Gonarch Vs. Antlion Guard


Nov 27, 2004
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was thinking about this the other day. Remember that quadraped gonarch thing from Hl1, well i was thinking about that vs an antlion guard. Who would win? personally i think the gonarch would. What do u guys think
I dunno...the antlion guard might just ram Gonarch in its tremendous testicles, rendering it helpless.
Gonarch has no armor on its belly. The Antlion Guard would just charge forward and knock Gonarch back before it could react, also it would just run over those tiny little headcrabs.

Also, the Antlion Guard could call for more Antlions to gang up on that fat headcrab.
i didn't get to xen in half life 1 so i dunno what the gonarch is. but the ant lion guard was weak. extremely easy to take down so i say gonarch wins
I don't know actually... The Gonarch is strong, and if the antlion misses it's dead... But if it hits, I believe the Antlion guard wins.
the gonarch's legs are awefully imposing, but the antlion guard has a helluva snout. they both whack gordon with thrusts. I'd go with the gonarch because it takes way more to kill one of those than an antlion guard. Also, it has the toxic goo it could launch. They seem to be of equal speed also, so it could hammer away at the antlion guard with its money shot attack while keeping out of the antlion guard's striking range.
gonarch wins, cause it spews small headcrabs all over and they get inside the guard and eat it's testicles and give em back to the Gonarch to get a BIGGER testicle!
cyberpitz said:
gonarch wins, cause it spews small headcrabs all over and they get inside the guard and eat it's testicles and give em back to the Gonarch to get a BIGGER testicle!

I. Am. So. Scared. Of. That. Idea.

Rofl, I can just see it too. The Antlion would just stand there as the baby headcrabs run off with its testicals, no even realising what had happened except for 2 seconds later where the antlion just looks down, and falls to the ground dead.

Or as I like to call him, "Gonad".

Anyway, Gonarch eats antlion guards for breakfast.
Gonarch has a major damage recoil animation. If the antlion guard hits him faster than he recovers, stunlock for teh win.
Id put my bet on the Antlion, only because i think the Gonarch looks like a mutant cow alien thingy.
The antlion jus has to get underneith the gonarch, then the gonarch is useless. ALSO the gonarch cant flip itself up if its knocked on its back. The antlion can just flip it over and start wailing on it.
Gonarch was just funny cause it was like an actual boss
Try this, on the buggy level spawn an antlion guard (npc_create npc_antlionguard)
Quickly get in your buggy (cant spawn stuff wen you are driving) and let the antlion guard charge at you and smack your buggy...litterally you will fly a long way :D i flew all the way over the petrol tanker. Its also funny getting him to chase you around and take out combines for you. So yeah i'd say he'd kick the big momma's arse, they'd make amazing pets as well. :)
We need to actually try this... since Half-Life: Source is on the same engine as HL2, how hard could it be to make a small mod of HL2 that allows you to spawn HL1 enemies? I'd love to give that a try..
Gonarch damn it would win.

and for future refrence, it's name is Giant testicle. (with legs!)

Thats what it is, it spits out it's "baby" headcrabs to.
Someone make a map, spawn them both, and settle this. Don King could promote.
Gonarch wins by just walking on the rocks :D

Plus, the sound it makes running is worth a 100 combine thumpers.
cyberpitz said:
gonarch wins, cause it spews small headcrabs all over and they get inside the guard and eat it's testicles and give em back to the Gonarch to get a BIGGER testicle!

I'm pretty sure I heard the antlion guard is female but seeing as it's an alien (probably from Xen but doesn't say) it could have testicles LOL.
How about the Garg vs Antlion guard.

My bet's on the Garg
Smarter? I think both of them had same tactic, beat crap out of gordo until he dies.
Eunoch said:
Gonarch for me, its more powerfull and smarter
How do you figure she's smarter? She's just an overgrown headcrab! Given the way the ant lions behave (ants), the ant lion guard probably has an entire hive mind at his disposal!
Gonarch wins - the Gonarch moves constantly almost, while the antlion guard will just miss the Gonarch when it charges, so eventually the Gonarch will win with help of that acid spray and baby crabs.
It looks like the Gonarch can impale..Muauahhahaha...but its proberly too dumb to do it so, Antlion wins by ramming into that freakin giant ball hanging, and cause it to explode in a slimey way...
He_Who_Is_Steve said:
I dunno...the antlion guard might just ram Gonarch in its tremendous testicles, rendering it helpless.
bahahhahahaha :laugh:
Garg would eat the antlion guard like a pair of crablegs, then fry gonarch's massive-massacularative nuts with his fire blast.

sunny side up mo-fukka!
The Guard would just hit the Gonarch in the nads. You know that thing has to be as sensitive as balls. Plus, the guard is faster then you've seen in the game. We've only faught it in relatively close quarters. View the model and look at it's running animation. Bastard looks fast.