or full game if you will) then so be it, I'm personally more than happy with that alone.

Im sure the 4 mods listed above are all great in their own right. Unfortunatly none of them looked really "for me". Still thats only four mods but then again it usually takes a few years for the good mods to arrive. Also most engines will never get the hit games that the HL1 engine did, that was a very lucky period in many ways and I dont think we can necessarily expect another string of hits such as CS, DOD and NS like we managed to get with HL1.

But yeah, I hope the Goldeneye mod turns out well. I doubt I'll play it myself as I'd much rather get my N64 out and play split screen with my mates in person or do the single player campaign. In all honesty the Goldeneye multiplayer wasnt that great TECHNICALLY, it was totally unbalanced with some rather poorly designed maps. Facility, the crowd favourite, is probably one of the most camp happy maps I have ever come accross with there only being one walkway through the entire maps and the doors were a total deathtrap. What made it great was sitting there on the one couch with your mates screen cheating and having a casual bout. It was a total blast but mainly because you had everyone there playing in the same room. I dont think it'll work as well as an online game, but I could be mistaken.

I'm sure they'll do great but.
Back to the question the guy asked is this another beta release or not? I assume that since they already had a public beta some time ago that this is final. Anyway it'll be interesting to see how it goes, the 3rd shot there has missing textures so obviously theres a bit of work to be done. Hopefully they finish it off in december for the 24th and dont feel inclined to rush it out the door.

I do agree on the mod scene for HL2 in that its been dry. Nothing yet has captured my fancy and the one or two that have havent seen the day of light yet. Am I upset? no not really. I mean the games would be free and will be so its really a bonus ontop of HL2. If CSS is the only "mod" (or full game if you will) then so be it, I'm personally more than happy with that alone.

Im sure the 4 mods listed above are all great in their own right. Unfortunatly none of them looked really "for me". Still thats only four mods but then again it usually takes a few years for the good mods to arrive. Also most engines will never get the hit games that the HL1 engine did, that was a very lucky period in many ways and I dont think we can necessarily expect another string of hits such as CS, DOD and NS like we managed to get with HL1.

But yeah, I hope the Goldeneye mod turns out well. I doubt I'll play it myself as I'd much rather get my N64 out and play split screen with my mates in person or do the single player campaign. In all honesty the Goldeneye multiplayer wasnt that great TECHNICALLY, it was totally unbalanced with some rather poorly designed maps. Facility, the crowd favourite, is probably one of the most camp happy maps I have ever come accross with there only being one walkway through the entire maps and the doors were a total deathtrap. What made it great was sitting there on the one couch with your mates screen cheating and having a casual bout. It was a total blast but mainly because you had everyone there playing in the same room. I dont think it'll work as well as an online game, but I could be mistaken.

I'm sure they'll do great but.
Try this one out when it gets released:

I think the team is made up of ex Red Orchestra team members.