Good films


Jun 5, 2004
Reaction score
Yeah, so I just started collecting movies a few weeks ago... I buy 2 every week as long as they are under $10. Or 1 for that week if it is over $10, but its gotta be damn good :)

Anywhere, here is a list of the flicks I own right now. I love most of them:

The Simpson's 1st Season
The Simpson's 2nd Season
The Simpson's 3rd Season


Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring
Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers
The Matrix
The Matrix: Reloaded
Terminator 2: Judgment Day

The Lost Boys
Robot Monster
Plan 9 from Outer Space

Life of Brian
The Man who Knew Too Little
Mystery Men
Office Space
Stay Tuned

The Big Lebowski
Fight Club
One Flew Over Cuckoo's Nest
The Princess Bride
Resevoir Dogs

And here is a list of movies that I will buy in the future:

Celebrity Deathmatch
Family Guy
The Simpsons

Boondock Saints
The Hunt for Red October
Indiana Jones
Iron Monkey
Last Action Hero
The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
The Matrix: Revolutions
The Rock
Star Wars Trilogy
Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines
True Lies


Dawn of the Dead
Day of the Dead
Dead Alive
Evil Dead
Evil Dead 2
Evil Dead: Army of Darkness
Inverview with the Vampire
Night of the Living Dead
The Shining
Starship Troopers
The Thing

Being There
Better Off Dead
Ferris Bueler's Day Off
Galaxy Quest
Ghostbusters 2
Kindergarden Cop
Raising Arizona
Lost in Translation
The Nightmare Before Christmas
The Search for the Holy Grail
Spinal Tap
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Trilogy
Young Frankenstein

Apocalypse Now
Catch Me if you Can
Close Encounters of the Third Kind
Donnie Darko
Dr. Strangelove
Eternal Sunshine for a Spotless Mind
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
Fisher King
Full Metal Jacket
Jackie Brown
Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrells
Matchstick Men
Meet Joe Black
Phone Booth
Pulp Fiction
Schindler's List
Stand by Me
Taxi Driver
The Terminal

So, does anyone have anything to add to that monsterous list? :P
Yeah, they are all DVD. Thanks :)

And Momento is a good one, too, thanks :D

I'm terribly sorry for not using the search button and seeing this. :o

Never heard of Blackball, I'll have to look it up. :)

Oh yeah, I also want to see Monster.
Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon
Kill bill 1/2 maybe some Jet Li movies perhaps Futurama if you like the simpsons.
KagePrototype said:
So underrated, so overlooked...

Oh, and Platoon.
I make it my mission to make people watch it.

I add 'Catch Me If You Can'
Catch me if you can eh...

It was good I suppose but I would recomend other Tom Hanks films over that really. I know he wasnt the only star, but children don't count :P
Hehe, already up there, brother ;) Big damn list, eh?

Futurama is great, too. And up there :)

Has anyone seen the new Tom Hanks movie The Terminal? I loved it. :)
I'm really wanting to see that. it looks very good. Its weird, I actually really like Tom Hanks even though I've never really thought about his acting that much. I dunno, hes sort of unnoticed with me. I love all of his films, but I never took notice of his skill.

Apocalypse Now is on your list :D I love that film.

Why do you have 2 action "sections"?
I'm bad at listing things, I always end up missing shitloads of stuff.
I cannot believe you don't have Fight Club in there. EDIT 2 : there is Fight Club there, WTF is up with "find in this page"
You've got alot of good movies. I'm kinda depressed right now because a ton of my DVDs were recently stolen.
Dude no movie collection is complete without the Ace ventura 1 & 2,
still its an nice collection you got there.
Farrowlesparrow said:
Oh yes...I didn't notice that bit.

Pff...Your list isnt nearly as good now :P
;( But its still good, especially for being only about 2 months old :)

DarkStar said:
You've got alot of good movies. I'm kinda depressed right now because a ton of my DVDs were recently stolen.
:( I'm sorry to hear that!

Slipner said:
Dude no movie collection is complete without the Ace ventura 1 & 2,
still its an nice collection you got there.
Heh, not a big fan of those movies.

SLH said:
Isn't that the movie starring the creators of South Park?
Erestheux said:
Isn't that the movie starring the creators of South Park?
Yep. I think they wrote (some of) it as well. Not sure though.
Some of baseketball i found hilarious, well, one bit strikes me.. the part where they are in the changing rooms... i say no more.

Anyway, i have a very small collection, i buy pc games over films these days, i do have :

Saving Private Ryan
LOTR: Fellowship (extended)
LOTR: Two Towers (extended)
A Beautiful Mind < great film imo
Donnie Darko
SwordFish - it was going cheap.

and, well, i think thats it.. i definatly need to get back into buying DVD's, there's so many greats i need.

I recommend all the tarantino movies, they are superb, esp the Kill Bill's, Pulp Fiction, Resevoir Dogs, Killing Zoe, and Natural Born Killers. :D
oldagerocker said:
Some of baseketball i found hilarious, well, one bit strikes me.. the part where they are in the changing rooms... i say no more.
Yeah, that bit cracked me up as well.
'Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind' and '21 grams' when they come out on DVD (later this month I believe), 2 of the best films in the last 12 months.
*Top walks into the thread with a silenced 9mm in hand*

*Top sees Boondock Saints is all ready on the list*

*Top walks out of the thread*
Kadayi Polokov said:
'Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind' and '21 grams' when they come out on DVD (later this month I believe), 2 of the best films in the last 12 months.

All my friends hated Eternal Sunshine, i absolutely loved it, it had such depth and really made you think, (especially about Ex's)... they want to see car chases etc in the films, i thought this was great though. well worth buying on dvd. :D
the cowboy bebop movie, and the eva series, and FLCL.

it seems that you dont like anime though, not owning any..... :(
oldagerocker said:
Saving Private Ryan...
A Beautiful Mind < great film imo...
SwordFish - it was going cheap...
...Natural Born Killers...
The first two are good, but SWORDFISH?! Heh. And I hear that Natural Born Killers is about as good as something that isn't good.

By the way, Eternal Sunshine for a Spotless Mind is definately one of my favorite flicks ever made. It is especially good because it is recent ;)

I'm not a big fan of Animé, although I do sort of like Hellsing, Cowboy Beebop and I think Excel Saga is hilarious.

The Siege is good, then, eh?

AH! I didn't forget Back to the Future! I swear! I just didn't list it because my father has it and I can borrow it whenever. Same thing with Blade Runner, but I'm going to end up buying that because he has the crappy Director's Cut (came free with the DVD player :))

And whats 21 grams, never heard of it.

EDIT: 777 post, I missed it :(