Good Cooling setup?


Sep 2, 2003
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I was wondering what would be the best cooling setup for my computer, CUrrently my computer gets too hot inside especially my video card gets to hot and slows down, I also want to overclock my amd 2500+, I currently have 3 case fans, I was wondering what would be the best value in price and cooling for my computer? What should i go with? More fans? THough I dont have really anymore room for them, Should i go with a better heatsink and fan for my cpu ? Like a heat pipe or something or should i go with additional cooling fans for my video card or should go with memory heat spredders? Please give some incite on cooling for my computer : amd athlon xp 2500+ 2 sticks of 256 pc3200 ram, 3 case fans and a ati radeon 9600 pro.
I would clear case clutter being IDE cables, wires from Molex power connectors and other things.
Clean you case, dust is bad bad.

As far as a different cooling setup, its best to keep the air pressure at neutral in your case. The added pressure from your intake fans should be canceled out by the pressure your exhaust fans take away.

Would you consider modding your case? Add a side fan (Intake) aiding your gfx card or CPU? Or a blowhole fan (exhaust) as air does rise. :)

A new HSF (heatsink/fan) for your CPU wouldn't help anything but your CPU. But if you wish to OC then I would not stick with the standard retail fan or a lower performing setup.

Some cases have harddrive racks right behind the Front intake fans. It may help lower your HDD temps but it also increases your case temp. which may result in increased temps for CPU/GPU.

Dual fan PSU offer a fan right above the CPU to suck that hot air out although this may be more harm than help as it may disturb the airflow around your HSF and increase your CPU temp while reducing case temp.

I would not bother with heatspreaders for memory or heatpipes.

What is your room temp? Is the exhaust being blocked? e.g. Is the back close to the wall with no room for the hot air to move? Is your case on the ground or on a desktop?
you can be fine with all those IDE cables, just use tie-straps and other such stuff, then just fill all ur slots that u have open with case fans, it helps so much :D
i get like 20C motherboard temp from all those fans. dont notice noise when i have headphones, or sound up.
Airflow is good throughout i mean the backs are open and stuff, but what is a good HSF to put on my processor for overlcocking?
get a Xaser III case, it'll keep your comp a nice 30 degrees Cel. :)

w00 7 fans baby!

P.S. or try out that new Aquarius 2 water cooling's only like a $100 dunno if it's half ass or what but most good water cooling systems cost 200 and up :\
this is in a bog standard case... my specs are in my sig on an
ABIT NF7-S MOBO currently got the side off for letting the thermal grease "settle" im using a zalman flower :) CUAl6000 i think about that... and im running at about 40 idle and 45 under load...

BEARING IN MIND THAT THE THERMAL GREASE HASNT HAD TIME TO "SETTLE" give it a week then my idle temp should be about 35degrees C and 40degrees C under load...

p.s. my system is overclocked... and you have better extraction on ur case than me...

btw your mem and mobo are good (i assume you have the barton core) you should be able to put the fsb to 200 and you will be fine :)

saying that if you do that make sure you know where ur cmos reset jumper is on your motherboard just incase you dont get POST at startup... if that happens id say its your memory :)

Nice to hear someone else saying good things about the xaser III case, since I now have one of these and I`m gonna have my new computer built into it by saturday. I had a look inside it and it looks so cool, 7 fans and plenty of ventilation. Very big case though.
I just bought a Volcano 11 fan with rpm gauge it works really good ;)