Gonna animate the butterfly knife


Space Core
Nov 11, 2007
Reaction score
and only YOU can help (please! D: )!

So since no one has done it, I've taken up the challenge of animating the butterfly knife myself. But I need a little help. I downloaded 3ds max 2010 trial, and the two plug-ins that should allow me to change the spy's animation (SMD files), but I can find where the SMD files are, or if they are there, how to change it to a type that can be used by 3ds max. I searched around the web a bit and couldn't really find much...

oh, and how would I go about uninstalling my custom balisong model (It also has a new backstab animation). I want to put it back to the original to keep an eye on the clipping.

much thanks!
Also, does the max trial allow you to export things, or even install plugins?
Also, do you even know how to animate?
Also, you won't be able to get into servers if the file is different will you?
yay, people finally posted on this! And "meh" at most of the posts...

Did you decompile the model to get the .smd files?
I've heard the word "Decompile to .SMD" a lot. what does that mean? Aren't there many files for each weapon?

oh, and how...?:eek:
I have a butterfly if that helps...

Don't know why you whould want my help with this.
You need to modify the file header with a hex editor. The fifth byte needs to be changed from 0 to ,
the "V_Knife_spy.mdl" file. I changed it and it still says .mdl
:l the valve developer's wiki said that changing the code in the hex editor WAS a way to decompile it... Now I'm REALLY confused
No, changing the fifth byte just makes it decompilable with mdldecompiler.
ahhhhhh. *goes to try eventually*

edit: I have connonfodder's version of mdldecompiler, but It woun't even let me browse for files. It just says: "Extra App ID set to 211, bbut but no steamAppId.
lol this is going to be the best animation on Earth.
Did it. It didn't do anything. I bet I'm not doing something real obvious, because It can't possibly be THIS difficult.
I'm not sure what the problem is. I'd try resetting the SDK and all that sort of thing.
Also, I'd try not running it in that folder, and just copy across the required .dll files to wherever you have the .exe
(just copying this from my FPSbanana forum account)

Allright, after several days of slacking off, I found this: http://www.fpsbanana.com/tuts/6905

I got quite a bit closer to decompiling the model. I did EXACTLY what he did in the turorial, even the folders on the desktop part. I got the three v_knife_spy files from GFCScape (v_knife_spy.mdl, v_knife_spy.sw.vtx, and v_knife_spy.vvd), put them into the folder, went to MDLDecompiler, started it, picked the MDL file, set the extract point to "TF2 Decompiled" and checked the same boxes he had checked in his picture.

After clicking "EXTRACT" I got one window that said:
"Loaded model C:\Users\lizard\Desktop\TF2\TF2 Extracted\v_knife_spy.mdl"

after clicking OK i got this window:
"unable to load C:\Users\lizard\Desktop\TF2\TF2 Extracted\v_knife_spy.dx80.vtx No Reference Decompile"

Then I clicked OK and MDLDecompiler crashed and shut down.

I feel like I'm beginning to get closer, and I really want to do this. please help!
Extract v_knife_spy.dx80.vtx and v_knife_spy.dx90.vtx as well.

NOW THAT I HAVE IT WHERE I CAN FINALLY ANIMATE - god ****ing damnit, school in thirty minutes -.

ok. I've animated, but I have to go to school.

I can't figure out just one thing to put my animation into tf2. When I use GUIStudioMDL and compile the .qc file, I get

WARNING: @draw : bounding box out of range : -1516 -20 9999 : 82027 1512 82027
WARNING: @idle : bounding box out of range : -1512 -20 9999 : 82018 1 82018
WARNING: @stab_a : bounding box out of range : -1517 -22 9999 : 82028 3 82028
WARNING: @stab_b : bounding box out of range : -1518 -33 9999 : 82029 21 82029
WARNING: @stab_c : bounding box out of range : -1524 -22 9999 : 82023 26 82023
WARNING: @backstab : bounding box out of range : -1530 -22 9999 : 82023 5 82023
WARNING: @backstab_up : bounding box out of range : -1519 -21 9999 : 82023 1512 82023
WARNING: @backstab_down : bounding box out of range : -1520 -20 9999 : 82024 0 82024
WARNING: @backstab_idle : bounding box out of range : -1519 -17 9999 : 82180 8 82180
WARNING: @stun : bounding box out of range : -1518 -20 9999 : 82023 3 82023

which is ALL the knife files. In the tuturial video I found, his warnings were only three out of five or so. So to fix it, he just changed the numbers in notepad++ of the bad files to the ones in the good files. But ALL of mine were bad, so I have nothing to help me know what to change the numbers too. D:
Is it possible to check the values in HLMV or someting like that?

All's I need to do is get the model back where it's in view while playing, but since all of them got messed up - which doesn't make much sense, All I did was animate the Draw animation (Why would the others change?).

Also, when I view my animation in 3ds now, the first frame is gone now, and the rest is there...

THis is the .QC file: Is anything wrong with it?
$cd "C:\Users\lizard\Desktop\TF2\TF2 Decompiled"
$modelname "weapons\v_models\v_knife_spy.mdl"
$model "v_knife_spy" "v_knife_spy.dmx.smd"
$cdmaterials "\models\weapons\v_knife\"
$cdmaterials "\models\player\spy\"
$texturegroup skinfamilies
$hboxset "default"
$hbox 0 "bip_upperArm_R" -2.150  0.000  -3.420  2.880  14.560  1.990
$hbox 0 "bip_lowerArm_R" -2.200  0.000  -2.620  2.620  13.180  3.260
$hbox 0 "weapon_bone" -1.500  -0.500  -2.000  12.500  0.500  1.000
// Model uses material "models/player/spy/spy_hands_red.vmt"
// Model uses material "models/weapons/v_knife/v_knife.vmt"
// Model uses material "spy_hands_blue.vmt"
$attachment "weapon_bone" "weapon_bone" 0.00 0.00 0.00 rotate -0.00 0.00 -0.00
$surfaceprop "default"
$illumposition 19.078 -6.452 -12.038
$sequence draw "draw" ACT_VM_DRAW 1 fps 30.00 node raised {
  { event 5004 1 "Weapon_Knife.Draw" }
  { event 5004 10 "Weapon_Knife.Open1" }
  { event 5004 16 "Weapon_Knife.Open5" }
  { event 5004 22 "Weapon_Knife.Open8" }

$sequence idle "idle" loop ACT_VM_IDLE 1 fps 30.00 node raised
$sequence stab_a "stab_a" ACT_VM_HITCENTER 2 fps 30.00
$sequence stab_b "stab_b" ACT_VM_HITCENTER 1 fps 30.00
$sequence stab_c "stab_c" ACT_VM_HITCENTER 1 fps 30.00
$sequence backstab "backstab" ACT_VM_SWINGHARD 1 fps 30.00 node raised
$sequence backstab_up "backstab_up" ACT_BACKSTAB_VM_UP 1 fps 30.00
$sequence backstab_down "backstab_down" ACT_BACKSTAB_VM_DOWN 1 fps 30.00
$sequence backstab_idle "backstab_idle" loop ACT_BACKSTAB_VM_IDLE 1 fps 30.00 node raised
$sequence stun "stun" ACT_MELEE_VM_STUN 1 fps 30.00 node raised
the only real problem I'm having is knowing the default X Y and Z coordinates for the spy_knife. Maybe is someone sent me a file or posted the numbers I could replace them.

Also, i tried simply extrracting another model (pistol_engineer I think) to find what the X Y Z stuff should be. It seems that using MDLDecomopiler screws up the XYZ stuff without even changing anything, so I have no real way of find what it should be.
well it's not just 0,0,0 It's like 0.532141 2.41252 3.124351 0.000532 0.104313 1.00432..

I wish valve had made it simpler though,